Monday, November 30, 2009

Where's Rob?

For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, our friend Rob pretended to get lost at a Knicks game.
He went to get some snacks but when trying to find his way back, he kept appearing further and further away from where our seats were.
His friends were constantly keeping an eye out for him and would start screaming his name every time they spotted him.
The people sitting around them started to notice that Rob was lost and decided to join in.
and the crowd grew,
and grew,
and grew!
Suddenly hundreds of people were shouting for Rob.
Can you find Rob?
People were completely unaware at the time that they were pretty much playing a giant game of Where's Waldo.
When Rob finally found his way back the entire place exploded. More people were cheering for Rob than for the Knicks!

The video is absolutely hilarious. You must watch just to see everyone's enthusiasm and all the fun chants the crowd made up.


maryse said...

just by reading this entry, i'm already excited! i'll watch the video once i get some headphones. can't have any noise here in the computer lab.

Kaitlin Erin said...


kimbirdy said...

That's hilarious! Improv Everywhere always has the best missions.

Allie said...

That was so fun! I doubt if something like that happened in my country, people around would help to search for Rob. xD

Courtney said...

So stinking funny! Man I wish I was in NYC so I could take part in Improv Everywhere missions, they always look like such fun!

Anonymous said...

I have to say his expression in the first photo is hilarius.

I also enjoyed the fact that he's wearing a red and white stripped top, but it's not obvious.

Linda Sue said...

EXCELLENT! People can be GOOD afterall! Very fun! Keep up the great improv missions, very much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

this is awesome!
one of my favorites so far!

Anonymous said...

I adore this, how funny!

Sylvie said...

This has totally and completely brightened my day. I need to get to a computer that will play it, because I can't wait to watch the video! Thanks a lot for sharing this.

Lynn said...

ROFLOL!! This makes me sooo want to try this the next time we go to a hockey game--but I'm afraid that we wouldn't be able to pull it off to the same brilliant effect as Improv Everywhere!

Susan said...

That's hilarious! How do you guys come up with such funny ideas?!

JHop said...

That right there..........comedy GOLD!!!!!

I would love to volunteer with you guys and do something like this. A dream job indeed!

Thank you for posting this, it brightened up my afternoon.


Courtney said...

I always watch these videos wishing I had been there! So hilarious!!!

Carolyn said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's hilarious!!

Meg said...

this is awesome! i love your improve everywhere missions. they always make my day!
xo meg

Anonymous said...

Ahhah that made my day! ;D

cdelphine said...

oh my gosh that's so amazing and hilarious. I wonder if the Knicks were confused while they were playing.

Sue said...

I start smiling before I even start reading your stuff these days. This was so cool.


Anne. said...

You guys are AWESOME.

"We found Rob, clap clap clap clap clap!"

Jamie Welsh Watson said...

Wow, that was so much fun to watch. I just loved it. Thank you!

Jill said...

oh this makes me laugh! what a great stunt, made even more perfect by his 'where's waldo'-ish hat.

amelish said...

Wait, this prank is how I first found out about Improv Everywhere! That was a few years ago... do you guys pull this one out of the hat pretty often?

It's still my favorite :)

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...


Teenage Tri Queen said...

What a great idea!! How do you guys come up with totally different acts every time! Still laughing from the video :)

Ashley Serena said...

That is the most fantastic thing ever. :D Love it!

Allie O. said...

These never fail to crack me up :D

Anonymous said...

i love improv everywhere! and that looks amazinnng hahaha it made my day. and this blog is absolutely fabulous (:

Gemma said...

HILARIOUS!!! I love you Rob! :D

Anonymous said...

This made me so happy that I almost cried of joy!
Katie, I love love love your blog and all the things that you come up with, youre such an inspiration, wish I could join you in New York, making people smile.
But since I live in Sweden Ill just continue reading your blog and be grateful for the joy you give me!

Relyn Lawson said...

That is wonderful. I love it when a camaraderie develops between strangers.

KwoONZz said...

i could not agree more with eplet ^^ when life hits u hard, it great to know life is still as colourful as it is ^^

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

that was pure entertainment gold.

Amanda said...

People like you and your friends make the world more fun! Thanks for posting this-will share the love on my blog soon.

Where is Rob? :)

Humble Magnificent said...

I love your blog and was mighty pleased to see 'Where's Rob?' mentioned in The Metro (free newspaper in London) on my train journey in this morning!

This link leads you to the online version:


Sara said...

Ah I so want to join Improve everywhere sometime!! we should have that in Sweden too...

Lisa Olson said...

That just brought tears to my eyes!
How hilarious, could you maybe come to Portland, OR sometime? We could use a little hilarity too.

Formerly known as Frau said...

That is so funny!! I love the excitement and energy of everyone! And people say New Yorkers aren't nice!

senovia said...

That's awesome! TFS!

Andy and Sara said...

You guys rock! I love these! You guys should consider doing like a nationwide "tour". Arizona needs some fun!

My name is Erin. said...

I'm listening to This American Life about the I.E. mission your group did at Starbucks. So far, so good. Interesting.

My name is Erin. said...

So I just finished listening to the This American Life. I guess it was about much more than the Starbucks mission. Were you a part of the Ted's B-day party or Ghost Apasha? Really crazy stories. I LOVE This American Life.

kim said...

improv everywhere gets such great ideas - you all do such amazing things. i wish i lived in america so i could see or be a part of it all rather than reading or watching videos with jealousy! hahahah :o)

rachel said...

that is sooooo awesome!!

Trudy Kockenlocker said...

KATIE: "Where's Rob?" made it to the homepage. That means that everybody and her grandma has seen it now! Congratulations!

Jenni said...

I wish I was there for this. How awesome. Love the creativity and getting others to join in.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Improv everywhere! Thanks for doing your part to make the world a more whimsical and enchanted place. Merry Christmas!!

Tiffany Payment said...

That is my favorite EVER!

Anonymous said...

still the same polo

Randi said...

My cheeks are hurting from all the laughing! I just HAD to post this on my Facebook profile! Funny!! :)

jackie said...

oh my this is hilarious! What a heartwarming crowd :)

Anonymous said...

jajajja what a gret mission, the funniest one. Improve Everywhere rocks!! loves from Argentina

Joanna, sweden said...

"you made my day"
- "that's what I'm here for"

haha, so right :P