It's been such a busy but fun week full of shooting, editing, and cats!

The new Knitting Factory

Wallace Shawn

The Amsterdam Pavilion

adorable family shoot

getting our passports ready to leave the country
cute couple shoot
tasty food

Central Park
and an exciting wedding!

I'm very thankful for tasty donuts and Moo for keeping me company all week while I edit. It would be very lonely without them!
How has your week been? Any exciting or silly stories? I'd love to hear!
I stumbled upon your blog and have to say ~ I am a huge fan! I'd love to find the eye you have for photography! AMAZING!
looks like you are busy.. busy!!
that's always a good thing :)
Not so exciting or silly, but very fun! Last week I found a small bag of fake ladybugs in my hobby box that I had forgotten all about. I immediately ran out to town and stuck them to all kinds of different things. I think I'm going to buy another bag and have people pose in front of a camera with ladybugs on their noses. :D
I would never of thought of that before I found your blog a couple of months ago. You have inspired me in many ways. Now I can't stop thinking of small, creative and inspirational projects that make me happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're precious!
Ahh I got no stories for this week, but I stopped to say hi to Moo :D How cute !!!
That's so adorable Elina! I'd love to see those pics of lady bugs on people's noses after you take them!
You couldn't be tempted to shoot a wedding in Australia, by any chance? ;)
The joy in your photographs is palpable, infectious.
I love your blog... I check it a few times a day.
My week has been alright, it was definitely in need of some sunshine though. I found this website today and boy did it brighten my day! You have to check it out, I think you'd enjoy it.
~ Feel free to check out my blog to see a few of the ones I did.
Have a good rest of your week!
What is the Knitting Factory? Very cool photo. I love it when I see you have posted, I enjoy both your eye and your wit! As for me, I been playing doggy nurse all week to our sick 13-year-old beagle. Not a lot of fun, but she's getting better.
@ doctor Plog- If you could fly me out there, I'd start packing now! ;)
Whoaa such a busy and awesome week you're having!
My week was essentially filled with things related to starting college - you know, attempting to make friends, going to classes, getting lost on campus, unpacking, etc etc. :)
oooh, it all looks so fab! I would love to do a shoot with you sometime!!
oh yeah, where ya headed? (:
Me and my girlfriend had a picnic in the middle of nowhere and got attacked by hungry horses :)
Well, thanks for asking. I got my cast off and am now in what feels like a huge, heavy ski boot, but it's progress! I apparently knit some good bone!
Passports? Oh, where are you going?! Take lots of photos wherever it is. :)
@ I wear Masks- Attacked by hungry horses? How funny!
@ Chanel- we're going to Spain!
Wallace Shawn? Please tell the story! We always reenact his Princess Bride bits.
haha! I was photographing him for this interview http://gothamist.com/2009/09/10/wallace_shawn_playwright.php
I had some donuts but I eated them. :(
Where are you off to??? I would love to hear about it!
How lovely! Spain...have a wonderful time! You inspired me - I was having a shocker of a day and went and bought a bubble machine and it made it all beautiful x
enjoy spain
we are all going to miss you
plz dont take long
and keep in touch
hm, as to myself, cant remember anything too funny, but in general, it was one fab week, even though it is not over and the most important day - FRIDAY is still on my way! :D
1) I traveled to Clemson University in South Carolina where they sell ORANGE Bud Lights @ the local grocery... yeah school spirit!
2) I went to the Kings of Leon concert on Tuesday night near Baltimore. It was hot, sweaty & absolutely fantastic!
katie- i love love love your blog. your photography is so creative. i saw this music video the other day and thought of you. even if you aren't the biggest fan of their music, the video is stellar
geez, louise. when i grow up can i be a fantastic photographer like you?!!!
my six-year-old just took a look at our new coffee table and exclaimed, "you could put juice on it, too!"
My week has been spent trying to pretend this cool weather does not mean winter is on it's way! Not exciting - not silly - just sad! But thankfully your blog brings back a little sunshine! :-) Thank you!
