Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Shadow Project

Do you ever wonder if your shadow is playing tricks on you behind your back?
I mean, it could be, right? It's always walking behind you so you never know what's going on back there!
The past couple of weeks I've been tracing Matty and I onto large rolls of black paper.
I then cut them out into fun shadow people,
and taped them onto the walls and sidewalks all around Brooklyn. I then waited for people to walk by and took a picture at the exact moment they matched up with their silly shadow.

What do you think your shadow is up to? Quick! Turn around and check!


jessie said...

This is absolutely lovely! :) You inspire me!

hailey said...

oh your amazing! how fun! clever and brilliant!

SK said...

this is so sweet! the one with the balloons is great. all the nice things you do inspire me!

Katie said...

you are so creative! great idea!

jo said...

this is amazing and such a cute idea. you seem to spread happiness wherever you go!

n i l e e y said...

this is amazing! thanks for putting a smile on my face :)

made sweet said...

what?? what??? how do you do it? coming up with something more amazing every day. absolutely incredible. love it!

Anonymous said...

OMG! You inspire me alot! You are really an imaginative and creative person. If only the world has ten more people like you. I bet the world would be a lovely place to live in :D

claire said...

that's the coolest idea! i just don't understand how these people don't have any expression showing how awesome what they're doing is...

Linda said...


Yellowgoat said...

This is too awesome!

Alyssa said...

That is brilliant!!

Not only does it look great in photos but im sure that random people walking past would have smiled at seeing random shadows on the wall!!

Anonymous said...

I love that! Its brilliant! :)

piglet said...

Ahhh! I love it. You are far to creative and clever missy!

Traci said...

The. Best. Ever. You make me happy :)

CityStreams said...

I love the way the lighting on the balloon picture turned out. I think that's the best of the set! Lighting is tricky with shadows. Were these people modeling for you? It seems like it would be difficult to get their feet to match so perfectly unless they were trying.

Neat project!

Anne said...

Katie, please come live in my city! Love this latest project! I mean, really LOVE! :)

colormekatie said...

Thanks so much everyone!

Citystreams- The people actually aren't modeling! It definitely was really hard to get a picture of them matching up with their shadow. Sometimes it took me and entire day to get one shot where the lines matched up to their feet!!

Dionne said...

Oh this is awesome! What fun!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is awesome. I bet it took a lot of patience.

Lauren said...

This is so incredibly cool! I adore how creative you are!

domesticinnyc said...

I am sure Brooklynites got a kick out of that! This is very reminiscent of the Brazilian street artist and photographer Alexandre Orion's project, Metabiotica. You can see his images here...


DHB said...

That is so cool! I love these just as much as the thought bubbles.

Your creativity always makes me smile!

Allie said...

That's awesome! I love it

erin said...

this is amazing! i love, love, love! come to north carolina and do it here too!

Carolina John said...

that's really cute! good job katie.

Lindsey said...

I love this! I've been obsessed with shadows for a long time. I need to know how to take a photo of my own shadow without the shadow mimicking my holding the camera. And I need it to be taken from my view point. How do I do this? I don't think I can buy a super spy camera and have it installed in my mouth, triggering it with my tongue or something!

So anyway, I simply adore your project. I love having the unsuspecting passerby be included in your art.

A "cheery" disposition said...

wow your so creative... just when i think you can't think of anything more amazing then what you have already done you always surprise me with something cooler. This is awesome!

Nat said...

That is awesome! What a fun idea.

steviwonderful said...

so creative and wonderful! I love how so many of your projects have the sole purpose of bringing a smile to the viewers face!

jen jafarzadeh said...

You are too much — this is so fun! How clever!

krissy said...

Wow, this is so neat! I am going to share it on my blog. What a great idea. I love the balloons one. I hope my niece comes across on in Brooklyn.

Vagabond said...

That is so adorable! You go girl!

Julie said...

very cute idea!!

Anonymous said...

simply brilliant!

brit said...

you are so creative :o)

Suzanne said...

genius! i love this idea so much - what a fun way to brighten someone's day.

Anonymous said...

I love this idea. So silly and fun. I wish I would have thought of it.

Charlie said...

Wow!! i like the proyect, is nice and original

Amanda said...

Love this. Keep doing these whimsical things...they make me laugh!

lizardek said...

You guys are so AWESOME. What great ideas!!

You Are My Fave said...

How very Peter Pan of you. I love it.

Gabi said...

This is sooo awesome, I love it!

Rosie from MAD said...

u r amazing!

Emily said...

Your photography projects are always so much fun! I have no idea what sort of crazy things my shadow is doing.

purrsikat said...

Someone just forwarded me a link to your blog. You've made my day, I love your enthusiasm & zest for life, the playfulness, the colours... amazing. You are amazing.

