I'm in love with a song right now called Mr. Blue.
We all know what it's like to have really down days so it inspired me to make a little something for people to smile.

So I took in these rocks,
We all know what it's like to have really down days so it inspired me to make a little something for people to smile.
So I took in these rocks,
painted hearts on them,
so to spot them would be a lovely surprise.
Your blog is so inspiring! I love this, and I wish I lived closer to you so I could go out and look for these rocks. Thank you for bringing some sunshine in my day.
This post made me :)
Another lovely idea :-) You really have a gift!
I am one of the people who needed this today. Knowing that you've done this, and seeing your photos, is just as uplifting to me as if I found one of these rocks. Thank you for a really good smile.
So lovely! I would love to find one of these on my walk :) Your blog is so inspiring!
This made me smile and I wasn't even feeling blue. You are a treasure.
Awwww you're too sweet!
This is such a sweet idea!
amazing. I wish i had your mind. You are so sweet Katie!
this is so beautiful!
what a wonderfull idea, you are such a creative person!
i could never have gotten such an idea but it just makes you smile when you only look at the photos and i can hardly imagine how surprised i would be if i found one of those!
marvellous idea!
this is the best of all the things.
I like the blue hearth!!
This is the reason why I love your blog so much. What a marvelous idea. Thank you for sharing!
So cute! Would love to find one of these
M x
If one can judge you by your blog, you are the most positive person I've ever "met". Wow.
You are so sweet!!! It would be so cool to find a stone like that!!! ♥
so cute!! I completely love this idea =)
♥ Lots of love, Lisette ♥
Ah, Mr. Blue. A song that's in my iTunes for years now, and still love it.
I would love to find one of this rocks! :)
so cute and sweet of you <3
This was such a good, sweet idea! Inspiration to do something nice for a stranger :)
If I find this rocks in the most unexpected area, it will definitely bring smiles.
So inspiring!
thank you so much for sharing this. i'm one of the people who needed this today.
Those little rocks look way cooler now & so pretty, I love how you have photographed them too, amazing, they sure put a smile on my face :D
That's so cute! I had a similar idea except I wanted to write inspirational stuff on post-its & put it in public places like boards, bathrooms, etc.
That is so adorable. I really admire what you do and how you do it. Such an inspiration. I love this. Have a great day :)
You're the cutest! I'm so sure. :-)
I love this idea so very much, how sweet!
"Well I made sure to fill some cracks in the sidewalk with the rocks for people who feel so low they just can't look up." Thank you for doing this. :) You sure spread happiness around you.
So so so cute. You are sweet and crafty! love it.
that is so cute! totally made my day ^^
maybe I should do the same thing where I live... :)
They look great, lovely idea!!!
wow this is the sweetest thing ever! It amazes me how you come up with such wonderful ideas everytime
Goodness gracious, if I loved your blog anymore I think I may explode! :)
I hope one day I find a rock like this! Which means your rocks spread, either by passing the idea or passing the stone from place to place!
Wow. This is going to bring so much sweet, quiet goodness. My mom passed away a little over a week ago, and just seeing the photos of these rocks touches my heart with hope. Thank you for what you do.
ohhh i just downloaded this song two days ago! coincidence! it's so sweet.
What a sweet idea!
I'm totally going to do this with my sons tomorrow. We'll leave them around town on our walk.
Thank you for inspiring me!
the sweetness of your heart blesses my heart
this is amazing :)
I've always loved that song!!!
(And your blog.)
oh.. i could have spotted one of these the other day.. but finding them hear makes me smile all the same! thanks
you always make me smile :)
They are beautiful, and it's a fantastic idea. I want to do this!
what a great idea.
I love that song! :) I found it a while ago and I love to listen to it when I'm feeling a bit down to cheer myself up.
OH my sweet tea, So creative, and adorable. If I found one of these rocks I would be so happy.
I've been waiting for you to post forever katie!! thanks for making my day!;D
Totally indescribably awesome. I'm inspired to do these things for the people around me too. I have missed seeing your lovely posts, this one fills that long gap quite lovely-like.
