Friday, June 18, 2010

A few things that make me happy

flowers that seem to smile,
decorating burritos like I would decorate a cake,
shopping cart street art,
my new intern,

trees with a sense of fashion,
forcing embarrassing butterfly tattoos onto my brother's arm,
Moo's thinking face when he's studying,

dancing while doing the dishes,
and wonderfully gigantic smiles!

I have a crazy busy weekend and would love to hear some things that make you smile. It would definitely make my stressful weekend a bit less stressful! So let's play a game, tell me something that makes you happy or link to a photo that makes you smile in the comments and I will pick a few people at random on Monday to send a fun present to in the mail! Make sure to put your email or a link to your blog in the comments so I can contact you.


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Holly said...

Katie, reading your blog makes me smile!

Other things that make me happy:
- riding my red bike
- reading to my daughter
- walking on the sand in my bare feet
- getting a letter in the mail

Anna said...

Opening gigantic jars of artichoke hearts :)

Jen in Japan said...

My students' fish faces!

colormekatie said...

@Anne- That is the cutest smile ever!

Larissa said...

the sun crashing trough the black clouds makes me smile.
And my cat begging for food :D

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...
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Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

That smile makes me lol! Thank you! I've had a stressful week too preparing for an exibition - just after I came home from Paris! (I know, poor me!)

What makes me smile the most right now is thinking about this wonderful piece of pastry I had in Paris and that beautiful room I was in. It was like a dream come true to me and I was so happy I dared to enter, you know, because I wasn't sure about the prices etc...


I also smile when I read all the comments of readers who walked with me through Paris via my blog.

Wendy Norman said...

Love seeing the things that make you smile...they always make me smile too!

Secret gardens tucked away in Charleston, SC make me smile:

Emily said...

This photo always makes me smile. Who doesn't love cats in glasses. Too cute and fun

P.S. I hope your weekend ends up being more fun than stressful :)

Adelaide said...

I just noticed this morning how beautiful dew on grass is. It sounds so simple and common, but if you take the time to look at it, it's so pretty. It's like every blade of grass put on their diamonds and rubies and got together for a big fancy lawn party.

Dodo said...

This always makes me happy, one of the cutest things living on this planet (and her name is Sonia):

Too bad they are only breeded as pets in Russia! But my guinea pigs are also my little happiness in life!

Anonymous said...

My youngest son's pouty face when he doesn't get his way. That bottom lip comes out about a mile! Too cute!

Unknown said...

I love these photographs:
Jordan Matters Photography: Dancers Among Us

(casey williams at gmail)

Jessie said...

The color of BEETS!

(And the smirk that goes with them.)

Katie Palmer said...

It makes me happy when strangers can say "Hi" when passing you. It usually leaves me with a smile. The tech world hasn't totally wiped that out yet.

Holly @ Shopaholly said...

Your posts make me happy! I'm new to your blog but I've been pimping it out ever since I found it last week.

Happiness is also induced by late night photography sessions, icecream (anytime) and having a few hours open up unexpectedly in your day.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Umm...Umm....umm...making handmade softies for all the kids of the world! :)

Alicia said...

Dancing! Alone or with friends, at home or at the bar, outdoors or in dressing rooms, anywhere really!

azwells at gmail

Amanda said...

things that make me smile:
my one year old daughter's laugh
homemade blueberry muffin
making something with my own two hands
cooking something delicious enough to make my husband want seconds :)

Lillian said...

-driving with the windows down and blaring embarrassing pop music
-a day in bed
-pull-n-peel twizzlers

Kat said...

whenever i have tuna my doggy always waits (not so patiently..) at my side until she gets some - and EVERY time afterwards she always tries to come give me a kiss with her tuna breath, as a thank you for it.

i swear, tuna is like crack to that dog, she is the happiest creature ever afterwards.

Melody said...

Things that make me happy?
getting a letter in the mail
giant balloons that take up half of my room
my new pet fish and his snail friends
the last day of school
knowing that there is a world of opportunity in front of everyone as long as you're willing to take the right path
not that our roses have thorns, but the fact that our thorns have roses

Cathlene Bell said...

My brother makes me smile. He has Down's Syndrome, and can't form really clear words or sentences, but his actions speak volumes. Last night, my mom and I were stressing out over a lot of medical concerns. My brother took down three medals from a school Field Day years ago, and put one medal around my mom's neck, then mine, and then his.

Some aspects of life seem hell-bent on trying to convince us all that we are losers. But my brother proved them wrong. He makes me smile.

