Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reasons why Taipei is adorable

Everything they sell is so cute that you involuntarily turn into a cartoon character,

the ceiling in the airport makes me dream of an umbrella filled sky,
you can take a train around the mall,

or ride around on a funny looking animal.
The buildings make silly faces at you,
and they also have tons of cat cafes!

There's outdoor bubble machines,
afro dogs,

and some restaurants will give you free food if you kiss someone!


Laura Amy. said...

wow im commenting this really quickly but the pictures caught my eye! Really cute ^^ xx

Bel said...

I loveeee the bubble machine and indoor train! :)


Anonymous said...

my daughter loved this post!

Unknown said...

The bubble machine is awesome!! And I love the lights/umbrellas at the airport!

Frau DingDong said...

I think a "kiss the chef and you get free food" -Restaurant would be great idea in every city :D

Hannia said...


LITTY said...

i've never seen the bubble machine before! but if giving free kiss to someone gets food, den beggars wud be waiting for their turn. :O

whatkatiefound said...

great photographs! It looks so much fun! :)


Beth Dargis said...

At the airport? Wow that is fun. And the outdoor bubble machine. I was at Art Prize in Grand Rapids, MI yesterday and they had a huge mix of bubbles so people could blow bubbles in the street.

Bethany Susan said...

hahaha i love the kiss pic and the funny faces on the building.. those animals you can ride are pretty hilar too!

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
黃愛玲 said...

Reasons why I love TAIWAN. =D

Roman Brady said...

Your blog is so much fun! And Taiwan looks like an amazing place to visit!

Nurul said...

Awh, this is much too adorable! I love all the pictures, so colourful & happy. D'you just go around exploring pretty places in the world, lady?

The Gallery Gal said...

So cute and sooo much fun!!!

tRiSh said...

Every single reason makes me want to go there for my next trip =D

Nina said...

so fun. I've seen lots of those umbrellas at fairs and farmer's markets this summer. I've even seen them used as a cover for ceiling lights which I think is an awesome idea and will definitely use in the near future.

colormekatie said...

@ Nurul- Maaaaaaaybe ;)

Yahpee said...

I want to go and visit!! So cool!!

Jess said...

Love those pictures! Taipei looks so amazing! And I have one of those afro dogs! He's called Casper! They're gorgeous! :)

Emma said...


I think every city needs bubble machines!

Anonymous said...

Taipei FTW!!!

~Crystal~ said...

That looks awesome! I wish I could be there!

Raptor Plateado said...

wow i like the buildings.. so amazing!!!

Kaytee said...

Oooh, makes me want to visit. C: It seems like a really cute, fun, and interesting place to be!
Cat cafes! <3

Rebecca Jane said...

This is so great:) Where did you get that red dress from?? It's absolutely adorable...

brionyskerjance said...

this sounds like an amazing place!

colormekatie said...

@Paul- I found it at a little marketplace out there =)

Bee. said...

the opportunities you've had are so inspirational. i'm rather jealous (:



Bubble machine for every city on that world!!!!!!!!!!!!


Catherine Masi said...

Oh my goodness... what a place... and after reading your blog for the past year -> it definitely suits you! How flipping awesome.

Wordfiend said...

I agree with Marysia: bubble machines everywhere - a new effort for world peace!

Lil said...

Those cat cafes are so awesome! They should be in every city in the world...

jdavissquared said...

It does look like fun! I'm so intrigued with the cat cafes!

Cateaclysmic said...

Hello Kitty hospitals & airports, toilet restarants and cuteness around every corner I swear this is the country where I belong, one day hopefully I'll make it there and make it my home xoxo

hope505 said...

..okay, you got me. I'm stunned. I saw your post on the cat cafe and thought it was very cool, but surely the only one of its kind...now you're saying ther's MORE than one? And buildings with faces? All these things are the norm rather than the exception? I want to believe it's truly the way things ARE and not just your clever whimsical eye!

poet said...

Adorable indeeeeed! Squeeee! I especially love the bubble machine.

I always enjoy your happiness-inducing art! :)


Erica! said...

Taipei is my new dream destination!! It looks amazing there! Thanks for sharing pics! Leaves me feeling a little jealous! :)

Abbey said...

Never thought of traveling to Taipei, but now it's on the wish list! :)

maryse said...

Looks fun! I want to ride on that weird animal around the mall!

Kat said...

Outdoor bublle machine! That is awesome!

ruxandra said...

looks like Taipei is the place of cuteness and fun ^^

Unknown said...

Such an adorable sweet place! :)

Melissa~ said...

Ok, so now is a fact. I'll visit Taipei. I never thought that it will be so amazing!!! Really, you're showing me this new face of taipei, I didn't know that it was so artistic.
Now is on my list.

