Monday, March 21, 2011

You know what's fun?

Wearing a ridiculous wig while food shopping....
but acting completely normal.
It makes people around you giggle,
and it makes running errands a million times more fun!


Patchie said...

This is just too good of an idea!

Dannee said...

That's too awesome! makes me laugh just looking at those pictures! I must try it... :D

stephiejane said...

just to cha cha for words!! you're so funny and lighthearted, it truly brings a big smile to my face :)

Stephanie said...

You are so fun! I love how you approach life - so much fun and not caring about what others think!

So inspiring Katie!

La pandilla said...


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

My monkeys love to wear funny costumes while running errands

fashiONözge said...

hahahaaaa love your funny blog:))

Liz said...


Fee ist mein Name said...

I would have loved to meet you during your shopping trip :)!

Cathleen said...

Well! Running into you at the market while running my 1,000 errands a day would surely make MY day! LOL :) Thanks for the smile!!

LL said...

this is a surprisingly good look for you! ;)

Venassa said...

Haha you are too cute!

Isabella Kiss said...

...of course you would. :)

apegialla said...

great idea...I try!

emily jean. said...

LOVE it.
here's to encouraging silliness, wherever our days take us!


Third Street Photo

tinajo said...

Haha - looks fantastic! :-)

Alana Full (With Energy) said...

That is just so funny!

Liz S said...

Haha I love it! On my wedding day, my husband, the best man and I went to the gas station in our fancy clothes to buy cigarettes... It did make people smile!

Anonymous said...

I must try this sometime--it looks such fun!

黃愛玲 said...

I have friends who once did that sort of thing. xD

colormekatie said...

@TolerateThis- That's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

hee hee.
i did something similar with a hello kitty head a couple of years ago:

Marita Bliss said...

Hahaha ♥

Rachael said...

I wish more people would do that! It'd make shopping a lot more fun!
You're awesome for doing that, and all of your other creative ideas!

Tara from EasyMakesMeHappy said...

This made me happy!

Anonymous said...

love! might have to actually try this.


brummygem said...

awesome! and that wig really suits you ;-) thanks so much for your smile-inducing blog!

CountessLaurie said...

Not only do you rock the wig, but I love love love your top. Where did you get it?? Must know :-)

Unknown said...

You go girl...

colormekatie said...

@CountessLaurie- Thanks! I think I got it from Forever21..

Tripthi Battapadi said...

Awesome! I am totally going to try this! :P

Samantha K said...

If I saw someone wearing a wig like that it would make my day. Personally I like to find silly hats to wear.

Anonymous said...

I did something like this once but wearing a rainbow shoping bag as a mask...

Tegan said...

ah, that's brilliant.. just another little thing to make your day more interesting xo

Catherine said...

Oh that is awesome! x

Anonymous said...

That is so great! I would love to see the other shoppers reactions

Sewandthecity said...

First time visiting your blog and couldn't stop reading your posts. You are amazing, your blog is fabulous, your photos are so full of colour and you make NYC seem like the place to be! Envious, who me? :-)

SilverMoon Dragon said...

I took this theory to extremes and dyed my hair bright purple. Now everything I do and everywhere I go is a little bit more fun. Kids love it!

Same Length Pinkies said...

your wig blends in nicely with the products and aisles.

Monika - Twoja Asystentka said...

I must try! you are awesome!

Carson Nevada said...

I love how you make every bit of your life enjoyable. its an inspirational way to live. and it brings so much wonderful color into your photography.

Amoniel said...

This is awesome! And you know what I want to do? I want to start wearing fairy wings like I wear t-shirts :D (If that makes ANY sense...)

Anjani said...

Hahaha. You're so cute!

Megan Lynzy said...

I often times clean my house in a three foot electric blue beehive wig. It makes chores 100% more fun!

Relsqui said...

I have a mohawk and a collection of silly animal hats (frog, rabbit, ladybug). So this is basically my life. 8)

Natasha Jane said...

My step mom told me that when she was young she used to dye her hair purple. When she went grocery shopping and people would stare at her purple hair she would tell them, "purple haired people have to eat too, you know."

Anonymous said...

wow you look really pretty in that last photo, seriously, no sarcasm intended. i just think people need to be told they're pretty, it makes smiles all around!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I'll try that one of these days...

Bel said...

Hahaha that's definitely on my to-do list :)

Belly B

Tana said...

EEE!! it's making me totally giggle right now too! I would really love to do something like this but I think I still need more courage to even go up to strangers. This is seriously adorable!

Raptor Plateado said...

LOL i like you new hair, so funny!!!

Janine van Staden said...

hahaha! This is so great! :) so funny!!

Unknown said...

Charmin Basic! It fits perfect with the wig

Unknown said...

Haaaahaha! Awesome! I usually wear a clown nose in traffic jams and act complitely normal... people tend to forget about their moodines and concentrate on the crazy woman with a red nose in the other car! =)

Anonymous said...

You´re awesome! :D

Eleni said...

