Monday, June 28, 2010

Philippe Petit

This weekend I was able to meet Philippe Petit!
If you've seen the documentary Man On Wire then you know he's the only man to ever walk a wire between the Twin Towers.
How amazingly crazy is that?

He even gave me a little lesson on tightrope walking! It was only across the gymnasium but I'm preeeeeetty sure I'm ready to walk the Grand Canyon next ;)


  1. That is so amazing that you got to meet him! I actually wanted to see Man on Wire, but never ended up doing it (shame on me). I was just thinking: isn't it amazing the curious things each person can be really good at? Not everybody can say that they're good at tightrope walking. But now you can, evidently! :)

    Toast with Charmalade

  2. That looks pretty cool.
    I've always been amazing at balancing. I should have taken it up as a big hobby. I would have been like that guy by now!

  3. That is AWESOME! I love that doc. Come visit me when you walk across the Grand Canyon. You can totally do it. No prob. ;)

  4. I can't believe it, i would die just watching!

  5. You are the luckiest girl! There is a wonderful children's book about him called The Man Who Walked Between the Towers... That's where I first learned about him. Then I saw the documentary. It was such an amazing thing to do, walk like that, up there! Anyway, I'm rambling... It's great that you met him!

  6. Ahh, that is amazing. Man On Wire convinced me that there is magic in the world; it's absolutely stunning.
    To meet him must have been fascinating. All I can say is that I'm very happy for you :)

  7. What a neat opportunity to meet such a tight rope walking icon and get lessons. Wow.

  8. Wonderful! He did an interview on "wait, wait don't tell me" and I fell in love with him!

  9. So amazing!! I heard so much about Philippe Petit in my dance classes in college, can't believe you met him! :)

  10. This post made my stomach drop. Heights scare me! I love reading your posts, please don't walk across the Grand Canyon, I may faint. ;)

  11. you are soooo lucky and that is sooo cool!! :)

  12. Ooh, cool! Philippe Petit is one of my 3-year-old son's heroes. He builds Lego towers "so high even Philippe Petit can't walk between them!" :)

  13. This is SOO amazing.

    what a treat! i have always wanted to tight rope! you need to give us some pointers now!

  14. Very cool! What a fun experience!
    You're definitely ready to go pro:) haha!

  15. O, Katie that is so cool!!

    We saw the documetary a few months ago, amazing!!!

    Are you going to follow a course?

  16. Ohmygosh that is pretty much the coolest thing ever!!! Thank you for sharing! I'm totally jealous :)

  17. Oh My God Katie!i didn't know anything about that!This is a modern hero!I'm very impressed.

    Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street style

  18. Very nice!
    I don't know him, but I live in Holland.
    But it looks very nice

  19. that is so amazing! i once stayed up till three in the morning just to see man on!

  20. Awesome! And it looks so easy when you do it. You've got talent! However.. have you seen the Grand Canyon?! ;)

  21. I had no idea of who he was before your post... but that's amazing!!
    And you're very good at it ;)

  22. That's awesome! That movie gave me the chills - still does. So incredible!

  23. thats incredible! your so lucky! he is so amazing and i have wanted to meet him since i saw that movie, me and my dad tightrope walk in the back yard all the time <3<3<3 lucky lady!

  24. oh my gosh, so jealous. i saw a screening of the film at SVA and he was interviewed after - seemed like such warm, brilliant, funny man.

  25. How amazing that you got to meet him - I loved Man on Wire.

  26. Only one step away from flyiinnnnnnggg!

  27. this is so awesome! and his movie was great. wow. and adorable dress btw! ;)

  28. @cleanups final- Ha! That's a funny way to think of it

  29. your so lucky! thanks for sharing with us!!

  30. amazing!!! i would have fallen off from being so nervous. i loved that movie.

  31. that is incredible! lucky you. (can you tell i'm a little jealous?) :)

  32. You visited the SLAM space in Brooklyn! I have a friend who works in their STREB shows. It's a wonderful space and amazing company and I even posted some photos last week on my blog from their last performance.

    They also have trapeze classes!!!

  33. I know, that's so amazing! I was actually thinking about walking over there today to watch a trapeze class but visiting hours end at 3:30!

  34. omg he could totally play the little prince with his hair and clothes.

  35. neat! i really liked the documentary on his adventures. breathtaking to watch him walk between the towers.

  36. If you are interested in the others who made the WTC walk possible I suggest you visit the following sites. Jean Louis Blondeau / Jim Moore's Website

  37. woo that's quite cool :) saw the documentary a few months ago per accident :)

  38. my comment will be totally extraneous after the first 40 but had to share my enthusiasm. the movie, mr. petit on so many levels just something and someone outside of time and space! glad to find so many who feel the same! how cool for you you got to meet him!

    and thanks to whoever it was who left the other links because he did have SO MUCH help from others, and how he inspired them is just phenomenal! cheers!

  39. Your comment is definitely not extraneous after the first 40 ! He and the people that helped him are quite amazing people.

  40. AMAZING. LOVED that movie and read a book sort of about the walk recently too that I liked a lot. So inspiring! Love your blog by the way.

  41. Oh my goodness! I LOVED Man On Wire. How special to meet him!! And learn from him!

  42. I do not think you walk too fast :)

  43. Wow, what an amazing opportunity! The documentary was thrilling, i loved it!

  44. I just saw the documentary quite recently and it was SO interesting. And you got to meet him!! You have natural talent for tightrope walking! :)

  45. that's amazing! i'm so jealous of you right now, haha. i need to see that movie

  46. That's awesome! Tightrope walking is daring. :)

    Mustart x

  47. You met him??? Ahh, you're so lucky! Walking on that wire looks absolutely terrifying to me though!

  48. Oh wow! I watched Man On Wire just a couple of weeks ago! You are so lucky to have learnt 'the tricks of the trade'!!

  49. I just saw that film a couple weeks ago too, and was totally amazed! How lucky you are to have had a lesson from Philippe!

  50. I once saw a group of teenagers walking a tightrope they had strung up at the beach. It was very random and very cool.

  51. That is SO AMAZING you got to meet him! Saw Man on Wire a few months ago and loved it. He and his team were just incredible. Thanks for sharing!
