Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My lovely grandma has been really sick this week.

One of the many things that I admire about her is that she loves to give people little presents for no reason. So in honor of grandma, I bought tons of pretty flowers and walked around my neighborhood this morning handing them out to people. It was refreshing to see how such a small thing could make people so happy. I understand why grandma loves it so much!
Minutes after I finished handing out the flowers I received a call from my dad,

my grandma had passed away.


teacherninja said...

Wonderful post. Sounds like your grandma still lives in you.


April said...

i am so sorry for your loss. sounds like she was leading your hand with the flowers. how lovely.

Anais said...

I'm so so sorry about your loss :( What you did in her honor is really beautiful though, I'm sure she would've loved it!

Carin said...

What a beautiful thing to do--- she sounds like an amazing woman. My heart goes out to you~

B said...

My sincerest condolences.

Nicole said...

That is a lovely tribute.
I lost my grandmother a few months ago- it is a hard thing. My thoughts are with you. Thank you for the reminder that little gestures matter. Through you, your grandmother is teaching us all.

Shelley said...

your story is sweet. Sorry about your grandmother.

kate sweeten said...

My deepest sympathies...what a wonderful tribute :)

Dionne said...

I am sorry to hear about your Grandma, but what a lovely tribute.

I mentioned you in my blog today. Stop by when you get a chance.

Vagabond said...

I am sorry about your loss..I wish you and your family the best.

evencleveland said...

This makes my heart ache for you - your imaginative adventures and sunny spirit always make my day a little brighter - it sounds like some of that came from your grandmother. What a beautiful thing, handing out flowers.

My sympathy to you.

Mandy said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. She would be so proud of you though. :)

lizardek said...

De-lurking to say that your grandma's spirit has obviously been handed down and is living in you. That's a great place for it. You're an inspiration and a joy to read. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

tieg said...

I'm going to buy 3 bouquets of flowers to hand out this week. :)

Diana said...

So sad for you. Wishing you the best.

Dionne said...

Hey Katie
Can you please email me your mailing address and I can send you the cards? My email is


VanessaKim said...

My heart goes out to you. This really hits grandmother isn't doing well lately. :(
In honor of your grandmother, I would love to do the same thing this weekend. I'm gonna plan on it.
I hope healing comes quickly.

Erin said...

I am so sorry for your loss.
How deep your connection obviously ran.

colormekatie said...

You are all so sweet, thank you so much!!

I'm so happy that some of you would like to hand out flowers. It's so much fun! If you decide to do it, send me some pictures. I would loooove to see!!

Carolina John said...

I'm really sorry to hear that, Katie. My grandmother broke her him monday night, and i thought we had lost her. it's not fun. condolences.

Edwige said...

I am really sorry about your loss. My sincerest condolences.


made sweet said...

what a touching post. she sounded like an amazing woman, you must be a lot like her. i admire the little things you do to make others happy.

moesha said...

i'm so sorry for your loss. my grandpa died over the weekend and it was the first time i went through that sort of thing. she's sounds like a sweet lady and i'm sure a lot of her traits are alive and well in you

Erin said...

Your actions were a beautiful tribute to her life.

the un-bride said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What a lovely tribute to your grandma.

Sophie Chalumeau said...

I'm sure she knows what you did, and will always do.

Pete Goldstein said...

So sorry to hear it Katie. Great job keeping her joy alive in the world though. *hug*

peewee said...

I don't even know you, so it feels weird to say that I am so sorry! Grandparents are THE BEST, and aren't we so lucky that we get to pass on their traditions?! Seems like you do in MANY more ways than one. The passing out of flowers is only the beginning of it!

Jane Doe said...

i'm so sorry for your loss :( but i'm sure she would have loved that you celebrated her life that way :) you're a beautiful person.

caroline said...

I'm so sorry. She sounds like a woman who brought a lot of joy to the world, and we would all do well to live our lives that way. You and your blog always remind me of the impact of little gestures and a colorful life - your spirit is a great tribute to your grandma. Sending you and your family wishes for comfort and peace...

