Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Department Store Dress Up

Does anyone else here enjoy playing dress up at the department store?
Well, I don't know about you but I personally enjoy picking out the most hideous outfits to try on.
Hoochie mama
It's free fun!
damsel in distress

Don't mess with me... I've got cattitude.


  1. Heeheee!
    I've never purposely tried on ugly clothes, no, but this is a very good idea. Instead of trying on something you THINK should fit, you WANT to fit and having the clothes laugh at you, you can laugh at THEM: Hahaaa, you sucker!

    The cat dress looks kinda cool on you though. Must be your cattitude.

  2. awe, that cat dress looks good on you! Sometimes we do this too; at least until the sales lady catches on and starts giving us annoyed stares.

  3. Not with clothes, but sunglasses and accessories YES!!! Actually, I just love finding feather boas, hats, and big honking glasses to dress my wee girl up in and then snapping a pic! :> Never thought about the free fun factor....what a great way to look at it!!

    Thanks for the smile!

  4. It's soooo much fun to play Department Store Dress Up when you're shopping with a friend. That way you can pick hideous clothes for each other, try them on and then laugh at each other when you come out of the dressing room! It's the best =)

  5. Me and my best friend do that all the time! It is especially fun in vintage shops :D

  6. Love the crazy dresses. I do that all the time too, except I put on the most ridiculous dress I can, come back out to my friends/family and try to ask them as seriously as possible how it looks. They usually start blushing and stammer something like "Uhh... it's interesting...? :)

  7. O__O Oh my. The first dress with the fantabulous hair looks like an 80s explosion that went wrong. TOTALLY TUBULAR.

    Enter my Thai Jewelry Giveaway!

  8. AHHH! How fun is this! I want to play!

  9. It seriously is the best!! Haha!

  10. Hahaha, I've done that before but the outfits aren't usually that... hideous!

  11. The uglier, the better. Thanks for a good giggle!

  12. Is it bad that I looooove the pink dress?

  13. what are you talking about? the cat one is amazeballs.


  14. I found you through your Kitty Moo, on www.lovemeow.com. You make life fun!

  15. haha, you make these "hideous" clothes look great.

  16. i do the same thing!! sometimes, i take it a step further, and when my boyfriend and i have nothing to do, we pick the tackiest outfits for each otherr and try em om. we turn it into a game and give highest points to the worst outfits. haha. my favorite part of window shopping! =]


  17. I love doing that... but then i feel bad when the person who organizes the clothes looks at me like if i should be buying that stuff

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. That looks like soo much fun! :)

  20. I am totally going to try this next time I'm at the mall with my friends. :)

  21. I wanna go shopping with YOU ahhaahahah...


    (this is a very fun concept at a thrift store... try it. ha)

  22. My BFF and I would do this with Prom Dresses, during college. So much free fun, so wish we had digital cameras then.

  23. Hideous!! I love them all! Okay maybe only the white dress, the rest are a bit meh. Fun game. When I was shopping for wedding dresses I got suckered into playing this game by my friends. For every dress I actually liked they made me try on one they "liked."

  24. oh wow, that last one is horrible!

  25. i actually really like/would wear that last cat dress!! hehe

  26. i think the green one should be called "80's prom meets 2010" hehe!!

  27. That is awesome! Cattitude is the best.

  28. thanks for your wonderful blog, katie! i had an awful day and then i remembered that i haven't checked your blog in a while and it really gave me a pick-me-up. keep being awesome!

  29. I think you should buy the cattitude dress definitely!

  30. My best friend and I do this all the time! It's one of our favorites! :)

  31. Amazingly you can pull off the ugliest outfits! Especially the cat shirt/dress?!?

  32. ahh! it's been years since i've done this. i'd forgotten all about it. you rocked those dresses! esp the little green number.

    you seriously always put me in the best mood.

  33. haha you look fantastic!
    YES all my friends and I pile into a changing room and take funny pictures in all the awful clothing...so funny X

  34. Yep, me and one of my best friends used to do this in college all the time!

  35. my girlfriend did that too...geezz it was taking very long time to wait her playing this

  36. hahaha...its really funny....u have to give royalty to the shop for this......

  37. I loooove doing that too, but it's soooooo much better in the US cos you have more weird/big/funny stuff =D

    The pink dress actually fits you, it's pretty on you =)

  38. Me and my sister just made a joke, when we were trying the same "pear pyjamas". It was really funny!!!
    Thanks Katie!

  39. Me and my friends used to always do that. And afterwards we would judge who won our little 'contest' by finding the ugliest, most mismatched outfit. GREAT laughs.

