Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Toilet Themed Restaurant

When I heard that Taipei had a toilet themed restaurant, it immediately became my mission to find this crazy place.
Toilet themed restaurant!
Mission accomplished!
The chairs are toilet seats,

the tables are bath tubs,

and there are silly murals on the walls.
You drink out of urinals,
and eat out of toilet bowls!
I ordered chocolate ice cream that was made to look like... you know...
mmmm, yum?


  1. I think that would be hard to eat. Not that it tastes bad--but how do you get over the visual? It's like when they tried to make green ketchup work. :D

  2. I swear, that restaurant has become a must-see Taipei site!

  3. The look on your face in the last pic kinda says it all! :D

    Super fun times!!! Love it.

  4. That's awesome! I wish I got to eat there when I was in Taipei years ago!
    I love Taipei :}

    Did you have some bubble tea yet??? It's on EVERY corner! And you need to go to Shi Mun Ding (or however it's spelled)!

  5. Oh, so gross. I can only think of dirty toilets..... I hope everything was clean!!!

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  6. hahaaa, this place looks absolutely amazing! hilarious. great post.


  7. I love it... and if I ever find myself in Taipei I will be sure to visit :+)

  8. id def want to see this place! but ooh man don't know if i could stomach all of it. hehe.

  9. holy cow. i'm sure i would be an irregular patron. ha, ha... irregular!

  10. This one's not for me! I couldn't eat or even seat at that place! Definitely not inspiring for eating! O_o

  11. hahahahaha - this really made me laugh :-) Thanks, I needed it!

  12. Wow, this is so crazy ;) I've never seen a place, esp. a restaurant like that! Curious...but funny.

    xo, Mel


  13. its disgusting i can never eat meal like that

  14. haha fantastic photos!
    That looks like such fun

  15. great idea...!
    but I think I wouldn't be able to eat anything while sitting on toliet seat;-)

  16. I've been there! Actually it was probably a different one--there are a few in Taipei. The seats were pretty uncomfortable, I thought... but fun theme!

  17. hmmm, gross....but cute...having a hard time computing this! it's definitely unlike anything i've ever seen!

  18. they have this same restaurant in Hong Kong too. i couldn't get past the way the ice cream looked. i just had fun taking photos but the dining experience wasn't fun at all.

  19. Toilet Themed Restaurant? That's awesome. Never heard of such a thing. Looks like you're having an awesome trip!

  20. you know, most of the people I know who have gone to Asia come home and complain how awful it is, how stinky, how bad the food and water, how crowded and expensive...and you have made it seem a delight. thank you for your insight.

  21. LOVE it!!!! WHY can't we have fun stuff like that here?!?

  22. this is thee greatest thing i have ever seen!

  23. Ah! I've been there before too. Except the one in hong kong!

    My post: http://symphanie.blogspot.com/2010/02/warning-food-porn-ahead.html

  24. and the background music is flushing toilets?

  25. hahaha, this is super hilarious.
    As always, I love your pictures!


  26. That is hilarious. I'm not sure I could do it, but looking at your super cute pics is enough for me!

  27. Hahahahaha! I had a similar toilet icecream experience in a night market in Northern Taiwan in 2006. here's a link to photo of it:


    and here's me eating it:


    bizarre, huh?!
    great post!

  28. haha, great post!
    I went to one when I was in Hong Kong. Didn't know what to say when I entered...

  29. haha - and ewwwww at the same time!!

  30. Oh I don't know if I could do it! I'm sure it tastes yummy but looks so gross! And I don't know if I could eat out of a toilet or a urinal! haha

  31. What did their bathroom look like?
    -Curious in Charleston

  32. that's hilarious! don't think I could eat it though. I love your expression in that last image--exactly how I think I'd feel!

  33. @Kristen- This was the sink in the bathroom! http://www.flickr.com/photos/katesokoler/5011457153/

  34. Thats such a crazy idea!? I love people who think originally!

  35. Oh my. Love the colors & originality, but not so sure I could actually eat there! :>

  36. how cool! but i don't know how I'll feel about eating! (last photo) ja ja :D

  37. hahaha! ah i wonder what the actual bathrooms look like XD

  38. That's funny. The post soviet union ice cream we used to have when I was a kid was a soft serve in sort of a sausage type container - and when we would squeeze it out it would look like well squeezed logs of doo. Yummy anyway.

