For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, our friend Rob gave out over 2,000 high fives by standing next to a subway escalator during the morning rush.

Five additional people spread out along the adjacent stairs, holding signs to prepare commuters for high five fun!

It was wonderful to photograph all the big smiles so early in the morning!

haha how grand! i love the "rob" sign with the arrow, gold.
How fun!
We do something similar to this when we go to Disneyland (but without the signs of warning) and people are in the Fastpass Line, but we aren't. We cheer for them and clap, and hold out our hands to give them a high five and congratulate them for having Fast Passes. They all look surprised and then happy. It's a lot of fun when all the people around us in the slow line join in the cheering and high-fiving.
There's a fun convention I go to every year, and the hotel is connected to the convention center by a "skytube" sort of walkway that goes over the buildings and has glass all around the sides so you can see out. It's a rather narrow hallway for the amount of traffic it gets, so you usually have no choice but to be in close quarters with people.
It's made all the more fun to run down the hallway and give everyone in the opposite direction high-fives. I love the smiles that it gives people. It makes my day, and I hope that it made theirs, too!
Wow this is great ! I wish we could organise this kind of thing in France ^^
You've made me so HAPPY!
Wow, did he have a sore palm after 2.000 high fives? Or did he switch to the other one half-way through?
Sometimes you can get those painful high fives when you get it just right.
I would love to see this on a dreary morning. Why don't cool things like this happen in St. Louis? Katie, you should travel and do happy things.
haha, that is amazing! good job matti on the editing, high five?? har har har
this is the best thing in the whole world!
nice. So creative and happy in itself.
COOL! =)
This would make me SO happy if I saw it!
i ride a motorcycle and everytime i see someone with their hand out trying to hail a cab i get a severe temptation to lean across and hi-five them on my way past.
wow, this really made me smile. you guys should have done this also at the Herald Square station, b/c everyone at that stop is just mean/grumpy every AM!
wow, this really made me smile. would love to have seen you guys do this at the Herald Square station also, b/c people at that stop are mean/grumpy!
This is one of my favorite posts from you and that says alot! How much fun! I wish I was there to give Rob a high five! I don't think that would fly here in the UAE though.... ;)
the improv everywhere videos make me smile like a five year old hanging upside down from a swing.
why am i not in the city during these magical moments?!
i super love the frozen in grand central video. a bit creepy but that adds to the awesomeness of it.
it's amazing to see how such a small simple act could make so many happy...
if happiness is contagious imagine how much happiness was shared on that "typical" NYC morning...
bloody brilliant. How on earth do you come up with these things, honestly.
I think you already ARE a Professional Happy Person! You sure make all your blog readers happy!! Thanks so much for sharing! How FUN!
It is great to make a action in a point of purchase. I like it
um, BRILLIANT!!! I love this.
i adore your blog, it is so much fun. i thought i'd seen it all when it comes to blogs, but you definitely changed my mind!
Yay!! I love high-fives so much!!
wow... that's fun! im sure it made a lot of pple have a better morning judging from those smiles... ;)
I got the email from Improv Everywhere about this and after reading I was ALLLLL SMILES!!! :D I mean...this was brilliant...and fun...and amazing. You guys just rock so much. GREAT photos, Katie!!
I had a terrible day yesterday, and I stumbled upon this post by accident...and it totally cheered me up.
Hi hello!
I'm new to your blog. Your posts always brighten my day. Thank you so much.
How funny! And cute blog!!
A blogger I read linked to your post and dared us not to smile while reading it. She was right. I was smiling all the way through, and its Thursday, and its cold and raining and I am at my office desk... Thanks.
That just made me so happy inside.
I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog! This sure made me smile :D
Is this in NY?? Has to be...this kind of stuff happens out there. When I lived there I saw so many cool and amazingly creative things by people..this one is BRILLIANT.
Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
oh, that is SO friggin rad! you make me miss my old nyc SO much. good for you guys...
Awesome...good job Rob..~!!..
It made me soooooo Happy I wish I can High Five too..^^...
This makes me happy.
awww, man! that is awesome!
and that's my subway stop for work - but i was sick that day. booooo.
that ROCKS!!!!! high 5 from maine
That looks so fun! xD I wish I could participate in stuff like that...haha. ^_^ In California, I've never come across anything like this. :P
Fabulous. And the soundtrack too.
This made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
wait! you are part of improv everywhere?? okay. now you really are my hero. for real. i love improv everywhere.
This was awesome. I love the big guy holding the "Get ready" sign
that was cool! very cool indeed :O
cutest thing ever!!! i love this to bits (:
So, Improv Everywhere was featured on June's edition of Maxim magazine!
how great is that! i'm just here at home in Rome (i'm Swiss - but an expat) and reading through all your blog entries! I can't get enough. I want to become a photographer and would like to move to NYC.... well anyway... just posted the high five escalator to my facebook-account. it's great to bring a smile to everybody! go on! love ur blog and ur so cute!
greetings from Rome, Annina
is it weird that this got me choked up??
this is so great. thanks for spreading some happy!!
true entertainment. thank you!
wow. this really made me want to cry. it's beautiful.
I saw this done in Madrid!!
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