Thursday, September 8, 2011

Moo Time

I'm sorry that I haven't updated my blog in a while...

Poor Fernando...


but sometimes you just have to take a break from the world,

and play with your cat.


Shannon said...

How fun! I would love to play with your cat!

Elaine said...

Loved this post :)

Stephanie said...

Missed you and moo!

Misty said...

I need to do the same! Thanks for the reminder! :)

Beth said...

We missed you! <3

UpGemini said...

HAHAHAH I love Moo, big fan! ❤

Samantha said...

You make me so happy!

I love your work & every time I see your posts in my twitter feed I get so excited!!!

I'm a Canadian gal living in the Middle Eastern desert & I'd really like to make things more colourful...I plan to do a wall piece - a big tree with heart shaped leaves made from vintage materials. Inspired by YOU!

<3 @saucywithatwist

M said...

LOVE your kitty!

Jean said...

exactly how i felt.
we all deserve a break.

happy to see this post! <3

Miss Lifesaver said...

I love Moo! And I don't even like cats!

Nicole Jeannette said...

So cute! :) I love this and you're right, we all deserve a break!

Jennie Louise said...

Adorable cat... love the colour in your home.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Oh I'm glad Moo is there to always cheer you up!
Guess what? I know a cat named Monkey, only in Swedish; his name is Apa. His person couldn't keep him anymore and there were threats about cat heaven. Nonononoooo I said and ran up to my neighbour with a picture of Apa in my phone. Then I called his person, she came over with monkeycat and my neighbour fell in love with him and kept him! Yay! I'm a bit allergic but am thinking that maybe I can borrow him from time to time <3 I've learnt from your blog that cats are very useful in one's studio.

Call me M said...

I recently found your blog and I love it! You have such positive energy. Browsing through your archieves the last days, made me smile. You're amazing!
Also love moo, and the posts you make about him. I'm one of your newest followers. Keep doing beautiful things. :)

Fleur De Moi said...

I always love your Moo related post!

J U D I T said...

Awesome as always! :)

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

We miss you when you're not around but you always leave us with such positive energy, such joy that even when you take time for yourself and moo we've got so much of you left over until your return from your reprieve. thanks for all the charm and delightful colors you bring to the life of my eyes even though I'm colorblind. Have a wonderful day, Katie.

Lou said...

loved the post! Missed you!

Nathalie (Bluna), Muse said...

Katie, thanx for all your inspiration.
Tomorrow I will open my first exhibition called "how to survive BIPOLAR from A to Z and two of 26 pieces are about my muses. There are 3 artists from New York among the muses. Two male: Francis Brunn, juggler (died in 2004) and Arturo Martinez, Flamenco Guitarrist... and among the female ones: KATIE S. -Allround Artist and always Happy-Maker! So thank you for beeing with me!
Nat aka Nati La Gazpacha

Aimless Dreamer said...

I'm not really a cat person, but if I had a cat just like yours, I wouldn't mind at all!!! Moo is the best!

Sécia Mischke said...


♥ sécia

midori said...

The blog is actually Moo's, isn't it? He gracefully allows Katie to post every once in a while... Not too often!

Rachel Sayumi Porter said...

I LOVE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I want him so so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!

everyone please check my blog out,I am in need of some support (:


黃愛玲 said...


Ashley said...

Yes, a blog break can be much needed! But, your colorful, happy posts always brighten my day. Glad to see you back!!

Anonymous said...

love it!! :)

Love Simple Green

Randi said...

cutie fruity! (as always);)

Damy said...

I think... Moo deserves his own spin-off blog! " A Day In The Life of Moo Cat". :p

Melissa M. said...

totally! your cat is so cute. :-)

Miki said...

Awe, Mr. Moo is so cute! :P

Hope you have a colorful weekend! ;D


cococherry said...

such funny pictures!

::little projects in style:: said...

your cat is freakin cute! :) our dog is called muu! perhaps they're meant to be friends! :)

Kademoiselle said...

So true ;)))
Thank you for your beautiful photos ;)

Jessica Snellings said...

I started a new "blogject" (blog project) where I post something that always makes me smile no matter what..the first post was you & Moo!

Hopefully that doesn't sound too creepy?

mia said...

If I had a cat, I wouldn't be able to resist playing all the time....

Anonymous said...

Moo is so lovely, and the pictures look GREAT with all the colors :)
I usually don't have time to comment, but I've seen most of your posts and you're amazing and very inspiring :)

Anonymous said...

I love playing with my cats too! Glad your back!

PuppyLovePrincess said...

yay for MOO! what a cutiecake!

Paula said...

this was worth the wait :)

Elina said...

I just decided to move to live in your wardrobe. Just saying so that you won't startle.

Sarah said...

Moo is such a precious cat! He's also a great model haha! :)
Also, I love how pretty and colorful your wardrobe is!

Anonymous said...

Every time I'm feeling sad and lonely, I'll suddenly remember to check this blog -- Your blog is perfectly guaranteed to make me feel better no matter what's going on :). Thank you for writing/photographing/playing with cats/improv-ing/being so colorful!! You've made my third weekend away from home for the first time more bearable already :). (I'm a college student, friday afternoons count as the weekend :D.) <3, Em.

Anonymous said...

I love Moo!!!!!!!!!

lmm_lisa said...


Linda Tran said...

Moo has got to be the most delightful cat ever! and I'm in love with all that colour!

Stella said...

Moo is adorable!!!!! Glad to see you posting again!

Angy is my name. said...

I read somewhere recently that dogs think humans are special because we take care of them, feed them, bathe them etc. but Cats think THEY are special because we feed them, care for them and bathe them - Had to smile. It's definitely not always a dogs life hey?

Anonymous said...

Don't you ever apologize to us. I for one, check your blog to get a little pick-me-up and to enjoy the viewpoint of someone who seems to really appreciate the beauty in the world. When you don't post for a while, I just send my best wishes to you and hope you're doing well. You've no idea how happy you make so many total strangers. Thanks Katie.

Nia said...

I love the pictures


internet pharmacy said...

oh,,, a killer art is which lead you to killer look and feelingss


Cecilie Irene said...

Haha, wow here is alot of color! ;P

Hannah said...

your posts never cease to amaze me :) Love this. Love moo. Love it all :)

Stacey Renee said...

I'm glad you take breaks and play with your Moo. It's necessary, and then I get to see cute pics.

Anonymous said...

Great cat you have :) she is looking so happy and I am sure that you so happy that you have it.

Greets short term rental london

Anonymous said...

nice post =)
hey there :)i just subcribed to your blog..hope u subcribe back..i'd love to comment some more :)
take care

Unknown said...

Your blog always lifts my spirits! Thank you))

hanny arianty gultom said...

i loveeee your bloggg... ;( (tears) ..

Little Tree Vintage said...

so so cute! love your blog, so happy and vibrant!

Victoria said...

what an adorable cat!!

Sally said...

Awww! Adorable cat! xx

Mannequins Dream said...

your outfit's so pretty! :D Xx

Ida said...

That cat is soooo cute!
But looks a lot different to our cats (persians heh).

Ida-Jessica from

kamagra said...

Great shot! Love the pose, expressions and the colors! I love cats!