  39. I totally want to visit this place. Don't know if I'll order the ice cream, though.

    Jeffrey and Flora: Living in Singapore

  40. WOW! What a great idea, That would be a success in any city.

  41. Woaw so funny! What about the real restrooms/toilets?
    Any photos???

  42. that is hilarious!
    totally 100% fun!
    loved it:)

  43. hahaha the "sink" has an identity crisis, hilarious!

  44. I saw this on TV (either food network or travel channel maybe?) and am determined to make it here one day! How hilarious!

  45. This is exactly the sort of place my husband and I would seek out as well - ha ha!


  46. Fun! But, very strange. Love your blog and your outlook on life! I am an aspiring photographer so I love looking at your blog for inspiration. It's always so colorful! Have fun on the rest of your trip!


    PS. Sorry for all the ! but they seemed necessary. :)

  47. SERIOUSLY!?!?! They made it look really really cool. I think I would go :D

  48. That is so cool! I think I need to travel to Taipei.

  49. who wouldn't want to eat out of a toilet bowl? i think that dogs were on to something WAY before this rest. caught up.


    actually, i like it. their theme is really well done.

  50. and it was the best damn ice cream i ever ate.

  51. this is the most bizarre thing ever! not sure i could eat there!...

  52. YAY you went! It's a fun place to go =)
    Did you take any drinks to go? If you did, the to-go containers are those urine holding containers in hospitals! =P

  53. I love your blog! It always makes me so happy :)

  54. I love your blog, it never fails to cheer me up on a bad day. Thank you!

  55. wow interesting concept for a restaurant lol, pretty cool. come follow and vote 4 me xxo

  56. http://fromtaipeiwithlove.blogspot.com/2010/06/modern-toilet_7121.html
    I had my own experience with Modern Toilet. =o)

  57. Awesome! This place looks like an absolute blast! I just saw something on the Travel channel about an insane asylum/jailhouse theme restaurant in Tokyo where you eat behind bars. Too cool!

  58. Why are your photos so amazing?! How did you manage to take such wonderful pictures inside the restaurant? I mean don't usually restaurants have bad lighting? What do you do when there isn't any good lighting indoors?

    Haha, sorry that was my first thought and i just wanted to know! :) Hope you'll have the time to reply me.

  59. wow, i shall go there once i get the chance to visit japan of course :D

  60. wow, that is incredible -- but no way I could eat there!

  61. @Shu-iiiii- awww thank you! I actually photograph a lot of restaurants in NYC for one of my jobs so I'm really used to it. You could bump up the ISO and shoot at a really wide aperture like 1.4, or bounce a flash off of a white ceiling or wall and use a long exposure.

  62. My Son does daddy/daughter dates. They live in Taipei... he took her to Modern Toilet when she was fully potty trained. She loved it since her life had been so focused on potties. She also had the chocolate ice cream but it was served to look like poop. Poop shapes and humor is very popular with children in Asia.
    I enjoy Ice Monster in Taipei, but recently they closed.
    Brenda in Canada

  63. Probably inevitable theme- for a lighter look at where this idea probably did not come from check out this page discussing a Luis Bunuel film -

  64. That is SOOOO excellent! Great job photographing it all, too!!! When I see your pics from your trip, it's like the city was made just for you and your camera.

  65. Soooo glad you found it. It's too bad I found out to late about the Taipei events, but I hope you had fun here.

  66. Was the food any good at all? lol


  67. I've been here as well! Normal food served in a very unusual manner. It's really fun to eat here for the experience. Great place to take pictures as well :)

  68. They have a restaurant like this in Malaysia!

  69. That's fun!
    We have this in our country, Malaysia, too! =)

  70. this is why Asia is awesome!

  71. huwayyyy??:)) i'd love to try it though! where there a lot of people there?<3

  72. Hi,
    Glad you like Taipei!!

    I once brought my bf to Modern Toilet restaurant also, and he and his friends had lots of fun on having meal there. You can check his blog of that restaurant here: http://bit.ly/9E2Y3O

    Your photos are awesome!!!

  73. we think that i also visit and sit in this one toilet. so i waiting to come their and take lunch with toilet seat.