Em said...

This little guy always makes me happy after a long day <3


linda said...

a conversation

3 year old - "sonic the hedgehog has a girlfriend in this movie"

6 year old - "no he doesn't!"

3 year old - "yes, he dooze!"

Kellie said...

There is a local wilderness area here; it always makes me smile when I take our dogs out and let them splash around while I lay on the smooth rocks and let the water rush over my feet.

It's like the most perfect escape.

Nick said...

A few weeks back I was on holiday in Greece and saw 3 things that made me happy:

Kittens hiding in an alley:

My GF hiding in an old hollow tree while walking in the forrest

But I hurt my toe in the forrest, and when I went to the beach after. There were 2 sea ducks in my view. I didn't even know ducks lived in salt water ( i love ducks :) )

Galapril said...

This magic sweater makes me happy:

This house which is near my house:

The Body Art by Emma Hack:

Funny mistakes in newspapers make me laugh:

Sir Winston Churchill, with all his clever and touching words:

Regina Spektor with her funny song "Folding Chair":

Funny and silly shoes:

This manifest:

This video of yours!:

My t-shirt:

People fighting for human rights:

And last but not least! Ballooooons!:

Have a wonderful day!

Lynn said...

Oh! Definitely watching my kids happily playing together. Seems simple, but in between all the typical rivalry happening, seeing this:

is pure joy for them as well as for me!

Elyssa said...

Doctors being silly and my trip to Africa in general

Mindy and Lola said...

My niece always makes me smile... she likes "working" with us at craft shows, she picks up random things from the table and askes if you want to buy her "craps!!!"

I also made a rain cloud wall in my bedroom! I wake up all smiles!

audrey pm said...

Playing guitar, alone or with friends, until very late in the night. That makes me happy!

Juliette Crane said...

Happy Apples, Graffiti Men Walking (one with a balloon), yellow cat eye sunglasses and blooming poppies!

xo, juliette

Scout said...

You make me smile!!
and so does hooping
Do you hoop? Because if not you should totally pick it up. I see you hooping with a gloriously bright colorful rainbow hoop.

Anonymous said...

I just successfully passed my final school exams this week! :D
No more school for me ever - freedom!
Oh, and my new pink headphones make me smile, too.

Caito said...

- smelling woodsmoke when I am out walking around: it takes me back to camping in the woods, and I like to think of the people who made it cozy inside with their fire

- my cat's paws, which are so furry that he slips on the hardwood floor

- the way my skin smells with saltwater on it

- homemade ice cream!

Joey Cardella said...

One thing that always makes me smile is knowing I have a stylist I can trust when my beard gets out of control...


mollysusie said...

rainbows make me smile ... even though I know how they form, seeing one always feels like magic!

caroline said...

Senior citizens eating ice cream cones in the summertime. :D

kate said...

When it's sunny one one side of my house and rainy on the other. That way I can decide what I want to see out my window.

Hannia said...

This picture my dad and brother took in Canada never fails to make me smile:

Silly squirrels out my window will also inevitably always make me smile :)

Anonymous said...

Feeling summer breezes on my skin makes me HAPPY! So do Bollywood musicals.

So does this:

Marta said...

I do love to put my feet on the green grass =) I feel so happy and so alive :D

I love candy stores and how lovely the colours are.

I love old movies :D

Ana said...

I smile when the people give details as gifts. And when the kids smile too!

amanda lee said...

The fact that I am moving to NYC in 18 days makes me smile so big it hurts!

Tábata Kotowiski said...

Things that make me smile:

- My toys collection
- SpongeBob
- Watermelon Juice
- Rainbow cake
- To watch Arthur sleeping

And you. :) I heart your blog.

Huge hugs,

xueni ; said...

I love any kittens that smile at me;

I love any puppies that stick their tongue and wag their tails;

I love rainbows.

Laura said...

- riding my bicycle in the sunshine
- listening to belle & sebastian
- laughing at our cat when she watched films on the laptop and thinks the dogs/cats in the film are real (see: Homeward Bound)
- driving home from work on a friday
- sending/receiving exciting things in the post!

Have a great weekend! (my email's on my blogger profile!)

Becky said...

Elephants pretending to be parrots...

From Becky

Katie Petri said...

Bringing my beloved doggy to Central Park to play!

Stephanie said...

lollipops :)

Karen Travels said...

-Planning a vacation to NYC later this summer,

-afternoon thunderstorms that have been hitting Charlotte every afternoon

And these pencil pictures:

Glorysgirl said...