  40. oooh yep!!!! I love it too. I guess we all tried once...but I have to admit, that my pictures weren't that good as yours. You change perfectly withthe dress, you are amazing! And sooo cute. I d love to shoot you once ;)

  41. Oh my geez...that cat dress is TERRIBLE!

  42. ah! love it. could you be any cuter? the last dress is great! :)

  43. im totally with you on this one. i love trying on the ugliest dresses! haha and i think that cat dress may be a winner!
    great photos!

  44. Even in the ugly clothes you still look AMAZING!!!

  45. It IS so much fun. Then you try on something you thought was ugly and end up loving it.

  46. My best friend and I have a tradition of hitting up the department stores during prom season. The hideous dresses are aplenty and we have a ball trying them all on :)

  47. @Vanassa- I totally ended up buying a dress that I initially thought was ugly, ha!

  48. Oh sad, I actually have that pink dress....jk! I love your blog! It makes me happy! =)

  49. Yep, the pink dress IS cute. I do this with my friend a lot. I don't think I ever laugh harder (especially when you get stuck in a brown courdoroy jumpsuit marked down to $4.00. Is it bad that I ripped it a little bit? It's just $4.00, right?!) Shhhh...:)

  50. I love doing that!! Whenever I see something horribly ugly I want to try it on :)

  51. Wayyy ugly clothes are one of life's simple joys. I love your badass poses, haha!!!! :) I definitely tried on that hot pink monstrosity this past weekend as a joke, almost positive it is the same one as you're modeling so sassily. The cat tube sock dress is by far my favorite though! :) MEOW!

  52. LOL, you know, you can actually pull most of those outfits off!!! LOVE the cat shirt dress. And, what were those hideous garments priced!!??

  53. Ha ha. Those were new dresses!? Holy cow. They look totally 80's!

  54. Oh, wow, I love your cat dress. I can't believe it exists.

  55. Love it. The funniest is seeing those same items crossing the counter by the register because someone is actually buying them. I love digital photo technology. I also photo my butt in pants to compare and decide which pair looks the best before buying.

  56. Hi Katie,
    My name is Anabel and I'm a huge fan of your blog. I'm trying to win a contest for an Ipad. I need many many votes so I'm using all my creativity to win. That's why I decided to ask your readers if any of them would like to help.

    I hope you don't mind :$

    If you want to vote this is the link.


    Thanks in advance. Oh and don't worry this is not a virus or anything like that

  57. I love department store dress up. The best thing to do is let your friends pick out what they want you to wear. They will pick the silliest things : )

  58. FOREVER 21, right? I know those threads from a mile away.

  59. It is pretty fun to try on ridiculous things. Sometimes they end up working and I get them! :)

  60. I always do that when I go shopping with my mom! She always tries on way more clothes than I, so I'll grab a couple of things from the discard rack, be it XS or XL and try it on!

  61. If you morphed the pink dress with the teal you'd have my junior prom dress from 1995!

  62. The pink one actually looks good on you. :)

  63. Is the side ponytail making a come back? I think so...nice post.

  64. You look like a drama princess with that white dress :DD

  65. Awe, I always take pictures in the fitting room! It's so much fun!

    That kitty dress is nice! :)


  66. Hahahah I love it! You totally should have bought the cat dress/shirt!

  67. Ah! The ugly dress game is my absolute favorite!!

    Sometimes though, I try on things that I think will be hideous, and I end up loving them. Strange how that works.

  68. I love to pick out outfits too. The green one is the last thing I would buy and the cat one.... reminds me to your Moo. Moo is just..so....cute.
    Btw, you look stunningly beautiful on the pink and white one.

    and also I really enjoy your blog and the photos

  69. haha these are great! GREAT! photos!! love the litl cat one though.. hahah i think i'd have fun in that just around the house!

  70. My mum and I do this every time she visits me in the city-we each try on a serisouly ugly creation and a ballgown. It's be best, cheapest fun there is to be had in the shops!

  71. hihi thats funny!!
    I love your site! :)
    every time when I feel a little bit down I take a look on your site and I'm feeling happy again!
    your site just make me smile!

  72. that is one of my hobbies. go in, find the most hideous object and then model it. lovvvve doing that!

  73. I love these pictures! and Your blog, I'm new to this blog world but I really enjoy yours!!

  74. I actually do like that pink dress with so many details it makes it look like the frosting of a cake... and the cat dress too!

  75. I used to do this all the time with my friends, we'd have contests to see who could find the tackiest thing... love it.