Thanks Katie <3
i can imagine some lovely reactions to these treasures
Love it! Finding a rock like this would make my day.
I just love you.
this is super cute!
lovely blog =)
so cute pic. i love rock
You are SO creative - a little rock plan in a despressed autumn time is just great. I hope someone will spot them and smile, and maybe think of you! :)
It's official : you are an angel ! ;) Thank you.
youre an inspiration :) Maybe, I'll do this sometime :)
Love the post , so creative!!!
love those stones!
so lovely idea!
love this idea. maybe i should make some people smile in my town too!
this is the most beautiful and loveliest act i have come across. :) music really does heal us. xx
me SO heart you!!
So lovely!
What a great idea!
This is so adorable, colorful and inspiring!!!! You ROCK! (excuse the pun)
You guys are so sweet, I just want to squeeze you all!
@Cathlene Bell- I'm so sorry to hear that your mother recently passed away. I hope you're doing okay. Sending you over a great big internet hug!
You are the sweetest thing ever!
I love you!
Thank you!!
Oh God, Katie you are so lovely ;) Love the song, cute as you. kisses
Woah, its amazing. Its nice that you'd think of doing such a thing for a stranger! :') you've made my day a whole lot brighter, thank you, i needed a pick me up and all! <3
Awwww! That is sooo cute!!
You come up with the sweetest things :)
such a cute idea! I wanna do this too!
I don't know you, but you're absolutely FABULOUS! I'm a new blogger... and I hope mine can be like yours someday.
It's honestly inspired me.
My room is going to get a lot more colorful, and (I hope you don't mine) I might steal some of your ideas to spread the love.
Thanks for adding your own color to so many people's lives. :) <3
Jeez, your blog's amazingly inspirational. Especially for someone who loves such things. ^_^
Thanks a ton for all these ideas that I'm totally going to steal :D
Tout simple, tout beau, juste ce qu'il faut...Bonne journée...
Oh my, this is brilliant, I'd like to find one :)
Amazing idea to paint rocks and spill them around.... Genuinely awesome. Also, thanks for introducing the song (I'm 100% positive I've heard it before and liked it back then, even though I can't simply recall when or where). Reminds me a little bit of Lena's songs... or of Crave You by Flight Facilities.
What you did was so sweet, so thoughtful, so lovely, so inspiring, so creative, and so kind! I am sure that those who found those pretty stones were wonderfully cheered up and inspired, and it was because of you! And even if many of us did not find these stones, we were very much cheered up by your post! May all the happiness you spread return to you many times!! (^_^)
They're lovely. It'd make my day to find something like this on any day, but especially on a blue day.
Thank you for posting this & for being such an amazing person. I've been "Mrs. Blue" since last night, and this brought a smile to my face.
1. I love that song, too!
2. Such an adorable idea. I hope they brighten many days.
oh, i would love to find a rock like that! ^^
You're a happy world maker. (Thanks for that!)
I've been pretty blue myself lately, and after reading this I decided I couldn't be the only one in my neighborhood feeling that way, so last night I got a big handful of rocks, painted them up (ladybugs, flowers, magic eight balls...), and I'm going to put the in the parks and commons areas this evening :). Thanks for such a beautiful idea. You inspire me to be a happier, more positive person.
wow this is my first time in your blog.. and it was really inspiring indeed.. I never saw as an artistic as like you. You painted the rocks with heart and then place it back outside with love... wooohh that was so awesome... I will love to hear more from your site... :)
I will link you if you don't mind.. :)
such a cute idea! i wish i lived in New York so I could find me a happy little surprise!
This is a lovely idea! What kind of paint did you use?
Ah, i would love to find one of these on the ground whenever i feel depressed. Absolutely wonderful (:
Love this idea! And I would have a photo frenzy if I found these lying around. Thanks for the inspiration!! :)
omg!!! such a lovely idea :D inspiring! another way to share love<3
SO lovely!
You always make me smile!
You are so amazing! You inspire me to do more stuff like this. I love it all! Keep it up!!