Wrinkly faced puppies always make me happy:

Actually puppies in general. Or big, full grown, 9 year old puppies like my girl!

- Ashley

Anonymous said...
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Jacque said...

first scoops { coffee, peanut butter }

finding the perfect word { churlish! }

pulling pranks with the mister { single item stoop sales }

thanks, katie
this assignment made me smile.
have a wonderful weekend & maybe a nap

Anonymous said...

Star Trek :)


Syazwi Aljabri said...

What makes me smile are... little almost 3 years old sister. silly friends. We always done something silly when we are together and one of our favourite is singing our silly made up song loudly in empty classroom while doodling on the chalkboard.

3.Crafting and making thing for myself and others.

4.Your blog,your smile and your little brother.


6.My room's white plain wall - because I always paint the wall with my imagination. Even, get lost during the progress...

7.Myself - can't believe so many changes happened to me since I was a baby.


Anonymous said...

Life makes me happy in general (which is something that took a while to realize...)!

Some more specific things?
-My dog, Deacon
-To Write Love on Her Arms
-My beachy-esque decor
-Definitely frolicking in the ocean
-Leaving encouraging notes on strangers' cars
-Mumford & Sons
-When my friends have amazing days!
-4th of July Fireworks in Washington, DC

(I could keep going, but I'll stop). Thank you for adding to my happiness every day!

Cindy said...

i know it's corny, but when i hear 'cutie, i'm home' at the end of the day and pretty bicycles -

Anne said...

Improving my lemon cake by adding orange oil to the recipe made me happy today. And my cat makes me happy:
And the cup of coffee my colleague just brought in to cheer me up after Germany lost against Serbia. :-) or @scriptak in twitter.

Anonymous said...

When my cat Paris jumps up on my bed, looks me in the eye, tilts his head to the side and makes a little chirpy meow sound which means "lift up the blanket mum, I wanna snuggle". It's adorable!
bek (dot) godbold @ hotmail (dot) com

chelsea said...

Things that make me happy right now:
*Colorful vegetables like peppers. Especially when paired with hummus.
*Being surrounded by books.
*Tiny birds outside my window.
*Old men working in their gardens, who stop to say a joyful "hello!"
*Blue sky throw green branches.

Juanita said...

Group hugs, especially when there a Mother Superior in the mix!

Arianne said...

1. This blog makes me smile.

2. My BF's cat making cookies on my back makes me smile.

3. This picture of me on the tarzan swing in Costa Rica last year makes me smile. I'm always glad that I didn't chicken out when it was my turn to swing.

arianne (at) glittergeek (dot) ca

MandiScandal said...

There are a million things that make me smile. Just ONE of them lately has been looking at pictures of the random things my friends and I do.

Also, in conjunction, it makes me smile when friends much taller than I give me piggy-back rides. I don't know how to link in a comment so here's the address to the photo and my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hello there Katie!
This post is too cute for words. The photos are AMAZING!

Happy? I would have to say hearts + stars, my little bee and baking!


Rachel said...

My completely nerdy husband makes me SO happy! We get to work on the patio and buy a BBQ grill this weekend, our first patio and grill EVER!!

Gigi said...

Walking through my childhood neighbourhood and realizing everything has shrunk! Everything is larger than life when you're a kid.

Nystacular said...

One day I discovered my cat waiting outside of the bathroom door after I've taken a shower and I couldn't figure out why, every time I would go near her she would scamper away. That is until she got more brazen with her actions and didn't run away when I carefully spied on what she was doing in the bathroom. It turns out she was drinking water leftover in a soap dish cove in the wall that we don't use. Shes done this so much that she taught our old cat to do it too (after about a year or two of doing it). So every time I get a shower it puts the bigger smile on my face when I open the door to see a cat waiting patiently to "use" the bathroom and I always say hello to them. I took a picture of my cat doing it awhile back, please ignore the grodie bathroom

Ashley Lynn Fry said...

Happy Things...

- watching lightning bugs light up the back yard
- super juicy nectarines (especially when the juice runs down your arm)
- puppy kisses
- fresh cut flowers
- knowing there is dessert in the freezer
- belly laughs
- the sound of the mailman leaving mail (I can hear my mailbox shut from inside my house- LOL)


ian sands said...

I like Turdles!

colormekatie said...

@Juanita- that picture is so cute!!

sarah said...

besides your blog . . . i get to release a 2 yr old bald eagle back into the wild today! that's going to make me smile for a long time :) so excited!


