Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

Happy Presidents Day!
The most exciting, spectacular, fantastical holiday of the year!
...What?! You don't know how to celebrate Presidents day?
Well then... I'll give you a few of my tips!
Step 1- Wear a beard ( preferably brown like Lincoln's ) Don't have a beard? Grow one!
Step 2- Go out to dinner and pay the whole check with dollar bills! The waiter may look pissed off but they're secretly celebrating on the inside.
Step 3- pick up a random baby and kiss it!
Step 4- Tell the truth all day just like good ol' honest Abe... even if the truth hurts and makes your friends want to punch you.
Ahhhh, I didn't think this day could get any more magical but then it snowed. It's a Presidents Day miracle!


  1. your celebrating makes for a whole lot of happy presidents! i am sure of it.

    also, that couch cover is pretty awesome.

  2. That's how you celebrate! =o) (takes notes)

  3. if only we had a presidents day in the U.K.! the beginning of the year could do with a few more holidays.

  4. Oh god. Pick up a random baby and kiss it? NOT a good idea.If you know the baby and his/her mother, sure. If you don't and it's truly a random baby you don't know...bad bad bad idea.
    Related link:

    Also, that site is awesome :)
    So are you Katie! <3

  5. This is possibly one of the greatest posts I have ever read!

  6. Haha, don't have one? Grow one! I'll get on that! I just hope I'm not too late...

  7. So FUN and I love the balloons!

    Liesl :)

  8. You make any person happy! you're so much FUN!

  9. should we also wear a blue dress? ;)

    I love the idea of being honest enough to make my friends want to punch me. I will rush right out and celebrate before it's over!


  10. while I was having a conversation with my 4 year old this morning about some of our presidents, he said, "and do you know there is a president named Teddy, he made all the teddy bears in the world, very important guy." btw, your blog makes me smile - thank you.

  11. I love posting on people's blogs. I don't know why, I just do.

    I like your images, color, and pithiness, but the kid is a kid, not quite a baby, and anonymous is right on..... no touchy the baby (er kid).

  12. You're so funny and amazing and beautiful and talented!! If you're ever in Australia, let me know!! I want a photo shoot! :)

  13. haha president's day sucks but you make it seem cool somehow.

  14. Love how you celebrated that day! You just know how to make it even more fun!

  15. These are awesome! Happy Presidents' Day!

  16. hahah....that's really Funny....hmmm will try all the steps....thx u!!

  17. too bad i can't grow a beard.

    but i did order food today... i wish i paid him in dollars.

    i forgot that today was president's day though. shame on me.

  18. I feel like I saw you or an extreme look a like on the L train around 8 tonight, I stared like a creep-o in a ridiculous faux fur coat & thought it was you, trying to get the courage to tell you in person HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG, WORK, & PASSION FOR COLOR & what an inspiration you are!! Either way if it was you or not, this message is now just as creepy as I may have been in person....COOL! xo

  19. Haha - great suggestions, may I use them even though I´m a swede?! :-D

  20. In some parts of Canada it is "family day"... people get the day off work, supposedly to spend with their families.

  21. I love the first photo, it's so pretty.! And I love your outfit there

  22. Loving this pictures they have totally brightened up my day :o) xx

  23. if i didn't know better, i'd say i'm picking up a little sarcasm here! ;) tee hee!

  24. hi! cool way to celebrate... work also for our Family Day, in Canada. you're so much fun

  25. @Michi McCurdy- That was me! Awww I wish you said something! I was totally looking at you and your friend too. Your outfits were so fun!

  26. jajajaja I love your celebration

  27. My blog crush for you just grew 10 fold!!!!! I wish I had said something now too, but alas the internet allowed me to still deliver the msg to you that you are such an inspiration to me!!! Thank you for writing back & being so incredibly & wildy talented! (& for making my day!) ((and your bright blue coat is the dopest!!!)) xo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  28. You are awesome!!
    I love the second picture, is so funny :)
    Love from Perú!

  29. You are absolutely the cutest person who has ever existed. I love all the hearts! Keep up the good work.

  30. Your post made me smile... I'm loving your couch cover too. <3

  31. haha! i love these ideas. what a perfect post to stumble upon! have a great weekend.

  32. Katie, you're so possitive! I love it!!
    The dollar bills one is definately my favorite! I'm gonna try it!
    Jess : )

  33. your blog is so delightful!
    i find it lures me in with charm and colour.
    your life seems just divine!
    happy blogging lovely lady x

  34. I only found out this year that President's Day is on my birthday! There's a good reason for celebration =D

  35. Haha wow, that's too cute. Since I'm from Canada, eh... I had no idea that Presidents Day was so cool.

  36. have no idea how right you are about the way to spend the day.. i lost my best friend today. i had to be horribly honest. I kissed my boys and it snowed on me here too in WA state... a whole country away from you.

  37. I love this post, we always follow you but we never write, so from now we will write more...

    Photos and the background hearts are great and all input is CRAZY!

    kisses for the little monster

  38. Thanks for the beautiful photos !!!

  39. How did I miss this post? THE funniest thing I've read in awhile, and with Presidents day becoming 'so commercial' these days it is nice to get back to the spirit behind the holiday :-)
    I'm pretty sure you would be the type of friend that would make me laugh so hard milk would come out of my nose
    :-) And as most people know, they are the best-est!
