For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we set up a photo studio in a random subway car and announced that we were taking subway yearbook photos!

The subway became pretty packed at one point,
but it was all full of smiles!
People on the train were more than happy to pose for our yearbook.
This woman was looking in our mirror to make sure her hair looked nice for the photo.
Even a newborn baby was in it!
It was exciting to put all the photos together to see how diverse the New York subway riders are.
It was so nice to see everyone on the train laughing and having fun rather than ignoring each other like usual. It was the kind of moment that made me walk away with those tingly little butterflies in my stomach.
Haha that's awesome! Improv Everywhere seems like so much fun...
I wish I was there! :)
What you guys planning on doing with the pictures?
It would be fun to make an actually hard copy yearbook! But we emailed everyone we shot on the train their portrait =)
Bahahaha that's so cool! I'd pay good money to be on that train!
Love what you do, Katie =] Thanks for always making me smile. You are one of a kind.
I love this idea! That's what I love about taking public transport, people watching (sometimes, it's not great, though, interesting/questionable experiences).
Love your creative ideas <3
I love our city & I love that you did this. Brilliant.
How cool is that? What a way to get people interacting with eachother AND you get a fun yearbook photo out of it too! How fun!
this is one of the coolest things i've ever seen! I got the tingly butterfly feeling just reading about it... can't imagine what it would've been like to actually be there!
how cool!
these improv everywhere missions are so awesome! it's such a cool experience for the random people involved to walk away with, knowing (or not?) that they were part of something completely unique & special. (which makes me even more sad that i missed the mp3 experiment when it was in chicago last year!)
your blog is great. i think you should change your job title to "smile maker." it would look pretty cool on business cards.
Forget writing a book, you should have your own television show. Love this.
The final outcome turned out so great and beautiful ! The baby is so adorable :)
Such an wonderful idea and seem like so much fun. Wished I was there too !
New Yorkers are so great! They are always up for anything. We did a little film interviewing New Yorkers and really had no problems finding people who were willing to speak into our camera:
this is such an incredible idea!
that is so sweet!! I wish could do something like that all the time it would be so fun
What a fantastic idea!! I admit if I rode the subway every day, I'd probably be one of the people ignoring everyone else and wishing I was somewhere else. You made everyone's subway ride lots of fun and something to remember :-)
Kelly @ DesignTies
Oh my goodness, I could swear third down from the right is my neighbor. What a fun idea. I love seeing your amazing creativity.
How spectacularly fun! Love what you're doing! Reading this gave me those tingly little butterflies, too. =)
oh my gosh! what an amazing idea! i love everything about this project. nice work.
katie, you are so awesome. i have a like a monster blog crush on you. you do the coolest stuff. keep on truckin'
That's so creative and fun! xD
Great idea!
Aww thats like so much of fun!
this is the coolest. Seriously your blog rocks, and I loooove checking it out every day :)
Love it!! Such a great idea. Love looking at all the tough New Yorkers smiling and happy.
You know what, I would love to go to NYC, just to meet you, and all the other crazy, and amazing people from IE.. The ideas, of both you and IE is absolutely fabulous!
Love your blog btw! I'm checking it everyday! It's been a part of my morning ritual now.. hehe
- Astrid, from Norway =)
haha - super awesome.
OMG you make me so happy! Why isn't there someone like you in every town to make us boring-cog-in-the-wheel types wake up and live a little!
I he♥rt this idea! I wish I could've seen the looks on people's faces when they got on the train, haha!
What a great idea! So glad you shared it with all of us. The world is a better place because of people like you.... with cameras!
simply awesome. I love it. it makes me miss ny. even the subway. ;-)
you TOTALLY have to print a copy of that and post it on the subday train. odds are most of those people are on the same car each day and would get a big kick out of seeing the finished product! or you could even just post it on the wall outside of the subway platform so more chance of the same people posibly seeing it! brilliant. you could do an interesting experiment and pick the same subway car each week or month and see how the faces change (or don't change) over time.
what a FABULOUS idea!! i love it!! if only everyone could be this happy all the time... ;o)
What a fun idea! I love that so many people were willing participants! I'm sure you brightened their day too. :o)
I stumbled onto this site today and immediately thought of you:
cuánta gente bonita!!!
So much fun!
every time i read about one of your improv everywhere missions i get so happy. thanks for using your creative energy in such a positive way, and for sharing it with us!
Oh mY god! I am fully crying! That was AWESOME.
what an incredibly creative & inspiring idea! love it!
Aw i saw the video on youtube first and i saw you in it towards the end! I was like "ah that's Color Me Katie!"
thanks for making me smile every time i read one of your posts. =]
i so wish i could've participated? what train was it?
@Megan- so funny you noticed me!
@Emilia- We were on the 6 Train in the 9th car =)
This is so much fun! So happy you brought out the smiles =)
Such an awesome idea! So fun.
Aw! That was awesome! Thanks for sharing! How fun. :)
what a wonderful idea!
You are guys are so great. I can just imagine how much this brightened everyone's day.
Very cool idea! :)
I love the New York subway. It is one of the best things about NY.
I wish I was there!
Is beautifull! How people have something to tell when they went to their homes. With this, you guys made their days more excited.
Thanks for do this!
I love this! I so wish I happened to be on that train at that time. so fun!
You are ADORABLE! What a good idea!
so so fun! :)
i practically live on the 6, i'm so sad i missed this!!
What camera do you use katie?
beautiful, love this!
such beautiful people in New York!
this is absolutely the coolest idea ever! i would be tickled to be on that subway car.
i love every post you have...they always make me smile big. :D
That's such a cool idea!
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