My friends & I , in mid air! :D (we're jumping that is! :D )

I love your blog!

Lorena Hawkins said...

Strawberry festivals, summer is here!

Jamie Blomdahl said...

My little brother's game face whenever we have a battle playing wii :))

SoulPony said...

this adorable creature, my niece Kenlee. you will see why when you click this link:

Pale said...

The sound of the rain when you are falling sleep

Alyssa said...

Many, many things make me smile. One of the main things that makes me smile is the memory of one of the mentally handicapped kids at my school walking up to me, giving me a necklace saying that we'll get married one day. I wear the necklace every single day.

bl0gg3rn4m3 said...

Ice cream!

Annie said...

love the 'new intern' photo - def made me smile... other things that make include eating chocolate for breakfast as I know I shouldn't! (don't do it all the time though!)

and this pretty photo of the london sky last night made me smile when I was waiting for my train home - however my iphone camera really didn't do it justice!

ckscribbles said...

finding out i dont actually have work when i thought i did make me smile, also going to the beach and your blog.



lauren ♥ said...

my two year old son makes me smile

here is a little taste: <3

Jen said...

I just found this little guy last night, and he not only made me smile, but also made me squeal. Really, really loud. :D

Eveline said...

There are a few things dat make me smile today.
Driving our little car through the carwash and driving without shoes on.
The big smile in the voice of my grandmother when she called to say she loves the photobook I made her.
Receiving wonderful postcards.
A garden with lots of flowers.

ilene @ muchloveilly said...

this is a lovely idea - plus i LOVED your recent entry. it made me HAPPY.

as for other things that make me happy - i LOVE a good laugh and my boyfriend/best friend can make me laugh.

here is a pic from my blog:

happy weekend!


Dani said...

This Video and song make me happy.

So does this T-shirt

Juanita said...

> @Juanita- that picture is so cute!!

Isn't it wonderful, Katie? That's the feeling you get when you walk into the foster home at the Buen Pastor convent: showers of love :). I'm glad you feel it!

juanitabenedicto (at) gmail (dot) com

Crystal :) said...

talking to my boyfriend who is back in my home country and receiving a random message from him in the morning..always puts a smile on my face (:

and your colourful blog that makes me feel so happyyy ;)

Katie Mauer said...

I already responded to you on Twitter...
Birthdays make me happy! My birthday is next Friday!

Heather said...

Things that put a smile on my face

-Your blog! I admit I love seeing what Moo is up to
-On that note - Cats make me very happy and most animals in general
-Sunflowers, Daisies, and other happy flowers
-Seeing family (especially now that we live so far apart).
-Happy smiling faces (especially babies)
-Eating scrumptious treats regardless of how unhealthy and fattening they might be
-Road trips with my soon-to-be-husband


crissy tioseco said...

Scanning the faces of me and my friends. We look like aliens :D

"Greetings from our planet"

Anonymous said...

My magic kittens..

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Other than seeing "Color Me Katie" bold in my google reader list? My new favorite thing is riding my new (old) cruiser bike as though I am George in the movie "A Room With A View." I weave back and forth down the alley after work and pretend I am following the buggy carrying Lucy Honeychurch. It makes me giggle.

elizacbivins at gmail

colormekatie said...

@Katie Mauer- Happy early birthday!

Katharine said...

Feeding llamas, as seen in this picture
and also thinking about when I will be able to visit South America again.

Kika said...

Golden retrieves!!! I just have a smile on my face when I cross with them on streets! :D

Anonymous said...

These and those:

and your pictures and art, always.

M as fleurdelys1304 at

colormekatie said...

@Katharine- haha! Love the llama pics

Casi Leigh said...

I smile when I play soccer with my teeny miniature Pinscher, Max!! We watch the World Cup together and act out the best plays in our living room. He is way better than I am, he can ALWAYS tackle the ball away from me! Just look at those handling, um I mean pawing, skills! Course, our ball has to be a bit smaller than regulation size. :)

crissy tioseco said...

I just started a new blog of things I like to do that make me happy!! Here are a few:

1. Scanning faces of me and my friends! We look like aliens :D

2. Mysterious murder roll plays with my roommates with matching rhyming narrations

3. Pretending to be a spy!

email: :D

CP said...

Hello there Katie!

Here is my special photo of my father:


Carolina said...

I love your blog sooo much and tour pictures are happy and beautiful.
Something the makes me smile is knowing I'm leaving for Michigan in a few days :)

colormekatie said...

@Eveline- I also looooove driving without shoes on!

katze_kitty said...

