Radar contacted me about making a mini documentary on my street art!
They followed me around all day and documented me at home,

making my thought bubbles,
and my shadows!

Click here to see the fun video!
You'll see my process of making my street art and hear me talk about why I do it =)
That was so cool! My 2 1/2 year old made me replay you jumping on the bed like 5 times :)
haha that is so cute!
merci pour les couleurs ...
what you do is so wonderful, it always cheers me up to see the results. now to hear the whys makes me even happier.
You are my hero.
You make the world a warmer place. I feel so liberated every time I read your blog.
we need more of you, like a katie franchise to take over the world! so nice to see you at work (with the lovely new lens no less!) and to hear your thoughts behind it. every time you put a new post up here, I get ridiculously excited :0)
the things you do are so adorable and so inspiring. i just wrote about how something you posted recently gave me an idea that helped my good friend give her boyfriend the best birthday gift ever!
you are wonderful. i will spend all my days striving to be like you!
This is an excellent idea. Can't wait to see the video. It should be distributed in DVD format around the globe so that more people can concentrate on bringing fun, love, happiness, laughter, cheer and colour into their lives. :D
The video was great. I love coming to your site and seeing your different projects. They always make me smile. The world could really use more smiles. Thank you!
Great Video!!!
It's cool to see artists in action.
That was wonderful!
It was so great seeing a peek into your adorable life. :)
You are an inspiration. I look forward to your fresh perspective on things. You remind me that it's the little things in life that make it worth living. :)
Congrats for your work, I am a big fan of you.
That was so cute and uplifting... I am a long-time fan.
I think you are fantastic.
You're always so inspiring !!
You really have a great spirit. I dont want everyone to grow up either! your blog always makes me smile. keep it up
That video rules. Congrats to you. Have a nice day
I enjoy what you do. You are so imaginative and inspiring. Keeping myself and others smiling, thanks :)
and the winner is... you!
thanks for inspiring me.
I really loved watching this. Your photography is so refreshing & happy. Love it.
I could have watched that forever, I've said this before. But you need your own show. Of just you doing what you do daily. And Moo.
you are adorable! its so cool to see how you work on your projects!
Katie, you are amazing! You are so my role model :). I hope someday when I'm in NYC that I get to meet you! Even if I happen to be the subject of one of your magnifiscent "tricks" :).
So fantastic! I hope I get to see some of your street art when I move up to NYC this summer. You can't help but smile when you see something so sweet and simple :)
Katie, you're my hero. You're so awesome! Keep coloring the world. :D
You guys are so sweet! thank you so much!!
thank you :)
you make me want to be happy.
Wow! I just found your blog, and you're so amazing! It is so great to see someone so genuinely involved in making other people smile - especially in NYC! Thank you so much, I'm inspired! Sincerely, Amy from NYC
you are just the most fun and adorable person i think ive ever seen(:
This just proves to me that you're amazing!
Oh, this is so nice. I love your creativity. And you speak so nice. ^.^
You are so adorable and sweet. I wish i could have been there to dance with you.
Greetings from Germany
You make my heart smile. You and your projects inspire me everyday.
What a fun video and how nice to see more of you and hear your voice. I love your projects and with each one, think, why didn't I think of doing something like that!
It's fun to see the process! Thanks for sharing :)
inspiring little video clip! so happy to have found your blog :]
i love your blog! it colors my day..
i put your link on my blog ^_^
Oh! I loved that video. I am so glad that more people are going to have their world colored brighter. Because of you.
Great video! So fun to see you in action. If I didn't live across the country, I'd want to hang out with you.
HI Katie!! i havent seen you in such a long time!! i love you work and projects!! so creative! hope all is well : )
You are such an inspiration to so many people!!! Keep on coloring the world!! Thanks for coloring my world!
Someone sent me a link to your blog, and I LOVE it! You are a GENIUS. Rock on with yourself! :)
You are a star!
Great video!
Super cute!
you are so incredibly inspiring! my boyfriend even sat down with me to watch your video (:
awww that's so cute!
Looe youu and LOVE YOUR WORK =) well done! =)
You are the most generous person I've ever seen, you make me smile. I really love what you do.
Such a great job.
I'll hope somebody ask me to dance one day. nice video (:
I simply adore this little video. I wish I ran into you dancing in the park.
What a wonderful little documentary! I, too, would love to run into you dancing in the park! or perhaps I could one day be brave enough to go dance in the park in the name of childhood!
Awesome Katie - you add sooooo much to the world!!
you are so supercute and inspiring!
I just came across your blog today from a comment left on mine. It was a delight to my day to watch the surprise wedding reception and after I saw that I new that I need to keep reading your blog. This mini documentary was just as fun to watch. You sure do know how to add some some fun and a smile to make someones day. I'd like to share your improv wedding reception on my blog, because I know it would be a delight to someone else as well. Thank you for making me smile today.
You are AMAZING!
Katie, that was so inspiring. I always have long ruts of non-inspiration that I can never seem to crawl out from...yesterday I felt a wave of inspiration coming on & prayed it would stick around. After watching this video...I have no doubts that it will.
Thank you.
Recently found your blog and love every minute of it.
Just wanted to drop in and say that you are the cutest damned thing!
Thanks so much for sharing yourself.
Hi Katie
I go read your blog once every few weeks, because I like to get overwhelmed, you know. Your enthusiasm is so energizing, it dazzles me. Do not ever lose that inner spark, because if anything is ever going to save the human race of our insanity, it’s pure, accessible art. You score, girl!
Thank you for that! - Nadine
you're so incredible!
Katie, I've been reading for about six months now. You are such a refreshing presence on the Internet. You are so inspiring and have the most upbeat outlook on life. I am so glad I found your blog.
P.S. Hi! I'm Amanda. Nice to meet you. :)
Hi Katie...
i hope you don't mind but after months that Im following you I've decided to write about you and how amazing you are on my blog... I know that you do not need it but I think you deserve it . You make may days every days
please come to visit me, i'll continue to follow you...
love, kiss and goodnight!
Hi Katie,
Here's the link where you can embed your Color Me Katie video from Babelgum: www.babelgum.com/embeddableplayer or you can grab your code directly on the video (click share and copy and paste the code)
Great work!
I just watched your video and started reading about your street art. Very creative work! It looks like so much fun!
your blog is sooo inspiring!!
I loved the movie!
I hope you come to Melbourne one day!
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