Thursday, August 12, 2010

Cats In Hats

Cat Fashion Show

If one of these cats were to take over the world, I know who I'm placing my bets on...


Anonymous said...

Very cute!
Your site is my favorite! (look my blog)


BPremo said...

Those cats look hilarious! Is it the last cat that is going to take over the world? He really does have a "The Brain" of Pinky and the Brain look about him!

colormekatie said...

@Brooke Premo- Totally! He must be plotting something.

jdavissquared said...

haha! they look so miserable!

Erin Bradley said...

Followed you over here from Gothamist. Just wanted to say that these photos are adorable and you have the world's best job.

Rachael West said...

Too Cute... I wonder how moo would look in a hat?

Bawahahahah - (Insert evil laugh)

Shukura Li said...

lmao their faces are absolutley hilarious!!!

the last one is jus sickening lol

colormekatie said...

@Erin Bradley-haha thanks !

Me, Laura E! said...

too adorable!
we've been having to take one of my cats to the vet lately because he had ear surgery :( but everytime we go I think of Moo!:)

colormekatie said...

awww well I hope he gets better soon!

Taylor K said...

that last one is very intimidating. :/

Francesca said...

They're all hilarious, but none are better than the last!

Anonymous said...

I want fruit cat to take over the world. I have a feeling he would make fabulous laws like...everyone has to dress the same bright colors as their favorite fruit or something like that!

Nedda Ebo said...

LOL that's so cute! I Love the last one.

Mustart x

SoulPony said...

and they are all friggin' pissed about it too.

tRiSh said...

adorable and a bit scary hehe
I bet on the one as you ;P

Rikki Cupcake said...

those little kitty kitties look very upset. awwwwww....

Rochelle said...

Most. Fanastic. Blog Entry. EVER.

Melody said...

Oh my god, those cats are the best. I've always loved evil looking ones. I mean, ever trying petting a hairless cat?
I've gotten my fair share of hisses and bites from trying to pet what I think are cute cats.

nicole said...

why doesn't moo have a hat?

Unknown said...

oh wow, you really made my day with this, thanks so much

have a great day

rhiannon said...

oh my god. that persian cat. want.

Sté e Larysse said...

I place my bets in the silly Carmen Miranda cat. He would represent people's joy and share this with the world, haha.

♫ tutti-fruit, all over rootie ♪

Operation Smiley Face said...

I don't know if he'd take over the world, but I am so LOVIN' the first one! Too cute!!!

Stu said...

cats in hats do not look happy!

Savvy said...

My bet is on the last one! xD

Miki said...

Oh, my! They're so cute! I love cats so much! Have you ever gone through "cat versus human"? It's great! Here's a link to the blog.

Hope you're taking more lovely pics!

Tight paw hug!


Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...

These are sooper dooper cute.

Kat said...

Omg, this is hilarious !)))) Thanks for posting this !

Meagooo :) said...

I place my bets on the first kitty. He reminds me of Chaquita Banana. And God knows she has taken over the banana world! :)

Nathalie (Bluna), Muse said...

The first one! OK, I'll try to put a hat or a crown on my DOGs head right now. Poor her...

A hug from Germany

Kat said...

ha ha ha they look so grumpy its just too cute!

Unknown said...

This post is hilarious and oh-so-cute! Love it! :)

Tsuki aka LittleGrayFox said...

ahhhh so cute! I love the top one - Carmen Miranda Kitty! hahaha

Juli said... got to go to this for your work?! You have the best job ever!

Michaela said...

Love this! But ... where is Moo's hat???

Amber said...

Even if the last cat doesn't take over the is without a doubt the ruler of his household. how could he not be? I would be afraid to go to sleep without first asking that guy...geesh.

and the first cat reminds me of those dancers with the fruit hats, its just adorable.

annie said...

I'm pretty sure that last cat is preparing for his role as Richard III.

Becca said...

hahahahah oh my gosh that's the funniest thing iv'e ever seen! That last cat looks like he's planning a serious murder. love it.

Gracie said...

Bahahahahahaha they all look very happy to be wearing these hats

Raptor Plateado said...

the ultimate cat loocks are very bad!!! LOL

Unknown said...

hahaha this post was fantastic! I died laughing. Hopefully ( fingers crossed) no cats take over the world!