Realizing that ordinary objects can defy the laws of nature and allow you to carry rainbows with you :)

(btw i think i have a crush on your intern. ;))

Kristina said...

Taking my dog for a long walk and seeing the smiles on people's faces when they saw her so happy. That always rocked my day and made me smile!

Anonymous said...

My puppy created a new galaxy on my bedroom floor - this makes me happy.

katze_kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donica Christina said...

These are always so fun, and I'm happy to join in.

Giraffe's my friend and I made for 1000000 Giraffe's


colormekatie said...

@ Donica- haha! The giraffes are awesome!

K.J.D.L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg said...

This video of an orangutan and a hound dog who found true love:

I oogled and giggled and felt like hugging everyone while watching!

Clyde said...

The cute story below make me laugh anytime BUT I must say that my five little monkeys take the prize all the time (10 years old all the way down to 10 months old.)

Sorry for the lenght of my comment - but I better say sorry (later) than ask permission (now) :)


A couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things. During a checkup, the doctor tells them that they are physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember.

Later that night, while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. "Want anything while I'm in the kitchen?" he asks.

"Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?"


"Don't you think you should write it down so you can remember it?" she asks.

"No, I can remember it. "

"Well, I'd like some strawberries on top, too. Maybe you should write it down, so as not to forget it?"

He says, "I can remember that. You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries."

"I'd also like whipped cream. I'm certain you'll forget that. Write it down," she says.

Irritated, he says, "I don't need to write it down -- I can remember it! Ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream! I got it, for goodness' sake!"

He toddles off to the kitchen. Twenty minutes later the old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs.

She stares at the plate for a moment and asks, "Where's my toast?"

Jennifer said...

This kid and this puppy make me super happy, especially when they're together:

And this funny bird in the park made me happy too. I think it was doing yoga:

Georgia Jones said...

Making huge and colorful paper flowers to hang above my desk makes me smile.

cotton candy makes me happybooks make me smile.

children choosing books in my library and watching them read always makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

dreaming and thinking about art makes me happy!

Stephanie said...

Reading your blog makes me happy - I love the bright colors!

Also, baking fun cupcakes, playing with my bunny, making babies laugh, and watching animals eat, especially this tortoise trying to eat a cherry tomato:

email: snucci at gmail dot com

Nate B. said...

Playing with makeup. I can't explain it. It's one of the few things in this world that just clicks with me. It allows me to be creative and free...and it helps that I have friends who are willing to try out new designs

Leanna said...

-Pink cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles!
-When my boyfriend tries to kiss me like Jaws
-Baby conversations that we as adults cannot quite understand
-and of course, baby sloths :)

This blog too! Thanks for being so fun and inspiring to follow :)

Shannon said...

The song Copacabana makes me smile.

Earny from Earncastle said...

it's sooo funny ! :) really cool pictures!
I say hello from Germany!
Cu, Earny

K.J.D.L said...

3 things that make me happy

Huge thunder clouds rolling in when you are the only person for miles, and you can smell the beautiful rain.

My pet dinosaur Herm, who keeps me company at my place of employment.

My goofy handsome husband, who makes me laugh always :)

Life is too wonderful to be stressed! I hope you feel better!
karlie jean

Anonymous said...

My fave rainbow socks make me happy all the time! I'd always wear them when I'm feeling the blues. Heh!

My current loves:

Love your blog!

Anne W. Lupton said...

Every thought of my beloved Sophie, who passed away three years ago. She was the most amazing dog ever and quite simply the best thing that ever happened to me. Plus, she proved beyond any reasonable doubt that God exists.

colormekatie said...

@ Clyde-That story is so funny! Thanks so much for sharing it!

Laura said...

1) giggling toddlers:

2) my grandfather:

3) this blog!

happy friday, everyone!! xoxo

luke and pamela said...

* making lists
* preparing for a weekend camp out
* queso manchego
* running into friends making the world a smaller place
* impromptu peek-a-boo :

Eleanor said...

You make me happy, Katie!!!

Also happy inducing:
-Rainbow colored cupcakes with sprinkles
-Catching fireflies
-Building forts out of bed sheets with my husband
-Singing and dancing in the mirror pretending I'm super glamorous and famous!!!


Melanie said...

My boyfriend makes me happy. I only see him a few months out of the year right now because we go to different schools, and he's taking summer classes so I see him even less now.

That's why when we do spend time together, it makes me extra happy!

laynemarie said...

Well, your funny pictures ALWAYS put a smile on my face. And here's some other things that have made me smile today...

