It's always lovely to spot a shape in the clouds.
( I totally see a whale! )

Instead of looking up to find shapes, I thought it would be even more fun to look down. So I grabbed some colorful tape and went looking for shapes on the street.
I found a TV in the dirt,
a mouse in the grass,

and a kite in the cracks!
Ahh this is really cool :)
Nic x
I wish I had a few ounces of your creativity! You are fabulous!! I'm blogging about you today! :)
that is too cute, love it!
Marvelous photos! Your work spreads so much joy!! Keep it up! The world needs more people like you!
In the first image, I see a squirl with a nut smack dab in the middle. Neat idea with the tape. I do that all the time, but i've never thought to make anything of all the shapes. My husband and I have a koi fish in the old hardwood floor, right outside our apt door.
I see the squirrel now too!
For the life of me I cannot see a whale!! It's going to drive me crazy all day :)
LOVE the kite!!!
I always look so forward to your posts and photos because they always make me smile.
The kite rocks!
You are so fun and creative. A free spirit indeed:)
you seem like a person that everyone strives to be.... do you have any bad qualities?!? your heart shirt is adorable, it totally suits you :)
but i cannot understand the tv, help me out!!
Thank you! The antenna on the TV is actually black dirt on the street. I added the rest of the TV with my tape. I hope that makes more sense!
These are so fun! You always have the best ideas.
I think it's about time for a Color me Katie-you can do it too-book! :)
We should all see the world through your eyes! Thanks for brightening my day!
Nice "female version" of Banksy. :)
I totally see a bunny and a squirrel
You and the shapes you see remember me of "A beautiful mind" (the movie). I look for shapes between the stars, though I remember I have seen shapes between the clouds also! It's a beautiful and funny game, especially when you are the only one seeing things or creatures on the sky, in the water or on the ground! Thank you for blogging about the wonderful world you see. Most of people see and write about the ugly sides of life, but it also has a beautiful side and we should more often remember this.
how creative!
Qué me dices de la puerta de mi baño:
¿Son imaginaciones mías?
Gracias a tí, sé que no es así.
I see stuff like that all the time, but I don't see it like you see it.
Very cool and creative!
So cute and clever!
You live in such a happy world and I'm glad you share it with us :)
I just found your blog this morning and have spent the past *cough*two hours*cough* at work reading back through your old posts!
I love your blog and your photography and writing style and all the improv stuff you do and your cat is adorable! Thanks for the read and the inspiration, I'll be back :)
this is absolutely darling! :) you inspire me
I see an upside-down ram's head on the top left! And that squirrel! Though the whale looks more like a seal pup to me (I think its because it's a bunch of fluffy clouds!)
The mouse has boots! :D Cutenessssss!
Thanks for sharing Katie! xo!
Your posts are always so fun to read and those photos never fail to amaze me <3
The clouds are so lovely and you holding the kite,stunning ! I want to fly the kite you made too
Love your view of things outside of the box.
I'm visiting my daughter, and while we were walking the first night I was here, I got totally startled by what looked like a hillside on fire - it was actually the red twilight behind some trees, but my perceptive was off because it was an unfamiliar landscape (also I'm getting old and my eyesight is getting poorer and poorer!).
Again, you have a fresh creative view on so many things - thanks for sharing with all of us.
You are so creative and inspirational! I always enjoy your ideas!
Haha, that is so awesome. You have the best ideas to add fun to daily things. I love it.
Oh, I love this. You work is so fresh and exciting!
I love it!
where's the whale?
i only see a baby elephant.
um... love it. LOVE IT! It makes my heart smile to know that people like you exist in the world, to just bring joy to others and make them smile (and to make yourself smile too!)
i can't WAIT to see what you think of next! :)
so cute! i want to get out and fly a kite this weekend! happy friday!
Looks like fun, I might give it whirl! Happy trails......
This morning I saw jellyfish clouds.
I freaking love love LOVE your blog. Your photos make my dad, really!
as long as you are posting i shall be reading.
um, you're so fun!
You are so creative!
Hahaha! I see a fox! And a goldfish!
Awesome! This is so amazing, yet simple :)
What a fantastic and uplifting blog. It makes me so happy!! :)
You have the most precious imagination!!! All of your posts put a smile on my face. :-) ... Thank you so much.
So incredibly creative! Thought you'd enjoy this dog I found in the clouds earlier this summer. What's he doing up there!? :)
Lovely blog - inspirational!
Katie, You're hilarious. I stumbled across your blog as I'm always looking for creative ways to photograph my kids. Thanks for inspiring me today! We'll for sure try something fun tomorrow!
Katie, I just graduated college in May and I'm living back home with my family on Long Island, umemployed and I need life advice! How do you become as cool as you are? Please tell me your secret!
Love this. Love your blog. I found it via yellowgoat. Very creative and fun!
Hey. I found your blog a couple days ago. I want you to know you inspire me to make an effort to be happy and kind. Knowing there are people like you lets me know that life doesn't have to be mundane or difficult. Thank you for living.
I loved this post and felt very inspired! I wish I would have carried some brightly colored tape with me today because I found a some dried gum spots on the cement that resembled a smiling face. definitely reminded me of reading your blog! Thanks for inspiring me to look more carefully for fun shapes and images all around!
I am amazed at your ability to transform something as unexciting as a crack in the sidewalk into such a creative image. Your use of bright colors and fun content can lift anyone’s spirit.
I love this!! Would you consider posting it on Friday's Nature Table on my blog today, pop on over to post it. Friday's Nature Table is a forum for us to share the kid-friendly nature-inspired things we do... my daughter will just get such a kick out of doing this with me... thanks for the idea.
Blessings and magic.
great work in here!
do peep some of my stuff @
what a colourful life! idolising you today...
I really love your works, they're so imaginative and poetic...Really great!!
I had to say sth. in my blog, if you want to see
Ah, I had a lovely and crazy cat too, if you want, I'll send you a photo.
This is sublime!
you are fantabulous!
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