Friday, January 9, 2009


I was accidently sent a monkey costume today. Can a mistake get any more fun?
The mailman handed me a bag with no name on it but assured me that it was mine. It was filled with new baby clothes, a little note, and an awesome monkey costume.
Hopefully someone will realize and come pick it up. But if not, I don't mind wearing the ears as a winter hat ;)


Anne said...

Haha, can't get any better than that! Suits you perfectly!

Anonymous said...

You would get a monkey costume by accident!

Lila said...

Really cute, I wish I had one too, but I'd prefer a jiraffe one ;)

Mr Bragonti said...

Thats so fresh........

Chris said...

hahaha. out of all the people in the world to randomly get a monkey costume...

Yahpee said...

That makes for the cutest accident ever!

KATLIN said...

What a nice surprise!!

Dante Williams said...

You call it a mistake? I call it fate.

Joanna Goddard said...

haha, so funny! this would only happen to you :)

Anonymous said...

What great fate a monkey hat how fun!!