Monday, April 26, 2010


Matty and I bought a bright green rug for our apartment.
( child not included )
My favorite thing about it is that it looks just like grass. We rarely get to see grass in the city!
Now Moo can be a grazing cow,
and I can work and have picnics at the very same time!
Who wants to bring the sandwiches?


Mina said...

so lovely! :D

Adelaide said...

I had to click the last photo just to get a better look at those cookies. Mmm!

Laura Marie said...

Brilliant :D And I love the toe nails :P <3

Janina Modaal said...

Looks so nice and funny!

Anonymous said...

love it, I got grass on my wall!

Vanessa said...

Thats amazing! I love your apartment! It's like an adventure land!

Bakkanekko said...

Hahaha.. your cat! xD
looks so comfy!

Anna said...

Moo does look like a cow! :p

anna said...

dear katie,
love your nails and Moo being a grazing cow!

Jessica from Stars and Clouds said...

Wow, what a cool carpet! I would love one like this! Imagine this would brighten up every winter day.... the cookies look better than most sandwiches by the way ;)

Deepthi Pola said...

lovely grass and also the pictures which were giving contrast effect :)

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

I was at an arts show this weekend, and I found a trail of big hippie flowers stuck to the road leading to an alley off the way where there were a few hidden booths. For a moment, I thought it was you, but the artist at the end of the trail, was selling raccoon traps. Welcome to Mississippi, and to my disappointment.

Ines said...

oh this is so lovely :—D

Chaucee said...

What a perfect way to have picnic on a rainy day!

Smeeeff said...

I'm so jealous! I love how it looks so real, looks great to picnic on!

allegria said...

i need one of these, living in arizona we never see green green grass!

( if you like katies blog i think youll like mine!) :)

Unknown said...

Ooooh I love it! hahaha! it is soo happy and it looks soft! ^^ (as I love cats I love soft things)

Amanda Waltman - Art of Subtlety Photography said...

i <3 it! such a fun color & seems to totally fit your personality! hope you & matty have many many living room picnics :)

Ebbiemae said...

love it! I may have to hold an indoor picnic later today :)

Macarena Gómez said...


C'est La Vie said...

it looks so comfy cozy!

and those cookies are making me hungry thank you very much

SillyJaime said...

That's pretty awesome. :] It's such a vibrant color and it looks so comfy.

jo_annie said...

LOVE the color!!!!

Madame said...

love that dress

tRiSh said...

Oh my gosh, I want the same: you've got the taste Katy, you really do =)

Cella Babee said...

You have inspired me to have my own picnic -- indoor OR outdoor! :)

A'n'G Johnson said...

oooo I love the idea of picnic's at home! I might have to make a fort out of blankets to go with it!

Karen said...

Love it! Makes me want to picnic right now....hmmm.....

Oh yes....and just so I can maybe limit the number of times a day I hear this, one of my kidlets would like me to pass on just how much he loves seeing your Moo!! Thanks for making him laugh and me smile! :>

Maggie said...

That's a pretty awesome rug.

OooKellyNicky said...


my blog: ♥La Stylin Girraffe♥

Cassie said...

Hahaha child not included!! I'll make cupcakes !!

Lies said...

Haha, great! Love it!

Unknown said...

Love it! You could plant felt daisies...


Karen Travels said...

I got that same bird tray from IKEA!!! (I can tell even with the cookies on it!)

Sue said...

Oh how fun! Maybe I need one of those during the winter months!

Valeria said...

Ok, now i think im your big fan!
your blog and work rules totally!

best regards from MX


Dizzy Miss Lizzie said...

This is soo creative!!

You're really clever, and coming from an aspiring young photographer, youre such an inspiration, you always make me smile and strive to be better :D

Fana Hadi said...

I am planning to buy a rug and totally buying one like yours.

Thank you for always making my day brighter.

Melinda said...

Looks so comfy and soft. You're really pretty by the way. And I want some of those cookies :)

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

congrats on your patch of green :) its like a little bit of a park in your place.

livin wide said...

omg, i love that!! can you please tell me where you got it??

Julie said...

Can I have one of those cookies?

Alysha Elizabeth said...

I will bring hummus and sprout sandwhichs!
Oh, and some green tea iced tea, brewed by the sun :)

XW said...

Do you always have freshly baked cookies at your house? You may have inspired me once again....

10Yen said...

I'll bring the sandwiches, anything you want in particular?

AmberLee said...

the picnic looks lovely. and moo looks right at home. i love it.

Renee said...