AShley @

kara lynn said...

ah i really really love this.

did you attend some sort of cat costume ball. because this is wonderful!!

Oh, My Darling said...

Oh, the first cat is especially fantastic!

leni said...

and now it's time you get moo in a few colorful hats!

Hope Chella said...

This is fantastic. As always, loving your blog tons!!!

colormekatie said...

@Juli- Yep! I shoot for and I get sent out to lots of random events. I love it!

Dennis Li said...

oh my. those cats are adorable. XD nice one, katie! ^^ more photos! your blog always cheers me up! :3


Vanessa said...

I love how pissed the last one looks. Someone doesn't like dress-up time!

Deborah Raymond said...

Whoa Nelly!

Kelli said...

Haaaaaaahahahahaha!!! Absolutely hilarious! Those cats are destined to become LOLcats on For real! LOLOLOLOL...

Lavender Playground said...

I know which one I'm placing my bets on...

ww said...

i know who i'm placing my bets on too, hahahak!!

Anonymous said...

sooo keyoooot

LITTY said...

first kitty is so puffy n cute!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pic! None of these cats look too happy to be wearing hats.

PrettyThings said...

This. Made. My. Day. Thank you so much! I shared it on facebook!

Przarrabeitia said...

Thank you for make me happy with your photos every day

Queen of Fun said...

I think I have something in comon with cats now. We all just tolerate HATS.

colormekatie said...

@Kelli- They made it onto ! yay!

bipolar kid said...

hahaha, every cat is like "take... this... stupid... thing... OFF MY HEAD NOW!!!" cuties. :D

Fabs said...

lovely pictures! said...

oooohhh... That last one was a bit freaky. Bad dreams Kitty!

Amoniel said...

Bahahah, they all look disgusted and brooding, I honestly think they're ALL in cahoots to take over the world :)

rebekah said...

this is the BEST POST EVER!! love the cats!!

Jennifer said...

too funny... myself cat lover..

No way they like have anything on them

love this post!!

Karen Wallace said...

Hello. I have just found your blog. I really enjoyed reading it, I will be back. Great art, writing and color! I am an Art Therapist and my blog is Art Therapy reflections if you want to visit. Warmly, Karen

jokemijn said...

the first one! :D

Anonymous said...

all these cats look angry :( poor cats

Elan Morgan said...

You know, if you started a site called "Cats Hate Hats", you'd probably get famous. The flip side is that PETA would hate you. I think it's worth it.

Dylana Suarez said...

So cute!

Just came across your blog. It is lovely!

Anonymous said...

The Carmen Miranda cat is totally cute and fabulous!!

Love your photos.

Anonymous said...

Very cute and they seem to like their hats too! :)

Jazmin Cruz said...

Hi Katie. As always, you have a good eye for taking pictures. I don't know how you do it, but it looks so whimsical and fun when you post it on your blog.

You don't get hurt when you jumping on to your bed right? As long as your safe. :)

Anonymous said...

how cute!

Koey said...

WOW! They are super cute!

Sisse-Sofie said...

Hi Katie. I borrowed the cat on the last picture from you, and posted it on my own blog. I linked to both your blog and yor FLICKR, I hope it is okay, if not, I'll delete it. The txt says i danish; I died a little bit of laughter when I saw this pussycat at Katies Blog. You Can see more of her pictures here (link to your flickr).

(link to my blogpost:

Love the cats, love your pictures. Love your blog, it always makes mé smile!
Smiles from Denmark

Holly Knitlightly said...

Bahahaha! Too funny.

Allison said...

I just shared this post with some friends who LOVE cats. Amazing :) Their faces are priceless!

merryheart2 said...

i followed you over from @heatherfuentes on Facebook. i love your blog and videos. thanks for sharing.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Haha, these are so funny!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness, I just happened upon your blog for the first time. I must say, your kitties in hats are fantastically fabulous!!!!

Theresa said...

ooo poor babies, they look so pissed, but they are soooo cute!!!!!
im placing bets on the one with the crown and the Elizabethan collar :]

Carolina said...

Cute, but the last one isn"t thinkink so cool, is it? :)

Beijo! :*