Oh so cute! I love that song as well. You should listen to Mr. Blue SKY also! It makes me so happy! (It's by the Electric Light Orchestra)
I love you posts so much, they make my day! Thank you!
У вас очень интересно!
a couple of caring friends sent this blog to me today. it was exactly what i needed and i love your attitude and creativity in the ones i peeked at after. thank you for existing!
I would love to have you as a neighbour! (Don't you want to come to France?^^) You act like a fairy, it's so inspiring and wonderful! I follow your blog since years now and you still surprise me! Thank you for what you give to us! (Hope that my English is not too bad...)
very cute.
you are awesome. thank you for your awesome work! =)
I'm so doing this. I know that if I ever found one of these rocks it would completely make my day... Now I absolutely HAVE to do this. Thank you for this wonderful idea!
Thanks for helping me see the world differently. :)
Så cute and kreative! I just love it, im' smile when I se'n your picktures ;)
Wow :)
Your blog is very inspiring!
I'll follow you^^
Looona Lou♥
You just made my day!!
Smiles back on then! :D
Thank you!
I like it a lot! What kind of paint do you use? It looks so bright on the rocks.
Really lovely idea!
I read your blog and love everything. It inspire me so much. All the colours *-*
Your blog make my day colourful :D
I just have one question:
I love these things you have on your walls. Is this normal paper? And how do you fix it on your wall?
I'm sorry. Maybe you don't understand me because I'm just a little child from Germany ;D
wow! i wish i was the one to spot one of these right in front of my nose! :-)
I just found your blog via liv lane and this was the post which introduced me to you. I love this, such an awesome thought. i must do this, how lovely for those so blue they can't look up to come across a little pebble of love. Beautiful + well done.
this is such a fabulous idea... I would have loved to have found one of these! I can only imagine how many smiling faces were made because of you. t.xoxo
hi... i like your mr.blue. nice share. please come to my music site.
When my son and wife and my two precious grandchildren(4 & 2)left Canada to return to Taiwan, they left pink hearts with a message of love all over my house, some hidden really well, others really obvious. It took me a long time to find them, but it always made my heart smile. These little rocks would also bring a sunburst of happiness especially since the hider is unknown. Makes one feel there is good, loving people in the world. Thanks, Katie, you have inspired others to share love of mankind(and womenkind!) Brenda in Canada
Just awesome!
Wow that was beautiful! Made me smile a whole lot! <3
all those colors. it's just great.
I adore the idea of someone walking down the street and stumbling on one of these little beauties!
xo chanel
You know there's blogs where people talks about all the bloggers talk: fashion, their lives, and all things like that, that you can find in almost every blog (I self have one:D)! Except you. You are so different. So funny and gorgeous. :) I think you don't even know how many people you make happy with your wonderful ideas! Keep going like that, so I'll keep my love on your blog<3! ;)
love the song, love this blog, and love the idea! you're so wonderful. i wish i would find one of these rocks!
How inspiring! What a wonderful idea ♥
Awe..... this post made me angry!! Why must you always mock me rocks!!!
Some guy with rock issues
How to take a blue situation and make it positive! I love this idea! I think I may just have to steal it!
:) Hazel
I think these photos would make a great calendar!!
this is such a sweet idea! love it :)
You are such a blessing. Thanks for being so sweet!
That is adorable- what a great idea! Really made me smile :)
That is such a beautiful idea. I know it would make me feel wonderful to find one of those on a day when I was feeling low.
I love reading your posts, it always puts a smile on my face. I just hope one day I will stumble upon one of your surprises :-D
Featured a link to this post on my blog today! Hope you don't mind:) I love it!
<3 Leney
This is so cute! And I love your blog!
You always make me smile. Thank you!
that is such a cute idea!
Painted some Rocks today, I know how it is to be so down you don't want to look up, so I loved your idea of blessing anybody hurting out there. I also love the Idea of not knowing who you will give a smile.
such a beautiful thing to do
ur blog is a.m.a.a.a.z.i.n.g.!so joyful
awwww! I love it!
