Friday, July 16, 2010

Face It

The last few weeks have felt like I was lost in a cloud of confused thoughts and feelings. But then I read this, "Face it, feelings are mutable, and an emotion that seems permanent one minute could be a distant memory the next. Instead of focusing on what could be, figure out what really is and then make your move with haste."
and suddenly it all made sense.

and jumping on the bed to my favorite music and enjoying the moment made even more sense.


  1. Aww, that's such a cute picture Katie!
    Also, that quote is so true. It really hits home for me right now.

  2. @ Melody- That makes me so happy! It really affected me and I so badly wanted to share it with everyone.

  3. Katie, you are so lucky that you can jump on your bed.

    I attempt to jump on everybody's bed. The ceiling is never high enough.

    What do you suggest?
    Do you think I should put a mattress in my backyard?

  4. Hey Katie, I'm feeling just like this right now. Everything seems so confused and I feel like my dreams aren't going to come true. But, there a few things I always do to cheer myself up, like:

    taking silly pictures of my face;
    talking to kids (their laughs are the best medicine!)
    having ice cream
    visting your blog ^^

    Thank you for this!

    Much love, from Brazil.

  5. What a great share, Katie! Both the quote and your pic scream freedom to me. Freedom from the chains that we wrap ourselves in. Good for you!! :>:>

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. P.P.S.: I thing it's Patrick, Sponge Bob's best friend, am I right? hahaha

  8. haha I think it may just be a monster that sort of looks like him.

    Here's a better pic of him-

  9. Hahaha, it's just like him! It has the same silly smile :)

  10. I love this post! That quote struck a chord with me as well--thank you so much for sharing! :)

  11. i really needed to hear that today. thanks!

  12. Thanks for sharing this! I needed it right in this moment today. Now I need to go turn my sad feelings into happy ones!

  13. there must be something in the air - i have felt the same way the past few weeks and esp. today. your blog totally cheered me up. thank you.

    and i think the quote is fantastic, as are all of your photos and bright colors!

    have a sparkly, lovely, sunshine, bright, happy weekend!!!!

  14. The green underpants made me smile :-)

  15. i had the same a-ha moment today, after a quite - i'll just say it - crappy week filled with too many confusing emotions.

    your personal portrayal only made it even more meaningful. :)

  16. Katie- I read your blog when I'm having a bad day (and on good days) but especially on bad days as your happiness in contagious and always helps to lift my spirits. Thank you for being a bright spot in my day.
    PS- You inspire me to try my hand at photography.

  17. What a lovely mantra!
    And that picture is so bright, colourful and cheerful, it sums you up perfectly!
    From Carys of La Ville Inconnue

  18. Yey! That's great Katie! What a cute and honest post. It is so nice to see and feel your happiness!!
    Have a colorful weekend!
    Lots of love from Buenos Aires

  19. I can always count on your blog to cheer me up :) seriously, it always makes me happy! I need to remember to come and visit it whenever I'm feeling down.. you always inspire me xx

  20. I love this quote! Makes me feel more positive already :) Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh, I hope you're feeling better. :)
    Whenever I feel I down I just remind myself that we'll "all float on okay".
    Eat your favorite dessert and watch some comedy! :)

  22. very nice words to start my day! glad i visit you so often that i can find many inspiring words. Thanks for sharing this. I bet now you're happier as you know many people are happy because of you :D

  23. Thx for that post. I've been feeling quite 'confused' recently, and it somehow changed the way I feel about things.

  24. Such a good message and a fun way to show us!

  25. Love the photo, and that quote is lovely advice!

  26. I don't usually comment, but THIS I needed to read!

    Thanks for sharing.

  27. at this point i´m lacking in positive thoughts and optimism. life is a little difficult to me at the moment.
    so i just wanted to say THANK YOU, KATIE for sharing these words with all of us. you really made my day, just wanted to let you know. (and i love the photo, by the way. it´s so cheery!)
    xoxo, kati

  28. I love the moments in life when these kinds of epiphanies happen. How & why do we forget & have to go through the whole process all over again? Thanks for sharing! I think I'm about to turn my music up & jump on my bed, too! :.)

  29. P.S. I love that you can be comfortable & confident sticking photos of yourself up in your underwear. (And why shouldn't we be??)

  30. how cute! is that you?

    just stumbled across your blog and i have to say its LOVELY! do drop by mine too when you have some time. perhaps we can follow each other! =)


  31. So true. My emotions tend to go up and down and get really confused. So good to remember.

  32. Dear Katie, you infuse my life with warmth and wonder. Thank you.

  33. that quote of yours is exactly right!!

    thanks for posting it

    you are SUCH a doll!!

  34. katie - what is the source for your quote? i love it!

  35. those are perfect words to live by, and funnily enough, i try to tell myself the same thing.
    no emotion will last forever. that goes for the good and the bad. it helps me out when things feel hopeless.

  36. Hi Katie,
    that is something I always forget when I'm feeling down. But it's true, and I'm glad reading those words helped you find your smile again!
    Heidi - Heart and Home

  37. that's how i was feeling last week too! hope you feel better katie! it's a new week! hope you get to start it right!;P

  38. I always love your photographs!!! You are such an inspiration! Here are mine:

  39. Awesome! The quote and picture are just awesome!

  40. hey, I love that quote!

  41. sometimes things really dont make any sense, but you always grows stronger from the difficult times, and when it passes you may be able to learn from it :)

    I loveeee your photos, and your blog was one of my inspirations to start my own, , so thank you!

  42. "Instead of focusing on what could be, figure out what really is..."


    It has a sort of "grow where you're planted" ring to it.

    I've been reciting that to myself all month! Thanks for sharing :)

  43. love this's just what i need to remind me of what is...especially since i'm still in the process of figuring out post-grad life.

    thanks a lot.


  44. just found you via Amelia of

    GORGEOUS space!

  45. aw i LOVE this! It might just have made my week :)
    And the rest of your blog is so inspiring, too.
    Nice work

  46. girl, you hit it right on the money. *goes to crank up the van halen*

  47. what you say is so true! and the photo is so cute, makes me smile and now i want to jump on my bed too but my bed can't handle that, i've tried it before.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I know it's not possible that I'm the first who's writing it, but after reading few pages of the blog I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOO MUCH! :)

  50. Such a crazy perfect quote!

    Have a great day xoxo

  51. <3 the quote...fantastic. I really relate to it right now :)

  52. wow, that quote is incredible... you are incredible, love the photo!

  53. You are an inspiration. You are AMAZING. i love your ideas + work.


  54. I just have to say: I found this blog a couple of months ago, pored through it for hours, and then spent months searching through my history trying to find it. I just did! And I jumped out of my seat with happiness :) I'm getting married, and your blog will be the inspiration for the whole thing! I LOVE IT!

  55. I love your words! :) Lovely blog! (:
