The warm light on the way home to my apartment,

Turning around and finding your cat in a weirder position than the last,

Cotton candy the size of small children,

The way the empire state building wears clouds like they're hats,

People who fall asleep behind trees and look like they're headless,

The way milk mixes with your delicious ice coffee,

Grandmothers with big fun glasses,

And leaving the bright city and remembering how pretty the stars are.
What are the little things that make you smile?
all of those photos are absolutely beautiful, but the first and last just totally made me smile. a lot.
Little things makes me smile ;)
Just like your blog. Love it!
What a sweet post. I love all those little things too. I also love the way a soda can splashes into the sunlight when you first open it on a hot day, and the sound of a tea kettle as you take it off the burner. It's like a giant sigh. :)
(Apparently I like beverages.)
These are really great!!!!
Today? Your blog, the way my daughter calls her armpits her puppets as in "I gotta wash my puppets!", comments on my blog, and a new pen.
books from the library with shiny covers; lipsmakers; sharpies; kissing my son's cheek; new catalogs; lilacs; cookie dough; and my new librarian glasses.
Definitely agree with Paola. Honestly, coming to your blog everyday keeps me smiling throughout the day. Thanks Katie!
The old lady who lives in my apartment building and drives a very (very!) dented little car, kids who patiently help me find the right (French) words when I'm at a loss (I moved to France two years ago), my friend who teaches little Korean children in Seoul to sing the Beatles, the way my cat looks at me when he's annoyed, peanut butter cups, the smell of rain on the pavement, Moo! ...I could go on and on!
Chocolate milk. It makes me feel like a kid again.
I so love your blog, It makes me smile and reminds me not to forget the simple & silly things in life! My daughter makes me smile, especially when I check on her and watch her sleeping in the middle of the night...... <3
-Smell of coffee
-the lone daffodil that just sprouted in my garden
-my cat Trixie...my other cat is too grumpy and manic-depressive to make me smile!
-warm knitted footsies
-office supplies
-your pictures...no joke...they make me happy..no small feat!
I smile when i see how a cut and fun young women become famous in France with her very very nice and sweet blog and this amazing pretty woman is katie. Not
very surprise to see you on my tv screen today in Paris.
Congratulation again. There is a buzz about you and blog here in France. And so sorry about my very bad english.
Your blog makes me smile because it reminds me of all the little things that SHOULD make me smile!
(Along with forehead/cheek kisses, talking on my hamburger phone while trying not to laugh, and coming up with ridiculous outfits.)
super shots. great post!
*clean sheets on a cold night
*laughing with my parents
*olive garden peach tea
*abba or elton john on the radio
*the rain
Feeling the sun slowly getting warmer and the daylight lasting longer is my favourite.
And the muslim lady at my gym in full body veil running on the treadmill and using the thigh-master.
There are a lot more, but those are definately my favourites!
Thanks for your wonderful snippets of happiness. That Moo is always getting into trouble! I love the look on his little face.
I hope to shoot pics like you do someday :D
Your blog makes me smile, thanks for a lovely post.
Little things make me smile, too.
. light on water
. the feeling of my blankets hugging me
. animal prints in the snow
. climbing trees
. dresses
. late-morning and late-afternoon light
. old folks who smile and dance
Love your cat.
brooklyn nights with the snow glistening in the street lights.
and your amazing photos. thanks for sharing! =)
You know what makes me happy? Walking on flattened cardboard boxes in my bare feet. It feels so nice. I also love making a tent with my balnkets over the heater vent and putting my feet in there. And I love the really yellow sunlight at dusk. And I love cemeteries. And I love when I look at people from the bus and they wave at me.
sour cream on my baked potato, finishing a book, the smell of sage on the way to class, the way I can see the outside and the reflection of the inside on my window at night, red sunglasses
Wow! I love the last one. Wish my hometown can be seen exactly like that, everyday!
Beautiful photos! =)
This is the very first post I read on your blog and I'm already in love. Great! I guess I'll have to keep reading it
Wow! Thanks for this lovely post!
Made me think of the character introduction of the movie Amelie, where each character introduces their loves and hates in life.
I love walking on the wet dewy lawn, barefoot, first thing in the morning. I love the awesome "HELLO!" I get from the dogs when I get home. I love waking up unexpectedly in the middle of the night and hearing Charlie breathe deeply, and then falling back asleep again, knowing he's there, and resting soundly.
