The Improv Everywhere book is out today!

If you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes of our pranks, definitely check it out!

Matty and I even have our own little sections.

Also, Improv Everywhere's annual Mp3 Experiment is taking place this Saturday at 4pm on Roosevelt Island.

If you live in NYC and love to have fun, you should come! I'll be there photographing and would love to meet you.
Read about the details here!
Oh there's a book out?! How cool is that?! Off to go check out the latest project!
Ahh I desperately want to go to MP3 Experiement!
Damn my Englishness.
I found your exact lookilikey today Katie. Are you sure you don't have an illigitimate sister across the pond?
haha that's so funny!
that's awesome! i love Improv Everwhere.
didn't know you were a part of the team.
Just stumbled across your blog and I love it!! I definitely want to make some paper shadows now!!
I like youre colors !
Can't wait to see some shots with your new lens.
is there any way for me to buy a copy of your book online? I WANT IT DESPERATELY! :D
I wish I lived in NYC!
For those of us who love the Impro Everywhere experiments but don't live in the States, how can we get ahold of the book? I would love to buy it!
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