Monday, November 1, 2010


A day where dogs live out their dreams of becoming Wonder Woman,

a hippie van,

a log,

a taco,
Lobster dog
and a lobster boiling in a pot of hot water.

Ahh, the holidays...


Bridget said...

that is AWESOME. my dog was a banana split this year. these are all cooler. dammit.

Nana! said...

I love u photos

come visit us in Brazil =)

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

ah, you've made my day once again with such adorables!!!!! lovin' the wonder woman pup, so ingenious.

Me, Laura E! said...

so cute!! I wish my dogs would put up with that:)It's ok though, they're silly enough as it is!
Did you dress Moo in anything? :)

Karen said...

I just knew a post from you, especially with the title 'Halloween...' would make me smile. And it most definitely did! Thanks! :>

Liesl said... the taco!

Liesl :)

Raptor Plateado said...

i live de wonder woman.. hahaha so cute!!

Unknown said...

haha. the lobster left me laughing so hard.

wishful nals said...

ah! the lobster in a pot. cutest thing EVER.

Morgan said...

The lobster is SO cute! Your pictures always make me smile! =]

Family Lawyers Melbourne said...

I love the first and third "baby" most lol

Laser Hair Removal said...

I guess the second pupy is born as a model

Kara said...

Oh my gosh! So awesome.

Tigerlily said...

My friend and I dressed up her son as a lobster and put him in a pot! lol. I thought I was so creative!

CountessLaurie said...

Best halloween post yet! Thanks for the laugh!!

Meg said...

ah i can't wait to get a puppy, i know we'll have so much fun dressing up for halloween! we considered dressing up our kitten, but worried he might hold a grudge... dogs don't hold grudges :)
happy halloween!

Brittany said...

I own a pug! Why am I not compelled to dress him up?! :oD

LittlePloggo said...

dear katie, your photos are always so colourful :) love it :D and happy halloween!!

Anonymous said...

Ok that is pretty damn inventive and hilarious!

Bright Green Laces

Anonymous said...

muito fofos.


mirachantek said...

a taco doggie. hmm
that's something

Azreenchan said...

I love the lobster!
Hahaha :D

LITTY said...

i want to eat taco dog!! ;D Haah just kidding.

ally said...

Love the Dog Log ;)

Ebru said...

Aww they are all so cute! My dog was also a banana split this year though I wanted to get him a lobster costume but Petsmart was sold out of them lol

jacobian said...

which one is your dog?

Katie-Lyn said...

one word: clever.

i love it. thank you so much for filling my laughter quota, today.

TalksAboutNothing* said...

Thats so funny :)
How did u manage to find all them :)?

Simone said...

Wonder Woman and Popeye are my favorites!! So adorable.

Anonymous said...

awe, adorable!

Jasmine said...

the hippie van dog is my favourite! but they all look funny) thanks for sharing))

Val_ said...

Amazing! My "puppy" Mila doesn't apprecciate clothing... What about Moo?

TJ said...

Those are sooo cute! I have a pet rat and wanted to make him a costume this year, but didn't have time :{

stephiejane said...

awwwww i am such a sucker for dogs in costume!! so cute!

ibunbun said...


cb said...

love the hippie fan one! so funny!


Abbie said...

This makes me smile. A lot!

Nina van Dijk said...

How cute!!?

I love this blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey just wondering but are they any other blogs such as yours? Like, any photography-artsy blogs?

Anonymous said...

That Wonder Woman dog is hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I love dressing up my dog in costumes. I just wished he loved it, too!

hmmm said...

I love that little taco!

Anonymous said...

awww, lol, loving these costumes! too cute!

Julie said...

That dog, er, log with an axe in it is making my day!

Efter Stormen said...

so awesome dogs! i like it! nice shoots

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Such cute photos

Ana said...

hi :)
i love your blog, all the way from portugal, in europe.
i would like to know what is the type of camera you have for your so alive photographs..
thank you katie ;)
a little treat for you, as I too love stop motion movies:

and my website:

alexandra brett

Melanie's Randomness said...

awww the lobster pup is too cute!

Marthie On The Move said...

These dog outfits are adorable. My dog was a reindeer this year!

Anonymous said...


It's too bad barely anyone celebrates Halloween here in the Netherlands :(

Annie said...

The photos are awsome :D but one think./...way people do that to dogs? :( poor little animals....

drollgirl said...

BAHAHAH! these are just fab!

Sarah said...

fun and fabulous!!

Unknown said...

Hey there to see googly eyes... Check out the original article from NYC to PDX

Family Lawyers Melbourne said...

Hahaha! The log is the best!