- Solo singalongs while driving in my car, especially to and from work

- The kelly green, lemon yellow, deep turquoise, gray & grape gum purple, blue, and magenta walls in our apartment. My colors ALWAYS make me smile! :D

- Art! I love looking at it and putting it all around my home.

- The ducks and ducklings in my neighborhood. Especially when they are waddling or running down the sidewalk!!

And you know what? Today is super stressful, and until you made me think about it, I hadn't realized how much I've already smiled this morning. Today doesn't seem so bad now. Thanks Katie! =)

hello [at]

Jesi said...

Me in a Keri Smith disguise posing as Color Me Katie!

Amelia said...

My Oliver Cat when he was a kitten in the sink!

sophia tangerine said...

balloons on the NYC subway...or riding the subway with the lights out in the cart! :)

Unknown said...

silly art projects always make me happy

Anonymous said...

This blog!! :D It's my favorite!

OK that's cheating. :P but true. I knew I was going to have more than one photo to link to, so I just made a blog post like this one over here -

Sorry you had a rough week - mine was bumpy too! But happy Friday!!!

thehatshop said...

It made me smile to read all these happy things from everyone! Thanks for starting such a nice game.

And it makes me happy when my little bird friend decides to come visit me at my office window. He is fascinated with the three-hole-punch that I set on the window sill and stops by a few times a day to check it out. :)

Stephanie said...

this photo makes me smile!

my blog,

Blayne Macauley said...

I am so happy to have found your blog! You are so talented! Your pictures here are so happy. The thing that makes me happy is when I get home and my dog gets so excited she rolls on her back and wiggles until I scratch her.

I am holding a photography contest on my blog and I think you would make a perfect entry. Please consider it :)

3 squares said...

fresh strawberries, still warm from the sun. :) and of course, the thought of all the things i will make with them. strawberry shortcake, strawberry waffles, strawberry muffins...

Unknown said...

Honestly, reading your blog makes me happy! It is so fresh and colorful and optimistic. Some other things that make me happy: taking photos, laughing with friends, hugging my fiance. :)

look a little closer said...

YOUR blog, happiness, and wonderfulness makes me smile! seriously. :)

here's a post just for you and i hope my friends will pass the happiness on.

have a wonderful weekend!

Daan said...

Today my little boys made me smile: little boy with icecream
and my other little boy with his first kindergarden girlfirend.

You can find the photo's on my midsummerblogpost


One of my pet rats diving to reach some frozen peas is one of the things that makes me smile the most. That is so beautiful when he dives and so funny when he's getting out of the water... There's some pictures.

Sareberry said...

Well, your 360 camera showed up in my dream last night. That made me smile when I woke up, because for the longest time I was trying to remember where my brain had come up with such a silly thing.

And then, you know, anything else on my blog.

Sara said...

Hmm...things that make me smile...
-Waking up to the sun coming through my windows in summer!
-Laughing with my friends until we fall over and can't breathe
-Singing and dancing in the car with all the windows down while driving to the beach!
-Getting cute little random texts from my boyfriend
-Building over complicated forts with my male college friends in my dorm and sleeping in them!
-Tickle fights!
-Performing in shows and looking in the audience and seeing that your jokes and songs and dance make them happy!
-Reading what makes everyone happy makes me happy. I love seeing other people smile!

Erin said...

Singing along to Abba while dancing on the chairs of my kitchen with my best friend while baking pumpkin pancakes...all on a sunny morning :)

Melissa Hope said...

Well, let me just say that I love your blog. So your blog post make me smile! :-)
I also love riding my bike, being in the sun, cuddling with my fiance', and doing random dances (I even name them).

Lisa Gutierrez said...

-rainbow cupcakes
-my sons
-my sons sharing rainbow cupcakes, as seen in this photo:


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Sue said...

Allways make me happy:

- chidren laughing
- dogs playing together
- teenagers flirting
- eating spanish omelette
- a nice compliment
- singing

love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Doing nice things for people when they don't expect it. You never know when someone is having a really bad day (or week...or year) and one tiny kindness can give them a small grain of hope that not only does someone care about them but that the world might just be an okay place. It leaves me feeling hopeful and happy as well.

Lauren said...

My fiance looking up to my window before he gets in his car to leave so we can wave goodbye one more time and blow kisses to each other!

Friends from far away who hide birthday presents in your apartment when they visit you so they can call you on your birthday, tell you to look in a drawer they know you never use, and surprise you with a present right there in front of you! =)

legreene "at"

just me said...

