Soda machines with a sense of humor,

leaving little reminders in public places,

the way Moo thinks no one can see him,

the determination of finding your favorite ice cream at the bottom of a freezer,

little girls in big dresses,

big people in little showers,
seeing my lovely readers make their own versions of my projects,

finding Moo's soulmate,

and seeing a couple that grew old together and still not wanting to be apart.
I can go on forever about the random things that make me smile, but I think i'll stop right here....
for now ;)
I love the last picture. :)
wow, such a cute little post!
I love every one of those pictures! Moo is too adorable!
I LOVE the last pic.
I ALSO love the last picture. It's SO great. <3
You take amazing pictures.
The last picture says so much about love. I hope that my husband and I are still doing things like that decades from now.
All great smile-makers. Looking forward to the next installment!
Also: Moo seems very cool.
These pictures make me happy too! I find myself choosing one as my favourite... until I see the next one, and IT becomes my favourite... and so on and so on. :)
cute! the last picture of the couple makes me smile too.
love. love love.
i wish you lived next door.
had to kirtsy this one...
Those are just fab! I love Moo's outlook on life.
very sweet post. <3
thank you.
Awww. So sweet. And I appreciate that dedication to ice cream.
So much fun. Thanks for sharing your smiles : )
such a sweet post :)
Thanks Karey M!
Your pictures always leave a great, big happy smile on my face, Katie. Thanks whole bunches!
the last one made me cry! it's too sweet!
way too precious.
beyond showing fabulous skill, caputring the essence of people and emotions perfectly.
that last one'll getcha!
teary eyes.
you are so awesome. seriously, you are!
What a great post! Thanks for spreading the happiness
i know i tell you this all the time. but i think you are a beautiful beautiful beautiful person. and i thank you for your posts. bless your soul.
Aww thank you for all of your sweet words!
Gorgeous photos! I love these, they make me smile. :D
Oh! This is so lovely - many of these made me smile too :)
Whenever I'm down I go to your website and it never fails to cheer me up. Thank you.
Oh, hee hee- I am smiling right now...
Made me smile on the horrid "Pay Bills Day" :) Thanks so much!
made me smile so wide!
I love the old couple the best.
aww...the last photo is just so sweet...
awwwwww! that is happiness. all of it. especially the older couple. oh i love that. it makes me a little teary-eyed. it makes me excited to get old with my mister.
p.s. we were out taking photos this week and ended up with some that remind me of your shadow photos. yours are about a trillion times cooler, but i like mine a lot too. they're the second post down on my blog (for now). the post is titled "new friends" if you're interested in taking a peek! :)
such beautiful work, I love the last picture!
All of these.
ALL of these.
so sweet. way to find happiness everywhere...and then share it with us. thanks.
All of these made me smile and that last one made me cry, because it is so beautiful! Thank you.
Dont ever stop taking these pictures. (: When I first came across your blog, I read everything in one sitting. It's really inspiring to me. I hope I can meet you when I grow up a bit more(:
I loved this post! But Soda machines with a sense of humor walked away with the prize for sure!
Kepp putting up stuff for us to be happy about!
Beautiful Post!
I love the last picture.
Amazing. Loved all of these! Thank you--this post is just what I needed today.
your my favourite blog in the world! officially now!
you know i have a list on my iphone that is like this.. funny things that make me smile... everywhere i go!
beautiful! thanks for sharing!
Old couples who still hold hands make me so happy my heart could burst with delight and tenderness. It's one of the best things in the world.
you remind me the first word I learned when I began to work in America
and delightful, too.
Thank you for putting a smile on my face. Can't wait for more Katie-happiness!
I just love your photos so much. Thank you for sharing these fab selections.
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My day is now a happier place! I just have to giggle at the first picture!
Katie, I always love reading your uplifting blog. I know you hear this all the time. This is probably my favorite one ever (well, so far anyway). Thanks!
PS - I especially love Moo's soulmate and that last photo with the old couple.
Sweet. And beautiful....as you are!
reading your blog is pure happiness!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that last photo!!!!!!
I love all of your silly little sweet things you do, I think I will think of something for this weekend and take my girls out to leave sweet signs in random places throughout the city.
My oldest, she's 6, loves to leave Googly eyes throughout the house. The other morning I found a pair on our bathroom cup that we use to rinse after brushing. Hilarious.
The last pic is wonderful ,what a beautiful moment you captured and I am no longer cranky with my husband. Thanks for that!
those are great katie!
Loved, loved, loved this post. I wish I could take the feelings it brought me and put them in my medicine cabinet. I'd take a dosage on each blue day that crosses my path.
I was having a crappy day, and I felt I was about to be snappy at people... So I thought to myself "Going to ColorMeKatie will probably relax those nerves", and then I see this new post, and every picture just melted my heart. For the rest of the evening, I just had to picture the old couple, or Moo's ears sticking out, or the little girls clutchiing at their dresses, and I smiled.
Thank you so much for sharing your magic with strangers, it's people like you who make the world go 'round.
awww you guys are so sweet!!! Thank you!
so fabulous!!!! ...Happy Weekend!
You catch the loveliest moments! Wonderful!
beautiful post! great ending to a busy day, thank you.
this was a lovely, lovely post.
i love this post! especially the last picture. thats so beautiful.
Each picture is beautiful and your comments make them even more so :)
I've got a great giveaway at my blog. I'd love it if you came to check it out!
This has cheered me up. Awesome!
This post just made my day. Thanks for sharing such lovely random things...
That last picture just made me all happy inside
Keep up the happy little posts. They are such an inspiration. Love the "Learn to love" flags.
Fabulous post and that last picture is so inspiring. Ahhhhhh. Love.
You're such an inspiration. You've inspired me to leave little messages of love and encouragement in public spaces in my area too. I live in South Africa, and often we don't love each other enough here. We're nicknamed "the Rainbow nation" and it's such a beautiful analogy, but often we treat one another as though there are only grey skies ahead. Your public messages of love, peace and laughter have given me an idea...
Thank you!
I also love your cat, Moo. I think he's the coolest cat with the best personality in the world. I love the pic of him hiding in that bucket... Too cute.
Your photos, as usual, are stunning. The picture of the old couple brought a tear to my eye. Hope I can find love like that one day!
I love the banner and the photo! :)
Thanks for your comment on my blog. You're a true inspiration of all things lovely! As I commented after you, if I lived close to you I would love to be a part of all your pranks and ideas :)
Ahhh.... This is exactly why we all love you so much.
The way you see things makes pictures shows pieces of life I love. (is it understable?).
( )
v v
I just had to leave a comment.
This post was just amazingly adorable! It even brought a tear to my eye.
You are just such an amazing person and such an inspiration!!
Thankyou for being who you are!!
you are so cute! my dauhter is you'r #1 fan!
Such a fabulous blogger you are! Love the last pic the most.
A little late here...but I just read this post. Last picture's just amazing.
You are such an inspiration! Thank you for your posts. Please keep posting!
Love from Singapore,
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