Blinky St. James said...

I am so sorry to hear that! She sounded like a wonderful person.

krissy said...

Oh, I am so sorry. What a wonderful way that you paid tribute to her today.

Tania said...

I am so sorry. How touching of you to honor your grandma in that way.

r maria said...

Dearest Katie, You and your family are in my thoughts. Your grandma was lucky to have such a kind, generous, creative and beautiful granddaughter. Maria in Charleston, South Carolina

Ron said...

I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Katie. Your grandmother's spirit lives on in you. Thank you for that. I'm sure she was proud.

Unknown said...

katie, i am so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

As a regular visitor to your site im very saddened by this news. I am glad however that you celebrated your grandmother's life in the typical enthusiastic and radiant Katie style.

Stay strong,


Light and Writing said...

Oh Katie! What a story! My granmma was an angel to me and I miss her everyday! What a lovely thing you did today, I hope that eases some hurt.

Zana Fauzi said...

So sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your loss katie

you cheer me up on so many days- i wish i could do the same for you

steviwonderful said...

I am a frequent visitor to your site and I am inspired as an artists to approach projects and activities with the playfulness you express in this blog. I am very saddened to hear about your grandmother, she sounded like a wonderful person who the world will miss.

Gromix said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

Kristin - The Goat said...

As you were honoring her, she was watching. How wonderful. What a blessed thing you had done and what a legacy your grandmother has left.

amanda said...

this post gave me chills before i finished reading it... it was accompanied with tears by the end. tears for your loss and kindness.

tscd said...

Oh, this post made me cry. I'm sure your grandma is proud of you for celebrating her life with flowers.

Meg said...

She was so proud of you, you can tell. I am so proud of you, and I have never even met you!

After my grandma died three months ago I was so so sad, and reading your blog reminded me how happiness works. I had forgotten.

I hope you find something as lovely and kind as your own blog to help you feel how you help others to feel.

Micaela said...

you are LOVELY.
and you got that from your grandmother, I'm sure of it.

beautiful tribute to her. xo

Genevieve said...

I to just lost my grandmother and didn't have the chance to say goodbye, I think your gifts to others is one of her blessings to you. Keep your chin up!

Anonymous said...

my spine was tingling after i finished reading the was a wonderful thing you did,giving out flowers to strangers.god bless you katie(:

Allie said...

It's hard to find the right words in situations like this. I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss. I love the random act of kindness.

Ri said...

May your grandmother rest in peace and live on in you.
A lovely tribute for someone so great... I'll buy flowers tomorrow and hand them out, too, in remembrance of your lovely grandmother.

Creamy Coconut said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Among many other things, grandma inspired me to collage and have an army of plants.

Your grand kids are going to be so cool!

chad said...

sorry to hear and so glad that you can continue to honor her.

Diana said...

i'm sorry katie. you are such a lovely person and i can only imagine what your great family is like

Cheryl said...

Katie, I am so sorry. I am sure she is smiling thinking of you with the flowers. xx

Michelle Glauser said...

Condolences from Germany.

Anonymous said...

Tons of kisses from Spain.

Michael said...

Katie, my heart goes out to you and your family. I only know you through your work, which I love and which radiates so much happiness and positive energy. I can only hope that this little message gives the tiniest bit of that energy back.

Ounï said...

She must had felt what you did... and she passed in peace... I give you all my sympathie in that moment of grief... Sorry for my poor english I hope i'm understandable...

Sara said...

Rally sorry for your loss, but even in that, there is beauty, I hope you realize it.

Mademoiselle C. said...

It's hard to explain how I feel in english. Well, what I could say is that your Grandma seemed to be a generous "artist", a great one, just like you. Because Art is sharing. =)
Love from France

Anonymous said...

<3 a fitting tribute. sunshine seems to run in your family :)

-a reader

Anne said...