Waking up with a cold nose pressed against mine, and opening my eyes to see my kitty, purring and waiting for me to wake up.

Lauren said...
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Agata said...

I love to watch this clip - MIKA "We are golden". It makes me smile and full of energy every morning. :)

juliane2004 said...

-my baby's nap time
-emails from real people, not spam
-warm bedsheets straight from the dryer
-a clean house, without me having to clean it

Niko said...

life is short so i am learning the importance of continually adding to what makes me smile, but here's a shortened list:

1. the way my boyfriend looks at me.
2. long aimless walks through nyc
3. realizing that my turtles have separate personalities.
4. embracing my creativity
5. color color color
6. my nieces perfect, adorable laugh
7. waking up
8. paper cranes
9. popcorn
10. my life

kerie said...

The Mighty Boosh always make me happy!

(keriefb at

Kristin said...

Doing crazy things with my newly-cut hair! :)

Anonymous said...

What makes me smile/happy:

My boyfriend's kisses in the morning (while I'm half-asleep!) before he goes to work.
My cat Chichi lying in the window sunbathing!
Just lying in the bed doing absolutely nothing :)
Good food good conversations!
Random act of kindness.

Just want to share this photo of my cat's yawning but caught a shot halfway through his yawn. It looks as if he's smiling!! We all find it really funny :)

kara lynn said...

always make me happy. that's easy.

-fresh bread out of an oven
-rain--pouring rain
-warm bubble baths
-knowing my sister is coming for a visit


liso. said...

puppy pawprints dried into the concrete sidewalk...!

C'est La Vie said...

who doesn't love mail OR presents!? THAT MAKES ME HAPPY :)

the smell of rain makes me SO happy :)

and your blog posts make my days!


Oana said...

walking bare-foot through the grass after a heavy rain makes me feel all warm inside.

So does discovering 3 little kittens a random stray cat gave birth to behind my house ^^

Margot said...

Fairy doors hidden in Ann Arbor:

My indoor sweet basil plant:

And the hilarious sketch "Boys Will Be Girls" by Harvard Sailing Team:

Hope these make you smile as much as your blog makes me smile!

team cowan said...

What a fun game!
Here's my recent happy list:

The smell of sunscreen on my two little knuckleheaded boys.

This adorable kitty:

Sassy Gay Friend:


Anonymous said...

Things that make me smile:

Giving horse's kisses:

My sister's smile:

-Opening a big bag of Old Dutch Dill Pickle chips and taking that first yummy wiff.
-Seeing my nieces (one 6 mos the other 8 yrs and another 7 yrs) especially when they laugh or smile right back at me.

Venn said...

-waking up to hearing the sound of rain and feeling the cool breeze in the mornings
-seeing any animal makes me smile
-children randomly giving me a hug
-bumping into an old friend on the way home

P.S:Reading your blog always cheers me up!

siniann said...

the idea of hugging my family in few weeks,I will travel 3000km to see them ! It makes a huuuge smile on my face.

Anonymous said...

your positivity makes everybody smille I think, so I'm not an exсeption;)
smell of hot summer in the morning, it's always the same everytime and everywhere in the world.
good relationships and kind openminded people.

привет from Russia!;)

Sherri said...

My children make me Happy and Smile!!!

You do have a fantastic blog..thanks for all the joy you send out!

We plan to use many of your ideas..and to link them all back to you!

Bubble-Blower said...

This video makes me smile! Any my dog's tail does too! He wags it in a circle when I'm around, but everyone else gets the "normal" wag.

sam said...

thunderstorms at night make me smile :)

Tiffany said...

This street concert makes me smile from ear to ear and dance.

California Poppies also make me gleeful.

Mellissa said...

Love your blog! Your joy is infectious. :)
The things that are making me smile today are:
- My kids giggling together while they play
- Letters from friends
- New music to listen to
- Fresh art supplies
- and this photograph, which is what happens when we try to get family pictures taken:

Allegra said...

Things that make me smile:
--My beautiful boy
--My handsome and hilarious husband
--The fabulous customers who visit me in my shop regularly
--Random acts of kindness
--Mike Myers
--Not-so-random acts of kindness
--Packages in the mail
--Presents (of course)

OK. I could go on, but those are the highlights. If you'd like to see pictures of my beautiful boy, you can visit And if you'd like to see a bit of my shop (that I own with my awesome Mom), you can visit


Anonymous said...

e eu do lado de cá do mundo acabei sorrindo junto com você.


Unknown said...