Kisses Katie!

PT said...

I <3 TW.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Looks like such a fun, colorful place!

kim said...

Where are all the people? Beijing was crowded, you could never take pictures like that without a ton of people in them. I thought Taibei was the same way?

Family Lawyers Melbourne said...

oh my it is so much fun there...really interesting lol

Trademark Attorney Melbourne said...

wish i could be there the food and the cute toys lovely

Vanessa said...

Taipei sounds magical!

L said...

the photos are so cute! sounds like u are having lots of fun! :D

claudes said...

Love it! imagine every country had cuteness like this....what a fun world we would live in! great pics ;-)

Melen said...

It is nice to see Taipei through fresh eyes. I have lived here for 7 years and some days it loses its cuteness. I just need to head over to the bubble machine more often!

Henriettewybrandt said...

you are on my blogroll <3


Alison said...

I want to go to a cat cafe! I feel like we could never have them in the states though :(

All these photos are soo adorable!

<3 Alison

colormekatie said...

@Alison- I know, people would freak out because of it being all unsanitary. The cats sit all over the clean plates and tables. I don't mind though! ;)

MariaAyelen said...

So... let's just say I'm running late for my therapist because I got stuck loving your blog. Let's just say you are replacing psychology, and let's just say you inspire me to let myself be. Firt step, I started a notebook, MY notebook, and It's helping. Greetings from a teen artist (or soon to be) in Argentina.
p.s.: you and Matt are like a super duper cute couple... but don't get too excited, you can't beat my boyfriend and I. HA!

Leighana said...

This place is awesome. How long are you staying?!?!

TwinBella said...

I just stumbled on your blog and love love love it! And a bigger plus I LOVE TAIPEI!!!Have you checked out the night markets? You're an amazing photographer

Julianne said...

you are so fun!! i think i would be a little grossed out having cats on my clean plate, but thats just cuz im allergic! it is great entertainment though! love the bubble machine, and the hug video you made! it always looks like youre just having one big party!! too cute. xoxo


Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun lol.

Bárbara said...

Need to get there ASAP!!! this looks so much fun!

Melissa~ said...

Hi! here again. About what Alison posted and what you answered, bet that the cats cafes are cleaner that Mcdonalds right? I'll go and eat my breaksfast everyday at a cat cafe, althought I always eat my breakfast with my cat in home :)

Apple said...

you make taipei look so much fun! actually you do that to everything katie!<3<3<3

Julie said...

you make me wanna move back to taipei

Anonymous said...

i wanna go to taipeiiii ♥

Little Scarf Girl said...

It's all so cute! :D That's awesome!

Melissa Blake said...

i'm officially jealous! And cat cafes? Awesomeness!!

Les Soeurs W said...

Your blog is truly an inspiration! I really hope Im am lucky to meet you one day!

Bisous from Paris

Mimo said...

pretty much the best place in the world, or what? <3

CarolT said...

I saw this bike and immediately thought of you! You NEED this bike :)

Unknown said...

so I am moving here...

stephiejane said...

outdoor bubble machines?! Oh MY!! i love it

rebekah said...

love these comments and pictures!.. i want to go there!

Lauren said...

It looks like an absolutely magical place! Your photos are gorgeous!

reah said...

what camera do you use? do you still post process the photos? :)

Unknown said...

Cat Cafes?!?! The whole place seems so magical! :) TFS!

Emily Bliss Beal said...

Ahhhhh I want to start a cat cafe here in LA!!! People would be so much happier! :D

Cathrin said...

first time here and I must say I love your blog and your pictures and your movies, it makes me feel good. your philosophy about your art is just my cup of tea, you seem so lovely and I also see the loveliness through your work.

all the best,



Your creativity is just Amazing! I really enjoy your work.

Katness said...

Cat cafes? I need to open one in NYC. Although the Health department would prob kill that dream too.


Tina KJ said...

I LOVE you blog. You take unbelievable photographs. One day, when I get married, I would love for you and Inbal Sivan to take the wedding photos here in Norway!

poppy lovesaparty said...

I have a friend from Singapore and everything is fun and colorful there also. Why do all the crazy, fun places have to be so far away? I really need to go to that mall and airport. A good dose of happy is just what the doctor ordered.

kbuss said...

OMG! I want to travel here soo bad. Thanks for sharing such amazing photos from a place i've never heard of :)

sandr-A-licious said...

Hahah you just maybe Taipei one of the Top places i wanna visit!
If and WHEN i'll visit the place i'd also like to see these places! Where can i find the cat cafe + the restaurant with free food for kisses? :D