I find dancing to be so hilarious.

We hear a beat and suddenly our limbs have an urge to be all wiggly.

Have you ever seen a person dance that was angry?
no way!
That's why if everyone in the world would just dance at the same time we'd have world peace. Problem solved!
:)) great! problem solved!
I wish we all just danced in life ...
DANCING'S AWESOME. Hey, I feel like dancing now.
Ilaina from Malaysia (:
let's dance then :]
I'm dancin' right now!
"Yeah! We got it!"
AMEN to all that and then some !
so TRUE! all of it. i'm happier now just thinking of dancing (or maybe it was these fab photos of people shakin a leg.... or two. yeah. probably that.)
I agree 100%! Dancing is the solution to everything. :)
These are awesome. I can only hope mass quantities of alcohol are to blame. Of course, I shouldn't talk. If anyone ever photgraphed me dancing I'd probably look like some combination of Elaine from Seinfeld and Borat.
I have seen angry dancing...at dance battles. =[
That's it! We should all dance!!
I have often thought the same thing! If you look at people dancing and tune out the music, it is downright hilarious. Dancing makes me happy either way: as a dancer or a spectator.
i like this theory of yours & those fun pics! you always have the best ideas :)
Yay for dancing!
totally solved
I love dance, Im always dancing, so I help a little bit for the world peace.
what a great post!! i love it.
I have seen angry dancing - in Footloose! And when Bret does his angry dance in Flight of the Conchords! But even their angry dancing makes me happy, so that is all ok!
dancing = world peace.
...i could see it! :)
You're so right, it's so freeing and everyone just loves to clown!
I just wanted to stop by and let you know I discovered you through a trail of breadcrumbs and fell in love with your work and joy.
I gave you an award over at my blog. Come take a look if you get a chance!
discovering ALL your blog ! you made my day ! and many others in a future, thank you so much to be here!
Great plan, peace and better health all in one!
dear katie,
you're the most talented photographer i've come across!
i marvel at your work (and have enjoyed going through all your past posts IMMENSELY!)
your ideas are simple yet they speak volumes for themselves.
This site makes me smile and do a jig! I've been dancing for months! :)
Take care and Happy 4th!
That's so true... I'm always about to dance.... my body can't stay calm while music is in da place!
These are hysterical!!!
I think it's wonderful that you captured the movement of dancing so well through photography!
I am a fan of your blog and so I voted for you in this writing project. Just check my post http://www.meanderclutter.com/2009/07/my-choice-of-10-emerging-influential.html
Your fun, happy ideas are just tops. I always come back here to check "what could be the young lady has in mind today?"
I love to dance.... even if it makes me look foolish!! It's good to laugh... Love your blog!
xo Laura
What inspiring pictures!
So true... the world should do more dancing! I am an afwul dancer but that doesn't stop me!
bret's angry dance is amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMjgSkfQPSY
If you haven't seen an angry dance, then you haven't seen toyi-toyi.
I found your blog through "The Happiness Project," and I'm so glad I did! Your photos are amazing, and I absolutely love these dancers! I couldn't avoid smiling as I scrolled through.
i dont know if you ever saw this. reminded me of this post =)
"Where the hell is matt"
he dances alone or with many, all around the world. very moving and inspiring video!
you should check out brett's 'angry dance' on flight of the conchords, i think it's on youtube, it's hilarious...
I think Brett was happy at the end of his angry dance.
omg! that's the round hill house!! you're completely fabulous & you were in my town!!!
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