I'm so sorry Katie. What a wonderful tribute; your grandma would have been so pleased, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

That is so sad but also so beautiful. I'm so sorry that you lost your grandmother she sounds like a wonderful person.

Anna said...

My heart goes out to you and your family. The angles were with your granma and you before she passed away. Your granma is proud of you. Both you just taught me that it's ok to show acts of love.

MJW said...

What a great story! Sounds like a wonderful grandma. :)

Yeling said...

My sincerest condolences to you. Your grandma was such a lovely lady, I believe she'd be happy to know that you appreciated the little gestures and presents she'd gave you. She will be proud of you. Do take care! :)

Wayne said...

All the best Katie.

raq said...

what a story! i find it so heartwarming that a big, kind part of her lives in you! my sincerest condolences...

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry to hear that your grandmother has passed away but what an amazing woman she must have been to inspire in you a sense of generosity.

Charlie said...

i like this shot

Sew Create It - Jane said...

What a wonderful post...sounds like she left you with a great memory...which led to kind actions.

La Ballena Elena said...

I'm so sorry
Sure she was as wonderful as you are

Mermanda said...

Very sorry for your loss. But you can have comfort in knowing how proud she must be of you.

Holly said...

Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I have a special relationship with mine as well, and she has worsening Alzheimers. I'm so glad that a memory of yours made you happy and that you passed that goodness into the world.

Amanda said...

Each of your posts is so lovely, and uniquely beautiful. They're your little spontaneous gifts to the world. Just like your grandmother :)

I'm sorry for your loss *hug*.

Amanda said...

I loved this post. Very heartfelt. Sounds like your grandmother meant a lot to you.

blueskiesandrain said...

i'm sorry i don't really know what it's like. so i just hope you will feel better soon.

Tracie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Grandmas are so special and it hurts when they're gone. Big hugs to you today.

PaoLa said...


Maybe this doesnt make sense but after reading your history I remember one time that my father, my sister and I went to a movie. I bought some pop corn and as a gift they gave me a chocolate bar. My sister took it and well eventually she ate it. I was sad 'cuz my dad didn't do anything to stop it. I remember that day becausa the lady who sell me the popcorn saw the all thing and gave another bar (a kit kat) then I feel so much better, because at least she notice me.
Idont know if you'll understand just wanted to tell...see ya I love your page. (sorry for my vocabulary i'm mexican :P )

peachey said...

your grandmother was clearly big-hearted; a trait you sweetly share.

Anonymous said...

Sending you hugs from SCotland sweetie. Your grandma will live on in your memories and beautiful gestures. I too am going to buy some flowers and give them away. What a lovely thought. From Yvonne XOXOXO

ariadna said...

I'm sure your granny has been giving flowers with you. She'll always be. I'll ask my granny to show her some nice places in heaven... hugs and love from Barcelona

famapa said...

so sorry about your loss. it seems like the joy and delight in doing wonderful things for people around you runs in your family.

Kaylen said...

I am so sorry to hear that - but I am so happy to hear that you're carrying on the tradition. You're perfect for it!

drollgirl said...

i am so very sorry. i lost three grandparents last year. i bet she loved you so much.

Elizabeth said...

You seem like you are a lovely human being; and it seems like you probably got that in part from your grandmother. I am sorry, this time must be hard; but she made the world a happier place and I know she must be proud of you for breaking your own ground while following in her footsteps.

Susan Walsh said...

I just want you to know that I subscribe to Color Me Katie knowing it will always make me smile. Because you are generous in sharing your creative spirit. And now I can see that you are your grandma's legacy in that way. She lives on in you. I am thankful to her for her role in nurturing you!

Anonymous said...

In Holland we say 'gecondoleerd'
Your dearest grandma will always travel with you.
The little special present giving is in your genes.
Love it, live with it. It's worth a lot.
You made me smile so many times.
Thank you, thanks grandma...
Keep on doing please.
C from Amsterdam.

