Monday, August 23, 2010

Black Tie Beach

This weekend hundreds of people came out to Coney Island dressed in gowns and tuxedos...

to play at the beach for our latest Improv Everywhere event!
Is there anything more fun than burying yourself in the sand,
having chicken fights,


throwing a football,

going for a swim,

building sand castles,

and playing kickball in your fanciest outfit...
all while confusing the locals?
No, I think not.


The Gallery Gal said...

This is awesome! Great Shots!

Unknown said...

this is the best thing I have ever seen. I love it!

lizzie said...

that last shot is probably one of my favorite photos, ever. adorable idea!!

Little Lost Treasures said...

this is beyond awesome!!

anna said...

Looks like soooooo much fun, please expand your territory to the Netherlands ;)

Bridget said...

that is awesome- especially the man in the colorful speedo.

Megan said...

what a beautiful event!!!
and fantastic photos!
have an ((extra))ordinary day,

Naoma Serna said...

I wish I was part of this!

Dina said...

Ok seriously, you guys rock<3

Anonymous said...

Very cool, like always!

katie mauer said...

Hahaha!! That last photo crrrracked me up!!

Anonymous said...

how fun!

Lubna said...

Thanks for making me laugh,at the end of a horrid day. Can't wait to see the video.

Anonymous said...

Bahaha I love the last one. So much weirdness. :D

nancy said...

So fun! I love the last one, too. :)

Unknown said...

I wish I had a speedo/bikini with all those colors! :-)

At my friend's Vieques wedding, many of us jumped into the pool wearing our wedding clothes. It's so freeing to completely destroy the "I'm wearing my nice clothes, must be careful" feeling! I loved every minute of it, and I was the first lady in.

Redeker said...

Great! Good to keep the locals awake!

Karen Wallace said...

Wonderful, wonderful!! Warmly, Karen

KT said...


Morgan said...

Totally awesome! Haha I luv the pic with the local dude in it taking a pic of them!
♥ Morgan

oh,henry! said...

wonderful, wonderful thing, this is so fresh and awesome! i wish this could happen around here too, not just far, far away, where you live... :)

melifaif said...

Ha! The second to last picture is priceless. SO HAUTE!!!!

Sue said...

It looks fun, but who pays that dry cleaning bill?

Paulina said...

I lovvvee it!! <3

Kelly Jean said...

Hahaha. Epic. Improv Everywhere is so clever. We need more of that in this world. :)

Brandi said...

Gasp! I wish I had known about this before it had happened. I would have shown up in a gorgeous pink frock. This is all kinds of awesome. When I finally get back to NYC, I'll need to look into doing some Improv Everywhere things, maybe finally use that BFA I have.

Katie said...

OMG I love that last one it's hilarious.

Kaytee said...

Just one word? Epic. :)

Laura Marie said...

Ohhh my gosh--LOVE this!! How fun!

Candybabe said...

Lots of fun!!!!

Kyla Makay said...

So Fan-Freakin-tabulous!!!!!


leigh hewett said...

You guys must feel like the coolest kids on the block...cause clearly, you are!

Ari said...

The last picture is by far the most epic thing I've seen all day.

Susan said...

Awesome. I've always wanted to do that. ha ha.

Samantha said...

That last picture made my day!

Michelle said...

I LOVE Improv Everywhere! I've always wanted to live in NYC just so I could participate!

Euforilla said...

That last picture is awesome!!!
Well, everything look like it has been an awesome day ;)

Jeanette said...

You are such a big inspiration to me on my trip. I travel in a old Volkswagen van from 1975 and take photos. Keep up the good work:)

Anonymous said...

that is soooo cute!!! Thanks for making my day!!

Unknown said...

oh woooooow!! soo cool! so so so so coo!!
I d love to be there.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Now this is unique! I love it.

Such fun photos!

Anonymous said...

the last pictures is hilarious!

{schlawittchen} said...

Love, love, love!!!

Raptor Plateado said...

wow so amazing weeding!! i like you post Katie.. see you my friend!!!

Raptor Plateado said...

I am folow you blog!!! please if you can folow my blog ... thanlks!!! :)

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Ha! Awesome.

Mandi said...

This is wonderful. I really love all that Improv Everywhere does. Makes me want to move to NYC!

This reminds me of the LOST promo by David LaChapelle.... but happier!

Dave White said...

Brilliant pictures, looks like everyone's having the best time:)

Taylor Sterling said...

I am new here, but I love it! These photos are amazing! So fun and full of life! What a great time!

bichonpawz said...

I've missed your blog! LOVE this photo opp! How freakin' fun is that...confusing the locals???? Ha!!

Unknown said...

I love this! I wish i could do that.

Marita Bliss said...

Amazing ♥

Fernanda! said...

AWESAME!! The pictures speak for itself! :)

gen said...


lianne said...

great pictures!

Jasmine said...

I would hate to take pictures and not to take part in all the fun.

Great job!

TJ said...

Too cute! Expensive though!!! Not sure I'd be able to afford to do that, but I LOVE IT! Especially the last photo... that's epic.

apfel said...

That guy in the funky speedo in the second last photo totally disregarded the dress code!

Monique said...

Awesome...I wish I knew that was happening. I would have totally checked it out. So fun.

colormekatie said...

@Cadence- Everyone bought their outfits for super cheap at thrift shops! It seemed like the average price was around $6

Bitter_Angel said...

I just stumbled accross your photos again on another site (though they dont give credit hehe)

mandi c said...

I'm pretty much sure you know this, but you have a really fun life!

Earny from Earncastle said...

crazy !!!
an nice pictures.

bdaycakes said...

Wish I knew about this before hand I would so be in :(

Anonymous said...

I was there! didn't know anything about it but eventually figured out it was an ImprovEverywhere event. It was so cool and I was indeed so confused. We asked a few people whether it was a wedding. One couple said they had just gotten married. One person said they just felt like dressing up. I wondered if this happens often since I hadn't been to Coney Island yet this summer. What a good opportunity for some surrealist-type photos.

Daphne said...

ohhh girl!!! you have an amazing blog!!!

kisses from Perú!

Emily Bliss Beal said...

Holy freak. This is amazing. WHY did I not know about this!!!??!?!!!
