While out for a walk, I noticed there were many little things on the street that needed some help. I realized that the only way to fix little problems is to get little people!

Matty and I happen to be very handy, so I printed pictures of us onto sticker paper, cut us out, and stuck us around the neighborhood.

We fixed those little problems like loose nails,

broken electrical covers,
splitting walls,

and giant cracks in steps.
Thank goodness Matty is there to hold up that step. It would have surely collapsed by now!
Moo just watched us busy at work.
He would have helped, if only he had thumbs.
What a great idea. Maybe you guys can dive down our drain and figure out why it's so slow. Just be careful of our chickens. They'd be eyeing you.
Are his arms cramping from holding up the step?
My goodness this is beyond adorable!
haha, i love these!! especially the one of moo!
Ooh! I just love these!! Very creative. :)
You are twelve kinds of precious. This is so much fun.
Love! ♥
This is adorable, I love it a lot! Aaawww.
those are so cute!
Hehehehe, this is so cute! There are so many tiny things that need fixing up that we never get around to it. I wish there were lots of tiny me's to get to it!
I love it - I will keep an eye out for little people in my neighbourhood!
OMG, how creative!
Hahah! I love it.
So awesome! I love it!
This is so adorable!
How do you keep your creativity going?
PS. Moo makes my day!!! I look forward to seeing him next!
very cool. the little thing, or people, make a big difference.
You rock!!
I could really use about a dozen tiny versions of me to finish my unpacking!
Very clever, and ticklish. Because it tickled me.
Wow girl are you creative or what? I love it, love it, love it:)
That's adorable!
I love your blog and photographs! They always cheer me up. Thanks! :)
Hi Katie!
Fabulous post as usual!
I think we need some tiny people here in Newfoundland too. Lots of tiny problems. Being the oldest city in North America, we probably need giants too!
I love how your work is the type of thing you have to smile at. It's just so fantastically creative and cheerful. :D
Ha that's so adorable! And so very creative.
You really must keep doin' what you're doin'. 'Cause you're excellent at doin' what you're doin'
the creative and fun stuff you think up never ever ceases to amaze me. you are for sure one of my very favorites.
could you be anymore brilliant, street art at it's best, you need to document this one, with video etc Candyxx
You are just too cool. You do too many things that make me happy. If I had you in my neighborhood doing all that stuff, I would never, ever, ever be sad. I may try doing silly, cute things like that. Thanks for the inspiration of spreading the love and happiness around. You truly are a Godsend.
OMG, I was reading all your great old posts ('ve read them all now, but gonna enjoy many of them for many more times for sure :)) so I just now saw this new one, this is so great, like Christmas almost everytime I read another post of yours :D
I love all the little things you spread, it's the little things that change the world one step at a time and can brighten up things so much with so little effort :) :) :) :) :)
I've already found some other great blogs via the respective bloggers having commented here. You are truly a hub of joy in this great Internet :) :) :).
Also very great and handy are the posts where you asked people e.g. how they deal with stress or this or that, just so many useful tips and ideas :).
Ans I looooooved you hiding these small strips of paper with encouraging messages on them in this Airport you were stuck. You are the personification of Inspiration to me right now, I think I spend >50% of my surfing today on your blog :) :).
I already painted wonderful colourful bubbles on some paper like you did stick ones on your wallpaper and I might just buy some coloured paper tomorrow and do the same :D :D :D. Even just having several bubbly colourful sheets of paper lying around is a great reminder of the world's wonders in times of misery :).
And I was disappointed I didn't find any food coloring at the supermarket nearby :D. I will for sure "hunt some down" shortly, I love colors, I love playing with food, I love cooking something new each time I cook and colored food just looks to be so much fun :).
So thank you for being you and sharing you joys with the world, with all of us and changing the world to the better with that :). I'm spreading the word about it as best I can :D
I love your blog :) :) :).
ugh i just want to pinch moo's cheeks!
this is just so awesome/adorable!!!
How clever! I love it!
you are such an awesome person!
awww how super cute and creative!!
