I missed my transfer flight and was stuck in an empty Memphis airport all day.

So I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing little happy notes to hide around the airport for people to find.

I even left some in the bathrooms for the janitors to find when cleaning. They don't get enough love!
very cool! i am traveling today and may have to try that. :)
That is the sweetest thing. Awesome
aww... that's so sweet of you! Too bad I wasn't there, or else now I'd look for one of it ;D
That would be awesome Nina!
What a lovely idea !
I'm definitely gonna do it asap!!!
great idea.. completely loved it.. i'll definitely try it out ;)
You are an all around generous person. The world needs more like you.
How sweet. I am sure that they made a lot of people's day.
great use of time! and you're right about the janitors.
well thats just adorable. into my reader you go :)
You will totally make someone's day!
This is awesome; you should make a project out of it or something.
oh and for being stuck in an airport, that is extra cool of you! I would be grumpy and crabby to think of anything that creative and cute!
so cute! i love that. airports can be such hostile places, it would be great to find a happy little note.
I do this!
On my morning train I write little notes on bits of my morning paper and leave them on the seat.
One day I will find a little paper reply :). x
you are seriously awesome!
I can't wait to try this-you come up with the best ideas! I have a friend who will do something similar with those business envelopes-the ones that have postage paid and are addressed. She tucks notes into those and puts them in the mail-sweet, huh? Great ideas-I love reading your posts!
you are so sweet and so creative, how do you come up with these ideas?
you made my day too. :)
looks like March is a benefic month for you to be born in. :D you are all very full of creativity. :):):):)
btw, how did you spend your birthday? any fun presents?
best anonymous ever. [i mean, eve' :D ]
call me anonymus-1. deal?
You might like this project: http://www.you-are-beautiful.com/
Are you as sweet as you pretend to to or just the character you play for the blog?
If so,congratulations for your sincerity!!!
This planet has still an opportunity!!!
you are just my hero. all the way.
Oh my god! you are too lovely for this crazy world...there should be more people like you
I love the notes. I hope I find one one day. Thank you
ok. i'm pretty sure you are the most adorable person on the face of the earth.
I do this all the time! I am so glad someone else does as well!
I've just been going back through your photos. They blow me away. Beautiful and inspiring!
I have been looking through your photos they are amazing! I am minoring in Photography and am amazed by how wonderful you are!
PS I was stuck at the Memphis airport for 24 hours once, but unlike you I didn't come up with such a brilliant idea!
I love how you make things that go wrong go right. You are such a joy. Everything you do makes me smile.
way to spread the love around! so inspiring.
That is a beautiful idea :)
you make my heart happy. fun!
This blog is an inspiration. You spread so much happiness, and we would all be better if we followed your example. God bless. You are wonderful.
That is something everyone would love to get.... a happy note in a secret place!
What a lovely thing to do Katie. I'll do that next time I'm in transit!
This just reminded me of something that made me very happy when I was younger. Our local library video check out desk was really high, nearly above my head. It was just high enough for a curious little kid to look at the underside of it and discover...a 1 dollar bill taped to it!
I immediately asked my mom why it was there and if it was ok to take it. There it was, a whole dollar, all mine...because a stranger taped it under a desk.
Little kids love finding money. Adults are most likely more moved by "you are loved" notes.
Katie, I love reading your blog! So much happy.
How adorable!! Thanks for sharing that lovely story Dalbanese!
that is such a wonderful idea!!
speaking from experience as one who has been stuck in the memphis airport (in the middle of the night) that's great that you found something fun to do.
(p.s. i heart your blog!)
amazing...what a great thing to do..love your portraits
the memphis airport is rather drab...i worked there for a spell.
what a great idea to post the little notes everywhere. what a nice surprise for the reader!
Lady, I don't believe that you are real...the kinds of cutesy shit that you do is TOO MUCH for me. I want to believe that you are just that amazing, but I don't--because regular people are crass, stupid, and gross. And they aren't nearly as thoughtful.
Haha that's so fun! I've read your blog for a while and all your creative ideas are dazzling. To me, you are pretty much amazing covered amazing filled with amazing (: Have a GREAT day!
Katie, you are amazing!
from /b/...iuno about this, won't the janitors be like "AWESOME but sorry dude I gots to clean" and then throw away all your notes?
The janitor thing is awesome! You are a fantastic person!
hey! i do that too sometimes. I'd leave thank you notes and smileys for people who served me. :) like at starbucks and restaurants.
priceless tips. haha
This reminds me of this sweet little janitor in the Mexico City airport. She's got this long braid down the back of her head and the saddest look in all the world on her face. Their uniforms are just awful, like prison. I just want to give her a hug. I hope I meet her again.
oh I wish I was at least half as positive and lovely as you! when I get stuck at an airport, first I say the worse words that come to my mind and second, when I calm down, I observe people around... but never left them nice notes! I will try that next time.
I live there! I hope someone I know finds one of those!
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