Thursday, July 29, 2010

a few things that make me smile

Putting on puppet shows with my feet,
cats that sit on rooftops and treat the building likes it's their throne,
playing with shadows in the trees,
completely covering my walls with fun,
swimming in the ocean with adorable dogs,

my brother's inability to sit still,
Elna Baker
Ice cream cone noses,

a silly picnic with just me and my friend Tyler...

aaaaand an entire film crew,
ceiling sharks,
a quick trip to Mars,
and playing football with a bunch of little monkey children!


Anonymous said...

Lovely photos Katie! x What camera(s) do you use?

mel said...


colormekatie said...

@JC- I shoot with a Canon 5D Mark II !

kimberly craven said...

i stumbled upon this and thought it might make you smile, too... :)

Muito Igual a Você said...

Hahaha, I loved it! Your feet seem to be moving in the same rhythm of the song, hilarious! :D

Poppy x said...

I am so jealous of your flat... it always looks so amazing in your pictures! x

Alisonian said...

Who's Tyler?! Where's Matty?!

colormekatie said...

haha Tyler is our friend! He makes the music for the Improv Everywhere videos. We were just shooting a video together =)

feathermar said...

Have you seen this?
I bet it'll make you happy for weeks!

Alisonian said...

Oh thank goodness! Tyler seems nice but I just love Matty. haha

Kyla Makay said...

These pictures are LEGIT. :)

Love, Makay

Blanca del Río said...

Lovely, Katie. :)

~Crystal~ said...

Looks like you've been busy...having lots of fun! =]

Anonymous said...

So fun! I especially love the kitty on the roof and the pup in the water!

annie said...

I'm having a ridiculously bad day, but these photos definitely gave me a smile. Thanks for some cheer!

Naomi Alice said...

You are just awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Leigh-Ann said...

your feet image reminds me of this classic image from "me and you and everyone we know." and here's a video of that scene.

claire said...

The wall looks amazing!!!!
This post made me smile!!

Katie said...

I love love love your bunny slippers! Where did you get them?! I need them!

colormekatie said...

@Katie- I just found them at some random little shop in my neighborhood

DizzieMissLizzie said...

I have bunny slippers too :D And that effect with the trees- I love laying on the ground at night at using the flash to take a picture of the layers of branches looking up, it looks just like that! Your things that make you smile are always lovely, and make me do the same, so thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love your walls!!!

Raj said...

Yours walls are insanely cute!

Anonymous said...


Holly Knitlightly said...

Your blog posts always make me smile!

Gracie said...

Love these, you must be the most cheerful blogger in the world!

Anonymous said...

the smile is definitely contagious! :D

Daughter Earth said...

Love the shadow trees!

87 said...

love the shadow tree too..n the kids..


colormekatie said...

@Nanda Assis- So cute!

saoirse said...

Does your brother ever sit straight?lol

konner said...

Is your brother doing okay after the dog bite? I suppose if he has energy to tumble around your apartment he's probably doing pretty good. :)

taryn said...

i always love the way you see the world! the cat on his throne! so cute. ;)

Anonymous said...


Jidhu Jose said...

u r so cute. Fun with kids. really nice

colormekatie said...

@ Konner- He's doing a lot better but unfortunately he's terrified of dogs now =(

Euforilla said...

contagious smiles indeed!!

melifaif said...

Love the ice cream cone nose. Hilarious.

Lor said...

this totally made me happy :)

Sue said...

You always leave me smiling.

Anonymous said...

Oh my that shark is cool. Where's it from?

colormekatie said...

@ Lise- It's hanging on the ceiling of J & M special effects in Brooklyn

divorce Lawyer Melbourne said...

Love that pinky cuteeee...i wanna them as well xx

Unknown said...

When i grow up, can i PLEASE be you....

Family Lawyers Melbourne said...

So cute. I'm infinitely happier just looking at this!