What an inspiring post! I love them all....but I especially love the Hip Grandma with the Big Glasses! Thanks for brightening up my day!
hi Katie, im going to be totally random and say..........I love you!
yea, you are just so awesome!! you make me 'so' happy with the way that you see the world and the things that you do.
i wish you were my bestfriend :)
thankyou for this space that you have created that inspires so many people.
wow, all those things are definately wonderful, i love all of them!
hope you have a Great day!
Your kitty is so sweet.
And ice cream shops alway make me smile. Always.
I love riding my bike past fences where flowers poke through and dong against my leg as I go by.
I love pressing the cord retract button on vacuum cleaners.
I love watching people squeeze fruit in the grocery store to see if it's ripe.
Your cat is so silly:)
Great post!
It was completely by chance that I - a brazilian guy - happen to know your blog. I have immediatly bookmarked it. I really love it! Thought you would like to know that! Have you ever been to Brazil?
The photo of your cat had cracking up. Silly kitty.
Hey Katie, I just tagged you! Hope you wanna play.
Hey Katie, I just tagged you! Hope you wanna play.
Hello sweet Katie! You should fill us in on your "French connection"....I am so happy that people around the world are getting to share the brightness you bring into the world with your blog!
My favorite things....my morning walk as the sun is rising but the stars are still out, sitting in the sun reading a great book on the patio at lunch, snuggling in my comfie chair under a Barefoot Dreams blanket.
Hey there,
I just tagged you. Hope you are up for it!
Dogs who look like their owners! I have one pic here as a real life example: http://fillyourwell.blogspot.com/2009/01/trip-to-park.html
I LOVE that first picture. So much - I feel like I'm right there.
There are definitely a few things that I look out for in the city (Toronto). I always smile when I see people kissing. I think pda's are awesome. I also love watching people with thier headphones on.....I look at them and wonder what music they are listening to. And sometimes if I'm people watching with a friend, we'll guess what song they have one. It's fun!
BTW, love your blog. Makes me super happy!!
You blog makes me smile.
And seeing how many other people wrote the same thing makes me smile.
And... sending my kids outside with pots of colored water (yay food coloring!) and then watching them make rainbow snow made me smile today. We didn't use yellow, cuz...ick.
I love the grandmothers with big glasses image!
Things that make me smile.
Watching my husband while he sleeps. It's really not as creepy as it sounds! :)
And, observing others when they get an idea. You can almost see the light bulb flash about their head!
i lovee that first picture! you are a really amazing photographer! ^_^
and a thing that makes me happy is when you see a random person smile to themselves..they must've been thinking of something great! such a special moment!
Kittens never fail to make me smile :)
I really love this first photograph. I can feel the light pouring through. It is all about the little things isn't it?
For me it's finishing a good book, watching my toddler hug her bff for a full minute (!), a hot bath, a cherry coke, and a good nap....xx
The way my 1 yr. old tells me he loves me, when my daughter and I have reading time, and a chai latte... it always brings a smile to my face.
It IS the little things, isn't it?
-Getting comments on my blog
-Having a GREAT workout
-Smelling my coffee beans when I grind them
-The way my Matty cuddles with me
-Fresh sheets!
-Getting all green lights
-Having my fav song come onto the radio
Love MOO!!
What great photos! I've added the Empire State Building one to my favorites. Thanks for posting this--I had a really awful night last night and your blog actually managed to cheer me up.
the first photo gave me an instant sigh of relief.
man, you're good.
wow. as I was just scrolling trough you ignited something in me. a tiny feeling and I almost felt like i could cry. not sure what that was about. just though you should know. :)
I'm in sunny South Africa and today I'm loving the sunshine creeping through my office window... If I could only crawl under my desk and have a nap..
Another thing is when my 3 year old daughter spontaneously tells me she loves me and when she speaks about her "pingers" (fingers)!! :)
Oh and i love the last five minutes of work before lunch time!!
We definitely need to learn how to appreciate the smaller things in life to understand the bigger picture...
i love the picture with the cat! coming home and having my cat run and greet me always makes me day better :)
the pic of your cat made me laugh out loud. so cute. i adore your blog. so much. thanks for sharing such happy stuff.
Your cat makes me smile
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