Shokoofeh said...

Hello. I'm a new visitor and I should say it's so sad to hear the bad news about grandma. I'm so sorry for your loss... and maybe I'm very wrong but I feel that your grandma had felt that you accepted her job to make other people happy through little things {that's what I call it}
and this made her free and calm...

thanks for sharing!


Our Gratitude Journal said...

What a beautiful post. Sounds like your grandma did a good job with you. She's still there, inside you.

CityStreams said...

So sorry about your loss. I wonder if she was watching over you with glee as you gave flowers away in her honor. What a neat parting gift. I hope I can be like that too.

colormekatie said...

Thank you so much everyone for your sweet words!!

azy said...

I'm sure she's very proud of you, Katie.
Truly sorry for your loss.

green ink said...

Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry to hear you've lost someone so special to you. But it sounds like her loving and giving spirit is living on in you. What a lovely thing to do, and what a way to honour her.

Thinking of you and your family. xx

Amy@OldSweetSong said...

Thank you for sharing this. I'm really moved and so very sorry for your loss.

Rebecca Diane said...

Beautiful and sad.

April said...

my condolences go out to your and yours. my prayers are with you.

Jackie said...

I am so sorry for your loss. But in passing out the flowers you were celebrating your grandma's life and sharing her joy with others. What a very special thing you did today. Thank you for sharing.

joy! said...

What a beautiful legacy she's left in you. And, what a lovely tribute to her.

●• Thereza said...

ohh so sorry to hear that...
have visited your blog for the second time now and your posts are so nice and fresh!
be strong.

Maria said...

So sorry for your loss Katie. How wonderful that you can carry part of someone's good habits over. I really enjoy your blog. It's very inspiring :)

Kristen said...

so sad!
Glad to hear you honored her in a way that brought simple joy to so many.
I know it would have made my day to receive or give beautiful flowers.

Cinical said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Your grandmother would have happy to know that you gave out flowers in honor of her

penguininthesun said...

I really enjoy your blog and find so much warmth and inspiration from you. I'm sure your grandma loved you very much.

kelse said...

wow, amazing..


Kirsty said...

She was just waiting for you to feel what she felt, now she's happy :)
It's a beautiful thing to do, making others smile. I hope you are not too sad<3

Nikki Lee Anne Ghilain said...

I am so sorry......grandmas are the best and it sounds like you have been blessed to have had her in your life. I so enjoy your blog and am sending ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss. What a wonderful idea- she lives in U!

swankifiedjello said...

that is beautiful, inspiring, and such a tribute to your grandma. i'm so sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie,

I'm sorry about your loss. Your grandmother sounds like an incredible woman, and I think she passed on a lot of her happiness to you.

I hope you are doing well, and continue to shine at this sad time. We're all thinking about you and your family!

Kate said...

Next time I have spare change I think I'l buy some flowers to hand out too.
I'm so sorry for your loss.

Susan Moorhead said...

I'm so sorry to hear your grandmother passed on - but just wowed that as she did, you were honoring her - what an astonishing thing, and how wonderful of you. I bet she knew.

Pete Smyth said...

My deepest sympathies. You give to people so much through your blog already. I am inspired by you all the time.

maria rojas said...

im so sorry, katie

CSC said...

Oh how I hated the end of your lovely post! Prayers for you and your family.

Katie said...

I am so sorry about your Grandmother. She sounds like an amazing lady who touched everyone around her.

I lost my Grandma late last year, the missing her hasn't gone away. But I don't feel as though we're really apart either. I still feel all of her love and hope for me. I hope you feel the same.

I found a poem not too long ago that describes my feelings about losing her, I hope it helps you too.

I basked in you,
I loved you, helplessly, with a boundless tongue-tied love.
And death doesn't prevent me from loving you.
in my opinion you aren't dead.
(I know dead people, and you are not dead.)
-Franz Wright.

Grenlon said...