Oh my goodness! I definitely awwwed at the "cute couple" and "adorable family" portraits featured on this post. They are amazing and colorful and full of life. :) And the Princess Bride is an AMAZING movie! I hope you have a lovely day. :)
Wallace Shawn?!?!?!?!? SO jealous.
My week was wonderful. I had my first two official photo shoots for people that aren't blood related..thanks in part to your inspiration.
Katie, you are an inspiration. Thank you for being so incredibly alive. [And I love Wallace Shawn; that portrait is wonderful]
After lunch each day this week, I've walked back to work giggling out loud reading David Sedaris. And I haven't bumped into anyone!
Yayyyy,been looking forward to your next post and here it is !!!
Awwww,your days looks so fun and with many exciting things installed each day :)
Always love seeing your photos !
My week was okay ! Ohhhh,I ran for the bus to work twice this week. And the first,nearly twisted my ankle . haaaa
out of 5 working days, i took the cab 3 times to work, and another to the train station so i can get to work...all paid with my own cash. Lacking sleep. The funnest thing of the week was Tuesday i had a coffee and pastry for lunch, curled up in an armchair reading the Eat part of Eat Pray Love!!! I'm off to a party tonight (Friday) but most likely hv to get to work on Saturday too :(
ooh where are you heading??
Yes come to Australia!! I want to meet and play and take photos together.
I had a fun week in bed with pneumonia... on the plus side I am all all up to date with my latest blogs... love yours the mostest!
Wallace Shawn!?! Inconceivable!
Love your post as always. Lets see... something silly I did this weekend? Well just today, my kids were ridin' bikes in the driveway and I thought, "Why don't I bust out my old skateboard and ride around?!" It was all very fun and exciting. The kids abandoned their bikes to chase Mommy on the skateboard. We took turns and then on my last turn... it happened... I skidded, almost did the splits, made my foot bleed and landed so hard on my poor knee that it swelled up to the size of a soft ball. But the kids think I'm tough and uber fun, so oh well!
Your blog is splendid! It has color, photography, wit, everything I enjoy. It's different and wonderful, not to mention inspiring :)
Katie where are you going?! =)
I totally love love your colorful life! So beautiful and wonderful!
i'm in the midst of planning a surprise birthday thingo for a friend (:
Oh and Moo is so handsome!
Spain? How neat! I'm going to Paris in a week to study for 2 months. My first time ever out of north america!
Well, yesterday I went to pick berries in our backyard to make a cobbler and in our rose garden I discovered some HUGE sunflowers, they're about 6 feet tall and the flowers are around a foot in diameter. All the while our pet chickens were following me around begging for berries :)
Hello from Spain!!
It's my first comment here (sorry I'm shy even here) but I always read your posts. I love your photos, your happiness, your cat (miaauuu Moo), your videos, your works, your ideas, even your family!! I'm so happy you are coming to Spain, I hope you'll enjoy the people, the cities, the food, everything!!
I'm looking forward to seeing your photos in Spain!
I think I have the same dress you're wearing in the last photo, it's funny!! ;oP
Kisses from Bilbao!!
Great pictures as usual8 My week was quite good and simple I took pictures among cows in my father's field, to make a poster with my graphist lover boy for the first gardenning film festival in Brest, france. I cut many many birds of Liberty fabrics to patch them on fabric... I womder what I'll do with it?
Have a lovely trip in Spain! In wich part are you going?
I wish you a funny day!
I'm stuck in the apt editing all day so it's nice to hear all these lovely stories. They make me smile!
Also, I won't be going to spain until the end of October. I'm going over there to do some fun Improv Everywhere pranks!
I sold a rainbow patchwork skirt that took me 5 months to make for $1,000. It's the very first piece of clothing I've sewn. With that money, my husband and I ran around to furniture sales over labor day weekend and found a king sized bed (instead of our full-sized one), and now I can sleep like a starfish.
What wonderful pictures! I especially love the family one on the road carpet. Cute!
