You know how around Christmas time, Santa shows up at the mall and kids get to sit on his lap and tell him what they'd like for Christmas?

Well us adults want to sit on Santa's lap too, you know.

So for our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we broke out into a spontaneous musical at the mall about adults sitting on santa's lap!

So for our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we broke out into a spontaneous musical at the mall about adults sitting on santa's lap!
We also collaborated with Michael,
and Evan of The Gregory Brothers!
The song is so fun that I've been singing it non stop all morning!
( family happened to be at the mall that day and bumped into the musical. You can see my little brother get excited and run into the frame at 3:33 to snap a picture, ha! )
( family happened to be at the mall that day and bumped into the musical. You can see my little brother get excited and run into the frame at 3:33 to snap a picture, ha! )
you're the cutest! I'm sure your neighbors don't mind. I could really use some holiday spirit, this was perfect.
ohhh I love you! and this. Merry Christmas
SO awesome! Love it!
This video made my day :)
hee hee! Love it!
you really know how to make me smile!
So cool! Wish someone would do this here in Germany, haha.
so adorable! i wish i was there when this went down :)
Smoking Crayolas Blogspot
Love this!
so lovely!!! I wanna sit on santa too!!
Wonderful!!! Karen
haha this was awesome ! i'm from Finland, a native of santa's homeland ;)
You are too much fun..
check out my giveaway!
Awe that was so sweet! I want to sit on Santa's lap too!
This literally brightened my afternoon - I want to sit on Santa's lap!
This was so much fun.
And your little brother is a photo NINJA.
Greit so magic!!!
Amazing! This made me smile so much, the perfect thing to get the Christmas spirit started!
oooh! that looks like the Garden State Mall in Paramus!! wish I could have been there (I only work a few minutes away!) So much fun =)
Love it! I especially love the kid who was singing! :)
Aww wow! I'm def taking part of Improv Everywhere when i grow up!
So wonderful!!!!
Gosh your blog is my favorite blog of ALL time!!!!
oh hey garden state plaza! what an amazing video :)
this is so freakin awesome
Proud to say I'd still happily sit my 38 year old patootie on Santa! :-)
Love it. And your brother's cameo is pretty awesome (and quick). Greetings from Italy.
This is so adorable! My boxfiend and I are singing this all day now :D
OOOOHHHH, actually I don't know, what to say! It is soooooo cute, overwhelming! It made my day, too!
Thank you, Katie!!!
you're just making me smile and happy like everytime i see one of your gorgeous posts. They made my evening suga sweet ♥
I love your blog! it just gets me inspired and happy, and your ideas are soo brilliant :) I would like to know did the Santa knew about your musical what you made, because Santa started also sing, or was he just artistic Santa Claus? :D sorry if my english isn´t so perfect.. I don't live in English speaking country
Brilliant as usual. These things make me tear up - they make my heart warm. I'm so sappy!
this is so much fun!!!
That was fabulous! Totally got me in the Christmas spirit!
♥ sécia
That was so much fun! I was surprised when Santa got involved too! Very cool!
(The moment of shock when you see someone else who's Finnish comment here... Also, a present in the first picture looks like the Finnish flag!)
Hey but thanks, this is the Christmas spirit I've been looking for this year! Were you participating too somewhere in front of the camera or just taking sweet photographs? (I'm such a miserable face-recognizer so I wouldn't notice even myself on a video)
That was flippin' awesome. Getting Santa himself involved takes the cake!
On a technical note - I've done these flashmob kind of events in the past and they NEVER sound that good, but I don't have any real organized groups nearby. Did you have mics on all the singers? Speakers set up in the mall? Or was it overdubbed later for the video?
Great stuff!
On a related note I was at a shopping mall here in Halifax Canada, and there were no kids in the line up for Santa - only teenagers/young adults getting their pictures with him. Made me think of your video right away.
You are really amazing!Good work
kisses Joana |
OMG! That must have been awesome!
I really like it!
Ahh this is just wonderful! I would have loved to see this in real life!
this was great! I was smiling the whole time! Gosh I wish I was there hahahaa.
Fantastic! I am grinning from ear to ear.
Happy Holidays!
this is one of the coolest things! i want to improve! i dream of these sort of things happening on my train on a daily basis. sadly, it never does.
Oh my gosh... that video was awesome! Some people are just so darn talented *and creative* :)
I super love it! Hope to experience that surprise musical show when I'm in mall or any public places.
Wonderful! Such a beautiful idea and video.
Like an other reader, I cried (and smiled in same time) watching this post: I'm fond of Christmas spirit and this is so gorgeous!
So thanks you a lot Katie. There is months that I read you blog and that it makes me smile: all your nice ideas and colours are often my vitamin's dose. So thanks a lot and have a merry Christmas!
That was fantastic. I actually laughed so hard my eyes started to water.
ooooh! you guys are AWESOME!!
Oh my goodness - that was great. I'll be humming it all day now too.
What a fabulous blog - great ideas - and you crack me up too!
Thanks - you made my day!
I cried when Santa started singing :)
Awww! We're almost as far from Christmas as can be, but I'm totally ready for another turn around the tree now. Awesome!
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