I'm really sorry about your Grandma, but If we see you, we can feel the great work she did.

JC said...

I'm sorry to hear your grandma passed. I'm sure she went smiling watching you put smiles on strangers faces:)

Anonymous said...

Very sorry for your loss. You keep her spirit alive here.

Estelle Hayes said...

I am so so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope your family finds some peace and joy in her spirit.

Gingham Skies said...

Sending healing thoughts to your heart. So very sorry to hear of your loss.

erin said...

what a lovely tribute to your grandmother. seems as though things really do happen for reasons. i'm so sorry for your loss. may you be comforted by your thoughts of her.

katieleigh said...

this is a beautiful entry, i lost my nana a few years ago and i still hold her very close to my heart. i know you'll do the same

aicilef said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my grandfather recently as well and I still miss him a lot.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you.

Allie said...

A beautiful post, by a wonderful individual, I send my sympathy and prayers in this most difficult time for you, I lost my grandmotherly figure last Sunday :D I hope I can bring her spirit back to life!

Ellie said...

I am so sorry to hear about your grandma.
My granddad died yesterday, and I didn't fully realise until now how much of an inspiration he has been to me and helped make me who I am. Or how much I will miss him.
Inspired by you, I am going to think about what I can do for him to honor his memory.

Sharon said...

So sorry. My grandma died on the 4th of April. I think she would have been absolutely delighted and proud of you for passing out the flowers.

Joanna Goddard said...

i'm so sorry, katie. your grandma must have found you completely delightful and wonderful.

Cris Piera said...

oh katie I'm so sorry! I was on holiday these days (in your country) and just read it... I'm sorry about the loss, but I am sure that your grandma lives in you, in all of your great ideas and projects, and she'll never leave you!

a huge, huge hug from Barcelona!

ditzydoctor said...

oh dear katie i hope you are alright. your grandma sounds like a wonderful woman, may her memories live in you!

RoseInBloom said...

Your grandma sounds like an incredible person who left a wonderful mark on the world. I think I'll pass out some cookies to my neighbors in her honor.

Sylvia said...

oh my goodness, i got tingles and shivers everywhere reading that post. you certainly did create a wonderful tribute. what a sad but truly gorgeous post.

Jen Spinner said...

So beautiful.

Christine said...

oh je suis désolée, je compatis sincèrement
I'm sorry for your Lost
I send you flowers of love
take care and thank you for being

Relyn Lawson said...

Oh, Katie. I am late reading this news, but still so sorry. I know you are hurting and missing her. But, how lovely that she lives on inside of you. You have her generous spirit. That must be such a comfort for you and your family. Thinking of you.

bluebug said...

Katie, I just recently found your blog through Tara Whitney's blog. I have loved reading back through some of your older posts, and I've especially enjoyed the fabulous eye candy here.

I ran across the entry of the two pictures of your grandmother, and it really reminded me of my grandma. A couple of days after Christmas we found out that she had an aggressive form of brain cancer. She was such an incredible person, and I was so close to her.

I just saw this entry of yours and saw that our grandmothers passed away on the same day.

I'm sorry that you too lost someone so special. I know it's difficult.

I'm pretty sure I'll be a blog stalker of yours now. It's too fun to miss. :)

The Kid In The Front Row said...

This is a really beautiful post, really touching.

Lee said...

What a beautiful tribute to your grandmother - it would have pleased her so...

Emma said...

This is so lovely! I'm really sorry for your loss

Kagan said...

I just found your blog today via Freckled Nest and I read this post while looking at your archives and it gave me chills. I'm sorry for your's almost been a year now. Doing things like this are so inspiring and wonderful. Thank you for sharing! Will you do anything to celebrate your grandma's life on the anniversary of her passing?

Melysa said...

this is the most beautiful thing i have heard! it is so inspiring! i just discovered your blog yesterday and it my my new favorite!!! (i too love exclamation points) thanks for being a giant ray of sunshine and warming the world!