I have my brother, sister in law and niece in town, so I'm hoping to take lots of nice pictures of them, and do some entertaining!
That's fantastic Megan, congratulations!!
Well, this week... I discovered your blog. I have to say, I'm in love. Did you swallow some kind of creative potion? Can I have some?
I only started my blog yesterday, because yours inspired me. I'm taking one photo a day of something wonderful. Today my friend and I were driving home when she hit a dog, we stayed with it for half an hour trying to calm it down and waited for the ranger to take it to the vet. That's why todays photo is of my dog, because I realized how wonderful she really is.
Katie! I'm an elementary art teacher and always scoping for inspiration and YOU ARE IT! I would like to see what you would do with the project my students are working on right now...They write their fist name in big and bold letters on a large piece of paper and then turn their name into a magical imaginary land. It can be any kind of land. I always tell my students their imagination is as big as the universe. FUN! Enjoy your trip!
I love the wedding photos, Katie, If someday I get married, I will hired you for my photos, I'll pay you the tickets to Chile and everything you want. I love your photos with people. And of course Moo photos, I have a cat "Mrs. Norris" and she is always with me.
Kisses and hugs!!!
Just love to see pics of Moo - he is soooo adorable!!
are you going to college? cause i am. *gulp*
@ Marthalynnskin -That is an awesome art project! I wish I had an art teacher like you when I was in elementary school.
@Freshman girl -Nope! I'm already done with college. I'm going away to do some Improv Everywhere pranks. Good luck to you though!
I went up North (in Arizona) where the weather is beautiful not 100 degrees, curled up with my husband and read my homework for my favorite class. And enjoyed turning off our phones and making each other laugh. A lot.
And we made faces at the squirrels.
It's the first week of school for me and all my professors this year are from different countries! It's a bit odd and refreshing at the same time that I have no American profs.
I Love your blog. And I think I'm head over heals for your cat.
just found your blog and i am a huge fan!! thanks for all your inspiration. exciting stories? im a mamma of 2 little ones and my son just went poop in the potty all by himself yesterday...that's probably a bit TMI, but for me (and him) that's a HUGE accomplishment! my washing machine is already thanking him :)
Hi Katie
I found your blog at the Happiness Project's website and I've been reading it for some time. You are such an inspiration!! I used to be a photographer but I stopped that for a while. Reading your blog just made me want to photograph again and spread happiness all over the world. I love your photos and your ideas. You're amazing! :)
You are so freakin' talented! AMEN!
beautiful pics!!! I love your cat!
I love following your blog so much! I think we would be friends if we ran into each other. :) I love your creativity!
You are a busy girl. Lovin' all the great pics. You are blessed with the creativity gene:)
I don't really have any silly stories. Been busy myself, but with boring back to school routine stuff.
Hope you have a great time out of the country. That sounds promising in the picture department.
Every week I buy a lottery ticket so that I can win millions of dollars, hire you to photograph our wedding and pay for you to fly to Vancouver for the weekend.
you ARE busy...with such FUN things!!! envy. :)
I found an amazing feeling in myself kissing with a Man I shoudn't. The knowlegde that it is forbidden fruit made us both feel as excited as it happens when You have teeneage infatuation. Butterflies flying! It was damn worth it!
Hi from Spain! My silly story: i´ve made prum jam and accidentally some dropped on my fingers, jacket, and now on my keyboard. All is sticky, sweet and smell delicious so i´ve just licked the space key. I´ve never felt so attached to my laptop.
Abrazos de una compostelana en Gijón :-)
Me and my flat mates built a Huge cardboard man and have named him Petitti! He is now proudly stood in our kitchen! :D We also decided to cover one of our friends doors with lots of happy mail or junk mail that made us laugh :D
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