Thanks for blogging! Wonderful. n_n

Meg said...

Oh my goodness! I just turned around and caught my shadow eating pancakes covered in syrup, while I'm sitting here at my desk doing work.

Georgie said...

you're awesome! i love this!!!

Derrick Clements said...

This is so brilliant! Great job!

LovelyAnomaly said...

I feel like a broken record every time I leave a comment here.

That's amazing! You are so talented!

Susan Moorhead said...

Such a fun idea! My son has had his shadow-traced-self up on his wall over his bed for a year (at first it was actually a wee bit creepy to me but he has always loved it!). I love that you put these outside and made further art with them - your mind is just one bloom after another - fabulous!

jojigirl said...

You are such a sweet, lovely goddess of mirth and inspiration. I am forever enthralled by your ingenuity.

Polly said...

This is a wonderful idea, thanks!

katieleigh said...

gosh, you lead such a thrilling life. I wonder what it must feel like being so creative!

p.s, absolutely love your place!

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

How fun, I love it! I think these would look great on my daughter's wall too, something that we could afford to change occasionally and that she would love! :)

Anonymous said...

omg this is awesome! may I know what inspires you all the time?

Timmery said...

I love to see what great ideas your whimsical mind comes up with--your blog is always such a delight!

Julianna said...

This is such a cool idea and you've done a great job executing it! I can't believe how well the shadow's feet match up with those of the passers-by.

jeannie rose said...

gosh, you are too cute... wish our shadows could be friends and run around doing fun things!!!

Melanie said...

you are amazing! i wish i lived in brooklyn and discovered your surprises. x

Stacey said...

What a fantastic project, I love all of the images!

Brinja said...

Your shadows are very cool! I really like the one with the ballons...

stacy said...

love it!

Your escalator operator said...

Just found your blog and think it's all amazing - the images, stories and ideas. Keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

you are amazing! i just discovered your blog and it makes me so happy.

Linda Zimmerman said...

WOW! I love your blog! I enjoyed all your bloggings(?), entries(?). I read "reading my tea leaves" blog this morning and she featured a link for your fun, sweet, hilarious shadow entry. Well done!! The entry about your grandma is beautiful!!

Jason said...

Wow! Came across your blog via Urban Prankster, and what a beautifully joyous piece of reading. Added it to my RSS reader immediately, love your work.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

It reminds me of Peter Pan (before he sews his shadow back on) I love it! I wish I could see these in person!

Aline said...

What a super fun project!!! I too wish I could see these in person. :)

Anonymous said...

just saw this posted on the free people blog. i love this idea - so fun!

Dee said...

Katie that is brilliantly beautiful! =) Love it love it!!!!!

Nesa said...

this is such a fun project!!

Jen Spinner said...

Such whimsy and play. I adore this idea.

Elizabeth said...

Most adorable person ever born award.
Hands down.
Brilliant idea. Brilliant, brilliant.

Nicole W said...

You are too damn cute. As if I didn't already have a girl crush on you. My heart just melted a little bit more.

Anonymous said...

i love this! i'm new to your blog and am having a great time catching up!

Tom Jones said...

What a great idea. I become both deeply jealous and inspired whenever I look at your blog! I love the way each post tells a little story :-)


Unknown said...

You are SO cute and inspiring! :)

Jessica Nichols said...

I have also bumped in from Urban Prankster and will also be coming back in regularly. Projects like these tickle me to my core. You are awesome.

Meredith said...

That is the most incredible idea, and those are such beautiful pictures that I can't help but think how my creativity pales in comparison to yours!

Sniff said...

wow, these are brilliant, and it actually made me look behind me, haha.

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

I want to do this too!

Great blog!

whartonds said...

love this. Well done!

yomister said...

Lovely. The first thing to make me smile today. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work!

Anonymous said...

An idea that brightens everyone's days...jut lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love it! Taking art into the community is so wonderful!

TexasLou said...

Good for you, Katie!

Thanks for doing some cool, creative stuff which is touching people everywhere including here in Texas!

Mia said...

Katie, I think you're gorgeous.

Kimberly said...

this is wonderful! Do people ever have a reaction?

Boo said...

You made my day :) This is wonderful

.•RawяbekaJ.! said...

That has to be one of the most inspiring things I've ever seen in my life

.•RawяbekaJ.! said...

^_^ glad I did!
You made my day by telling me that I made yours :]

Beth H said...

that is so cool, Katie! I blogged about it here: http://craftymishmash.blogspot.com/2009/05/silly-shadows.html

kane said...

Fantastic idea.

tamtam said...

how cool :)

Maeko said...

I've been having an awful morning, but this made it all better. You're seriously brilliant and this is one of the best things I've seen on the internet all year so far.

Joanna Goddard said...

oh my GOODNESS! this is so clever!!!!!! joanna xo

Jorge said...