What a great post idea!
- people watching
- animals doing funny/cute things
- anything chocolate
- unexpected compliments
- your blog!

Josie Grogan said...

-hummingbirds swarming the feeders on our front porch
-cutting out paper garlands and hanging them around my room
-roasting smores and lighting sparklers with my younger cousins at the mtn house
-spending all a.m. cutting out hearts and hanging them from the ceiling for my family
-stepping out on the Brooklyn bridge for the first time this May
-my dog, when she inserts herself into my shots like she's the queen

-following your twitter updates

all these things make me happy

Bri said...

Balloons put the biggest smile on my face.

Not to mention other happy nonsense, like garden gnomes, shiny toy robots, and Alice in Wonderland :)

Zoë said...

the thing putting the biggest smile on my face today is getting mail from wonderful friends living far away :)

Chelsea said...

This guy makes me smile. This is a side view, but from the front you would see that he has on sweet shades and a necktie. He greets me every night when I pull in the driveway. Big smile!!

Have a great weekend, hope it isn't too stressful!!

Little Garcon said...

I love your posts they are definitely one of the things that make me smile on bad days.

I also love watching my crazed bunny Ernest, terrorize my house and eat candy for dinner.

M. said...

Wrapping presents
- Colorful highlighters and post-its
- Flintstones vitamins!
- Randomly dancing in the middle of the streets.
- Spontaneous vacations
- Collecting postcards
- Balloons
- Themed weddings!
Going around New York 'riding' in a taxi cab:

kimberly said...

Your blog makes me smile!

Other things worth smiling over:

1) my Siamese kitties make me smile!
2) a gigantic glass of chocolate milk
3) 3-day weekends
4) the cardboard cut-out of Chris Pine as Captain Kirk - standing in my living room with a feather boa around his neck
5) a cool breeze on a hot day

And so much more!

- Kimberly
kimberweeme at gmail dot com

rachel thurston said...

Random stranger giving me a bear hug in the bookstore last night..telling me that when the time is right I already have everything in me to be a great mother. Bonding with total strangers!!!! There may be nothing I love more.

ningalingaling said...
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Unknown said...

I have definitely been having a pretty bad couple of weeks as well. The one thing that keeps me going and makes me laugh every day is my crazy puppy. Without her, I would be in a dark place I'm sure.

Krizia said...
She makes me smile every day. she does a silent meow that is the cuttest thing ever.
Also butterflies flying and people celebrating things

Gina said...

I had to search my blog archives for this number:

If this doesn't make you laugh (and smile), I don't know what will.


Elisabeth from norway said...

hi! :D
I just started reading your blog, because a friend of mine told me about it. And I love it! <3
you ask what makes me happy; reading your blog! (specially about Moo ^^)
just wantet to tell you ^^

other things that makes me happy is:
- midnightsun <3
- funny cat pictures on the internett ^^
- the smell of coffie in the morning
- compliments
- music

offcourse there is a lot more, but thats what came to mind at this moment ^^

(I don't have a blog at the moment, but you can mail me at

wishful nals said...

i love your blog. it just makes me so happy! i am getting a puppy tomorrow. my first ever puppy. i couldn't be happier. xo!

beisa~ said...

I had smiled for hours while i was in "Toy Museum" in İstanbul yesterday. There was a giant giraffe at the door welcoming us! Space toys, cars, ships, soldiers, barbies, puzzles from 1900s were really amazing and I just dreamed myself playing with them :)

I'm sure you would love it Katie :)
check it out from

Megan said...

I always enjoy these lists, Katie! Hope your weekend isn't too stressful. Animals with human teeth make me smile, like these sharks: I don't know why, they just look so funny to me!

Lubna said...

I hate the stormy weather and monsoons have commenced in Mumbai, India (three months of rain). But well, I can take thunder and lighting in my stride, if the sky can look as pretty as this.
I snapped this while waiting for the traffic lights to change, using my blackberry camera. I love the sky, looking at the sky always makes me smile.
Oh, and I love Moo, he always makes me smile.

Michaela Lynch said...

Can I bend the rules and choose a series of photos (more like...thousands!)? How about a stop motion animation that never fails to cheer me up. Like this one:

ningalingaling said...

I saw this little girl when I was in Australia and I cant help but smile.

Hope this sweet little girl will make u smile too!

Ying Ning

Sara said...

Hi Katie! I have a whole blog devoted to only things that make me happy!!
Check it out! =)

maggie grace said...

I love Spring tulips:

And watching my funny dog roll in the grass:


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