What wondrous (and adorable) little fairy people you've crafted! This post made me smile ear-to-ear, thank you, sweetie!
Oodles of hugs,
♥ Jessica
Dear Katie,
I think I'm in love with you and I'm not even into girls!
Will you marry me?!
P.S. You and Matty rock, I LOVED this!
I've been following this blog for some time although I've never made an account. Now, I have! I was wondering though. What kind of printer do you use? I really want to try some of these out. :)
I just started following your blog. I'm so glad I did! This is freaking hysterical haha... I also love how your cat's name is MOO. Fantastic :)
oh my gosh this is the cutest thing ever. love it!xoxo
So cute!
You guys are so handy~
How do you GET these ideas haha
il your blogs :)
Very creative! :O
Pequeños gestos que hacen que el mundo sea algo maravilloso.
Well that is certainly one way for the neighbours to get to know you
Thank you for your wonderful view of the world .. you are weaving a lovely magic and joy for us all to share. Truly inspiring.
that is the most cute and creative thing i've ever heard!
this is awesome :)
You are amazing, you know that? I can't wait to show you to my HS art students this fall. I have so many project ideas 'cuz of the likes of you!
how adorable! :D
I love this post. Cute one!
just brilliant... i love them! :)
I love it!
Man, every time I look at your site there is something inspiring!
That is so great! :) I might do that around my area...
so creative!
Ahahaha... those little people are so cute!
I totally adore you Katie! *hugs*
you are never out of original ideas that are adorably fun, brilliant. you never cease to impress me, never cease to invite my curiosity of what's up next. i always look forward to another totally new day, totally new way to welcome a new day of my life with your one-of-a-kind creative ideas.
you guys are AMAZING. if you ever need new bff's...
brilliant, simply brilliant.
your genius amazes me
I found your blog via Yellowgoat, and I must say, I love all that you've done! Your projects are so creative. I wish I had enough time to do stuff like this!! :)
You lead a charmed life! I love, love, love how you infuse a sense of playfulness and joy into your everyday moments! Your blog is fantastic! Thank you!!!!!
You are the cutest creture in the blogworld!
always creative funny and with a touch of romance!
So clever and cute!
Love it!!
You can make people smile!
did you ever see this site?
It's cute. reminds me of something you'd do :)
All of your pictures are beautiful! This is the first time I have seen your blog, and I so enjoyed reading your old posts! They make me smile :)
Thought you might enjoy these Lime Jello Watermelons. They look super cute and tasty!
Can I pay you to teach me how to be even slightly as creative as you are? :) Awesome, Katie!
- Laura
gosh your super clever!
this reminds me of the borrowers...
you've got some amazing ideas ..
I wish you lived in my neighborhood! And I wish you posted more often because your posts make me so happy! :)
woof woof
Hey, those are really good photos! I loved it!
ok, katie, i adore these!!!!! you two are so cute. xo joanna
This is absolutely brilliant! I'm in total awe of your creativity and the way you truly live life in color. Bravo!
Liv @ One Year of Beauty
how inspiring!
wow...i'm loving your creative craft projects! especially the bubbles a few post down!
Hehe - what fun!
mama mia!
I just stumbled upon your blog for the first time today - so lovely! I adore your photographs. This project in particular made me smile.
eww I like.
beautiful idea
my cat's name is also moo :)
Oh, wow. I love this so much. It would be fabulous to catch sight of these little tiny helpers as we walk about. :-)
I just stumbled onto your blog and fell in love with this idea. How fun! I linked to you and sent people over to check it out. Thanks for the smiles! :)
I was also going to recommend you have a look at the little people street art project (http://little-people.blogspot.com)!
You remind me of my friend, the artist Katherine Johnson. You have a beautiful creativity and natural sense for these things.
omg, i'm dyinnnnnnnng. this is the best thing ever! it was sent to me by my friend jamie because she said it looks like something i would do lol! your blog is awesome!
definitely a lot like slinkachu (artist behind the 'little people' blog people are recommending). he (i'm assuming he's a he!) has a very cool book out on his urban little people art... http://tinyurl.com/ycnztqp
OK, I know I'm late to the party, but I just stumbled over here and oh my goodness I just love this -- such, beautiful, inspiring and happy stuff. (And, I'm in Brooklyn, too -- hi neighbor!)
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