This is fantastic Katie!!

I hope you don't mind but I blogged it here:

Anonymous said...

Katie - congrats! Trendhunter is showcasing you again...this time under a post titled "Guerrilla Street Shadows"


Heidi said...

witty! awesome! love it!!

Justin James said...

Great idea - love the execution photos too.

Geek+Nerd said...

That is such a fun and cute idea!

p e d r o M A T O S said...

amazing! really clever

whostan said...

That is soooo cool! ...but I'd be too lazy to wait for people to walk past and match up. :(

624713NYC said...

you are so creative! great idea!

Cati said...

Whoa! I just checked mine and she was doing the happy dance :D

Great idea, brings so much color to everyday life :)

Mademoiselle C. said...

Great idea! I love it.

Anonymous said...

You're on NOTCOT! http://www.notcot.org/

Julie said...

I love your blog! I've been following for a few months now, and yours is one of my favorites. You are so fun! Love the shadows!

Lynette said...


Anonymous said...

this is f-in awesome!

Jasmine said...

wow i LOVE it
its so fun and just makes me feel like a little kid again

Unknown said...

This is fantastic. I was trying to figure out a way to make some 'fake' shadows for my current photography project. I was inspired by Laura Marling's 'New Romantic' video clip. Find it on youtube. I think you might like it.

Anonymous said...

So funny =) !

Daisy said...

that's really creative!

Anonymous said...

Made me smile. Thanks!

Gail Dragon said...

This is wonderful...

E said...

I just found your blog, and already this has me addicted. Lovely!

website design nyc said...

nice pictures

Anonymous said...

I've put a link to this post on my facebook page because I think everyone should see this and smile :)

Anita said...

I love it, how very Peter Pan...never wanna grow up...

Harlow said...

BRILLIANT. I just had an aneurysm cos I was so impressed.

jana said...

what an incredible idea; these are so amazing.

Creamy Coconut said...

Ever read "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World?

Lady C said...

wow, these are really beautiful. i only just found your blog, i'm a improviser in london and just wanted to say hi...um ace blog! that's it.

becks said...

This is so inspirational! I might just do this with my friends!:) Btw, did you find the strangers deliberately stepping on the shadows?

fashiongirl said...

oh wow! i love that! its so cool!
I wonder if the people notice the shadows?

Mixing-Katie said...

Wow!! Those shadows are having fun :-)

Relyn Lawson said...

You are amazing! Completely amazing.

Some days I really, really wish I had a brain like yours.

rubi said...

my goodness this is amazing!

TexasRanger said...

Okay, what are some good project ideas to do when it's raining so hard every day?

Also, I love you. Your work is amazing, as is your attitude about life.

senovia said...

That is the most fabulous, creative thing I've seen in a LONG time! I love it!

Bridget said...

What a brilliant concept. And for bringing out the playful side of life. Thanks for the boost in thinking way outside the box.
xo. bridget

sandra said...

amazing. this is so genious!

~cyndi said...

I LOVE this, so cute! It really makes you smile :)

Jill said...

Cool idea!!

Jill said...

Your work is awesome!!

Rebekah said...

this. is. AWEsome. :)

traci in virginia said...

Wow, what a bright spot of happy. What a positive, lovely idea. Thanks for sharing.

AMSOIL Specialist said...


Alisia K said...

how fun!!
you are sooo creative!

Sugar Skull said...

Lol. That's amazing.

Unknown said...

That is so creative!

Tara said...

I turned around to see what my shadow was doing behind my back, but I couldn't find it! Turns out it was in front of me. Sneaky little thing!

Ange said...

Hmmm - with all those shadows, you must get lots of sunshine! Hope it keeps on shining for you. Great ideas and you are a real inspiration!`

Anonymous said...

Wonderful!Thank for the following... http://www.itemplatez.com

Anonymous said...

jajaaja cute. Karla Mala

Happiness Student said...

Katie, you are amazingly brilliant. :)))) Love your work.

Anonymous said...

This is the way art must be.Clever and fresh.Comprehensible.Amazing.A good new style.You are an inspiration for small but striking art.Thank you for posting

Anonymous said...

This is the cutest freaking thing I've ever seen.

wei said...

great job!

Alison said...

Hi, I love this.

I'm a psychologist wanting to talk in my blog tonight about the shadow self in us all. I googled "free images" and got to your site. I'm going to blog and link to you, if that's not cool, let me know and i'll remove etc.

Gorgeous project - well done!

m a c c e n t e n o said...

wow!!! this is very creative! i always ask.. how in the world you do this.. how do you do the timing???

amazing.. very wild imagination... hehe. keep it up! :)

PSD To Wordpress said...

Wow amazing!I really like your creative work PSD To HTML keep it up..

Anonymous said...

Very good idea. Congratulations!