One of my many random jobs is to photograph the Museum of Art and Design. Their current exhibit has installations that are made of everyday materials like..

old records,




and chairs!
Doesn't it make you wanna build something fun with the stuff you have just lying around?
so smart! I can't decide which one is my favorite!!!
wo, Katie! The butterflies are beautiful.
Love the butterflies! Great light and enjoy the perspective the onlooker gives it. If only more people wandered into art galleries...
Jw Blog
You live around the coolest area, and you are cool yourself!
Really love the butterflies!!!
Nice visit to the museum.
Great! I like the interaction between the art pieces and the visitors ( I'm planning to do this with kids actually but am still wondering how to get permission to do so...).
How do you get the permission to take photographs in the museum?
Thanks, S
wow these are awesome! and it's cool that they let you take pics to share :)
Thanks. You just created encouragement for my packrat-ism.
(Those are tremendous)
Hey Sophie! Unfortunately you're not allowed to take pictures at the museum. I'm only allowed to shoot because I'm the museum's photographer
katie your photography is AMAZING!!!
just like your heart :)
i love all your ideas for spreading joy and laughs. love it!
I love found art...or repurposed art, or whatever it's called these days.
I'm definitely wanting to recreate some record butterflies...
This is so rad!!!!!!!.......Makes me want to build something great like that....
The recordiflies are lovely! How inventive to make the butterflies out of records!
Whoa, I am pretty much in love with the flutterbys. I am definitely going to try and make some.
Wow. Stealing the glasses idea and making a chandelier out of my mum's reading spectacles. It's not like she really needs them, right? She mostly just uses the staple gun on our dining room chairs and watched movies in Spanish all day. Maybe she won't even notice.
Wow, I LOVE the old records!
Wow that's so cool...
Wonderful. I added you to my blogroll:
Those are awesome! I always wanted to do something like that with the millions of McDonalds toys I collected from the ages of 0 - 15 (I liked happy meals). We'll see if I ever come up with something...
P.S. Completely agree with Magic Pants Jones... totally using this as an excuse from now on.
Wow that's amazing! Hmm I used to collect pens and pencils but I've given them away...
What I really like is that the butterflies look like they are spinning like a record - and a few are thinking of escaping through the window.
This is wild. Especially the glasses chandelier. I love it!
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