Those cookies look amaaaazing!! I want some haha :D
Your pictures are always so beautiful! Love your blog, it makes me happy.

Olga said...

I love the rug !!! I'd like to buy one for my flat and pretend I am lazing around in the park.

Apple said...

ooohhh! i swear your house could be a museum of art and color!!!:P

Amy said...

Totally love it. What kind of cookies are those??

carlota's said...


Hedwig said...

Hi Katie!
Today I saw your blog for the first time. I've been feeling bluhh for a couple of days, but I read every single post on your blog and I'm so full with energy and happiness!
Yay, thank!xx


Unknown said...

looks amazing!! "child not included" really made me laugh :P

helle said...

your blog is amazing!!! keeo it up! :) xo

Monster said...

i love bright green shag carpets for this very reason!

Raptor Plateado said...

WOW so green!!! i liked... its greait!!!

Anonymous said...

The rug is great. I am actually looking for the same rug for my soon to be baby's room. Can you tell me where you got it from?


_ffyona said...

So fun, they just looked like a big green patch of grass!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Love the shade of green, love your laptop too, actually I'm behind her sister right now ;).
Just popped onto your lovely blog, became your follower so I don't have to miss your future posts and now I'm off to read some of your past posts ....

Hope you're having a happy day! xx

Rebecka said...

Recently I found your Flickr page and your work is incredibly inspiring!

colormekatie said...

Thanks everyone!

For those asking, I bought the rug at Ikea =)

Monica said...

I have this same rug between my sofas! I love it, and I totally don't mind with the dog leaves her pink toys all over it, makes for great color contrast.

Pink Blog Girl said...

That is such a fun rug! I love the colorful toenail polish too! So cute :)

emily said...

Ahhh. Grass is awesome. Carpet that looks like grass is awesome-er!

Susan said...

I NEED THIS RUG! I need some color in our rental apartment! I want wall to wall of this carpet!

Jacqueline said...

I totally love that rug! It's like having a park right in your living room!

Love and Turtledoves,

Walter Helena Photography said...

YTour blog is so absolutely, astoundingly terrific. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your good energy!

If you’d like, please stop by my blog for a chance to win a fine art photographic giclee me :)

jokemijn said...

he does indeed look like a grazing cow...

lizzy said...

Where did you find this! It's pretty awesome!

Simon Phan said...

oh no. Beware of Moo now, green rug turn him into a cow that can fly.
I like :) !!

Fashion By He said...

wow awesome color!! great blog

come follow the first ever fashion blog from a guys POV, let He know what you think

Maria said...

Where did you get this rug? I'm about to move and I'd love to take some grass with me!

:) Maria

wishful nals said...

i love these photos. what a neat idea!

mb said...

If you got it at Ikea, we have the same one! And it is perfect to picnic on!

Eric said...

Moo cat on carpet grass hooked me. What a fun blog. Your photos are fantastic! Thanks! :D

Elizabeth said...

Hey! Could you release the recipe of those cookies? They look so yummy. Also, could you tell us your secret about getting them that exact perfect level of done-ness? Because yours look ideal.
You're adorable, by the way.

Venassa said...

Who knew a grass rug could be so cute

Nori said...

I Love the rug. I've been looking for one for about 5 months now! I wanted it for my travel themed room.

House land packages said...

It's perfect! I would love to have one of that.

katieleigh said...

can i pleaaaase have one of those cookies *puppy dog eyes*

Anonymous said...

looooooove it!

Anonymous said...

What brand of toenail polish?

Sarah said...

I love the rug! But the toenail polish really completes the room.

serenayap said...

i have the rug!!! =] mine's from ikea!!

ajplays said...

Hee, we bought the same rug for the same reason... love bringing the outdoors in!

HannahD said...

I saw a tray exactly the same as your in IKEA here in the UK but it didnt have cookies :P we almost bought them anyway

Aundria B. said...

Love your indoor "yard" :) & it looks like Moo does too! Where'd you find the rug? I need a burst of color around here.

Jesse Pelikan said...

i was catching up on your blog when my 4 year old, on glancing over said, 'can i see that picture of the cow?' about the picture of Moo walking on the new rug. Kids get it, ya know?

Moriah Brantner said...

I love all of your dresses! Where did you get them?

Jen said...

Love your blog.. I have that tray too and I recently spotted it on the Portlandia put a bird on it sketch as well, hah!

Shana1 said...

I love this rug! Thanks for posting. Could you please tell me where you bought it or what brand? Thanks so much!