Ha ha! I love that you've styled the wig with a bow, like you actually woke up with a rainbow 'fro this morning and wanted to jazz it up a bit!

Lizaboo said...

You look brilliant! That is such a wicked idea! I love how you brighten up my life with your crazy ideas xx :o)

ellie estrada said...

eeeep cuuuteness! i've never seen a grocery store in such a whimsical point of view <3

Chloe said...

Haha! Such a fun idea.
And that wig looks GOOD on you!


faithagape said...

Really, all your posts never failed to make me smile! :))))) And I've done this before, but not in wig, only with different color of yarn placed in different side of my head! Haha! XD

Charis said...

Crackers! Love it!

Vanessa said...

You're adorable :)

Charlie said...

Beatiful colors!!!

Katie said...

ha! I love the completely normal expression on your face--like, isn't this what everyone does?

I need a wig.

_ffyona said...

you made fun, even more fun!

Unknown said...

Love it! There's nothing more fun to do than make other people giggle and laugh - you're awesome! :D

Jenn said...

It's like the time I wore my fake beard from like it was normal.

I woke up from a nap on the subway to a guy standing right in front of me taking a photo. :)

I guess I'll have to try the wig/beard combo.

Wendy said...

This is why I let me kids dress themselves! ;) My 3-year old even has a red cape that reads, "I dressed myself today." He wears it everywhere, along with his fedora!
And my oldest son has one of the knitted beards. Love it, and they make people smile wherever they go. I need to join in more often. You are so inspiring, spreading happiness into the dailyness of life!

colormekatie said...

haha I love the cape!

Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading through your blog I was so happy to learn you do it all in Greenpoint. You make it look so colorful, a stark contrast to the drabbiness it usually exhibits (at least whenever I am there). Now that I know your work, I'll be on the look out for it whenever I'm in Little Poland =) I'm kind of sad I haven't run into it yet =( said...

Simply amazing! :]
Love it.

Niko Bulaun said...

funny! hahaha


Roxy Te said...

"It's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." ;)

Anna said...

Do you work or have any interest in working with NYC public schools? If you're ever inspired to do a project with a group of crazy Kinder-5th kids, let me know =)

blank said...

Hahah! That is just so cool!

Sandra said...

Hi! I'm going to New York for my first time ever - in April. I'll be living in Brooklyn, and I'll be sure to look for all your artwork! I love what you are doing! Keep it up :)

Kara said...

Haha I wish I had the guts to do something like that. I'd probably be giggling myself!

{schlawittchen} said...

*smile* :)

Nathalie (Bluna), Muse said...

Hello from Germany! Katie, please take a look at my admiring-you-fan-post:

I think, I wrote your name right ;-)
a hug

Anonymous said...

This week I started looking up into the trees whenever someone called my name from down the sidewalk. It was great. They'd laugh and after I'd keep looking in the trees they would to. Eventually we'd both meet on the sidewalk and be tree watching together.

winnnie said...

hello from hong kong!
omg i love you girl!
i love doing ridiculous stuff too

John said...

I loved that Hat!!!! Whom did you see wearing it before you bought one for yourself?? A hen?? Hehe just joking. Your quite sporty !
Are You Weird?
Find out if you are sane or insane.

Evy Paap said...

OMG! It's so nice! Hhaaha


ps: Maybe you will follow us?

Alysa Kimiko said...

you're my hero!!

Marie said...


linnykins said...

Colourful!! I like it how you blend in with your surroundings :D

Linda said...

Haha! Love it!

You know, MOO is a business card firm that I orderen from, and now I get these newsletters from them. Just now I got «Wedding wishes and a friendly reward from MOO!» They all sound like that and I always think of your Moo. :p Random I know...

Rebecca said...

LOL... I wish I was that bold! :)

-- Pearl

Rebecca said...

LOL... I wish I was that bold! :)

-- Pearl



..Check out my blog, lets follow each other....



..Check out my blog, lets follow each other....

Kelly said...

hahaha what a fun idea!

anyaadores said...

That's hilarious - I have to do that - maybe I will dress up the kids too. As angels.. Perhaps the wont create havoc!! Wicked idea.
A xx

Pistachio said...

This is so hysterical! Love it.

Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I'll take 'fun' any day! This is my first visit to your blog, I kind of went 'backwards' from visits to my blog, and found you, and you make me SMILE! Thanks for a wonderful moment in my morning!

The Elephant's Trunk said...

This is brilliant! hahahaah you find color EVERY where don't you? LOL. Please don't ever stop Katie! Your photoshoot ideas are wonderful! And so freaking inspiring. I hate that I just want to copy your every move. LOL. I guess that's a great compliment to your art though. Keep blogging!

bear said...

my mom does this on occasion! he he he

Neima Pidal Fotografía said...

I adore you blog!
you have the funniest and most creative ideas

A said...

How adorable!!

Susana Meza said...

this reminds me of Harpo Marx and makes my heart smile, thank you Katie

Anonymous said...

I wore a fairy costume all day today on campus. I was in great spirits and saw lots of people smile!