All week I've been carrying around paper eyes with me. I put tape on the back of the eyes and stuck them onto random things I passed by.

It immediately gives inanimate objects a personality!

This handsome house has a mustache.

It's cute to look at an object and to see it looking back at me!
What a great idea! I can't decide which photo I like best, but I think it might be the one with the garbage can. The eyes are placed in such a cute way.
People are going to steal this idea...and by people, I mean me :-)
ive always wanted to leave cute noted in random places.
i should do it now.
and me also, great one :D
Ah! I love this. I always seem to find faces in inanimate objects, so this is just wonderful.
absolutely fabulous...
Hi, I'm new to your blog, and I love it! I love the stick on eye idea (eye-dea?)! I did that once with googly eyes on my college campus, pictures here:
yes, this idea is supercute, my fav is the garbage can as well! thanks for sharing this! :)
Its a fantastic idea, I just love it!!!! Congratulations :)
The meter is my favorite
Crazy cats (sorry Moo, I mean crazy in a good way, of course), handsome houses with mustaches, baby brothers hanging from plants.. you always make me smile, Katie! Thank you!
I want me some paper eyeballs!!
I love this idea. I wish I would have stumbled upon one. It would have made my day to see.
That is one sassy sycamore tree. I'm enriched by your whimsey. You see possibilities.
That is so creative! very cool.
These are so cute! What a fun idea!
lovely :D
Great idea. Of course I am now trying to think of something I can do. Something just as great but that will somehow look original, as though I wasn't stealing from you directly (which of course I am)
I think you´re really creative :)
you blog is amazing
my gosh you are so adorable. i feel like if anyone else did half the things you did, they would annoy me to death, but you pull it off, girl!
My favs are the tree and the parking meter. The eyes give everything so much life. And I feel like the parking meter would say "I won't tell the meter maid you're running just a little late!"
Great idea...
I absolutely adore these pictures... I'll have to take my daughter on a hunt to make silly faces out of ordinary objects!
If someone did this in NYC and I had come across the eyes on the subway, it would have brightened a very bad morning!! Too cute!
so cute! my little nieces and nephews would be gaga for this!
hi katie!! I just "met" you while adding everyone's links to my own blog ~ for Samantha's LOVE book that we collaborated on ~ I LOVE your blog ~ your photos ~ your sense of fun and Moo, of course :)
I can't believe he loves the shower knobs so ~
just want to say hello!!!
I love the one with the mustache. Seriously, this is the best.
HAHAHAHAHAHA This is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!
You are amazing.
I don't even remember how I landed in your blog, but one thing for sure, I'm glad I did. It's adorable, energizing and creative! Thanks for sharing all of this at no cost! :-)
You're spectacular!
fake eyes = big fun
these are great photos!! i love your blog, you have some really cool ideas :D
aawwwww, that's awesome. Wish I had thought of that.
love it.
I just stumbled upon your blog, and I'm glad I did. Your pictures are awesome!
That is sooo cute. I love the garbage can and the play set. :)
Best idea ever. Am doing it as well!
I love love love love your blog. n_n
You made my morning - this is completely adorable :o)
I love your blog. Super cute idea with the eyes.
haha, this is so cute!
This is absolutely adorable. The handsome house looks like he could carry on quite the conversation.
You are a funny girl. I think I'll have to follow you.
that is cool.. the eyes make everything more interesting.. more fun
too cute!
cute!! done a little post about this on my blog :)
oh this is fantastic!
you always come up with the funniest guerilla art!!!! :D
So cute it made me smile!
These are wonderful! Thank you for sharing this very whimsical project! It's a good thing you did these after the Bush/Cheney regime had left office -- they would have seen this as an axcellent way to dial up their surveillance appartchik!
I loved this idea so much, so I made my own paper eyes. I plan on putting them on objects and taking pictures.
I love this idea and your blog! Always puts a smile on my face!
Another fabulous post. I too am new to your blog but I've quickly fallen head over heels for your style. I can't wait to see what you get up to next!
it reminds me of this
Katie... I really love this idea! Love it! =)
hey! I found you through Shangri La, I am a guerilla knitter, and love your work.. I'd love to do apost about you on my site as we promore found/geurilla art.
haha! i love the big bug eyes on the meter. you're so funny...
nice blog u have here!
lots of creative idea, and this one is my favorite!
Fantastic. A simple but effective idea.
You are so inspiring!
haha!! This totally just made my day!! I want to do this now. FUN!
I just came across this post today, and I freaked out a little because I also have been sticking paper googly eyes on inanimate objects, and I even did it the same month as you! lol
I posted a free printable sheet of happy faces that you can download at my website:
So silly!
!!!! I LOVE IT and am soooo stealing your idea (:
thanks for always inspiring!
Katie, thanks for the ideas! Here is my version:
It would be awesome to hear what you think.
i'd love to do this at home in ct....i alsways see animals in the big rocks in the woods...i want to spraypaint them...but am afraid it would be graffiti-ish!
Hey I am a huge fan of googly eyes and made an IPhone app called Googly You. You can add googly eye's to any picture. Thought maybe you would like to check it out and have fun!
Hah! Love the googly eye pictures. You might like my blog of googlies:
Really happy to see all those photos.
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