Thanks katie! yes, 30 years. pretty mad, eh? it's his birthday next month. can't wait! getting him a wooden bike.
thanks for following me. your blog really helped me on my down days! :-)
I love the fact that you took your time to create something special for someone you don't even know - just to brighten up their day.
Thank you for doing this. I'll definitely do this myself!
Love this idea! Love your Blog! You've got such a happy heart, mind and soul!
I just love and adore you tons. My 4 yr old would be so thrilled - I can guarantee you she WOULD find one. And it would MAKE her year!!!! That lil girl loves pretty rocks. And I have never seen any more prettier than yours....I think I know what we are doing this weekend. Thanks!
Love it! Great idea! Thank you!
ahw this is so cute. And sweet of you to do it!
what a wonderful vibe you are sending out into the universe. Thank you xxx
an amazing lovely idea : )
Is it the "Mr. Blue" by Catherine Feeny? I have been in love with that song for a few years. It is really beautiful, and definitely perfect for certain moods.
Also, I have been following your blog for a very, very long time now, and I think that you are wonderful.
Oh that's a lovely, lovely thing to do! You have cheered up my day more than you'll ever know. There's an invisible big Christmas hug winging its wiggly way to you right now.
Love your blog. You are such a creative person. I'm sure the people who found these heart rocks felt special. Amazing pictures.
What a brilliant idea! I would like to find one of those in the nature
Camilla http://camilladotand.blogspot.com/
What a brilliant idea. I would be so surprised and happy if I found one of those beautiful stones.
This is a totaly love idea <3
This post makes me smile!
I love this <3 Thank you for the uplifting inspiration! I took your idea and made it my own here in Santa Barbara: http://peculiarbox.blogspot.com/2012/01/when-you-feel-like-youre-between-rock.html
totally lovely lovely idea.. will follow you and do the same (after the snow is gone) --someone from a dark cold country
This is a beautiful idea. :) I think I might just do the same, someday.
you are enchantress!!!
Love it. You could add some glow in the dark paint for someone to get that special surprise at night.
this is the most precious idea EVER! totally sending my readers your way!!! :)
I saw this on Pinterest. :) My five year old son & I are doing this today with glow in the dark paint. I can't wait to go check them out at night. I'm not sure if they'll get enough sun to glow, but we'll see. Thanks for the idea! :)
Love this idea!!! Thanks for sharing!
I loved your idea! My friend and I saw your rocks and decided to do this same thing on our college campus. We just finished painting the rocks with hearts, polka dots, and other designs. Thanks for the inspiration.
love, love, love this idea. I will definately be doing this!!!
What a great idea and it's really inspired me! Love this idea! Thanks for it.
I just came here "by accident" and I really, really love your ideas. Especially this one. I really enjoy that someone like you cares so much for others. I like to do the same here, for other people. Thank you very much for making my day!
Wonderful, wonderful idea! This is so totally me that I want to do it, take pictures of it, share them and credit you for the idea! Can I?... pleeease?! :P
thanks for sharing such wonderfull moments, smiles, and love! :)
This is such a great idea! Thank you for sharing some love! I just might have to do this now!
peace & love,
I did this today with my kids. Love it!
I'm going to do this :)
Hi Katie, I made myself some "happy rocks"
absolutely awesome! you're inspired me.
Lovely:) almost shed a tear
You are a treasure!
Fantastic idea!
Discovered your fantastic blog via pinterest. My artistic teens were inspired by your project here and are going to start drawing hearts, messages and mini works of art to leave around town. Thanks for sharing your creative mind with us.
I want to find one like this! Beautiful idea.
My family loved this idea.. here's our version. http://happywordsandthings.blogspot.com/2012/10/painted-rocks-falls-new-tradition.html
What a brilliant and thoughtful idea. I have just been given a rock painting kit and was googling ideas when I came across this blogpost. Now I plan to do this on Valentine's Day and leave the rocks around a park for children and dog-walkers to find. Thank you for the inspiration.
I love the rocks, but even more I love how you placed them outside for others to find and enjoy!
We adapted this idea into Valentines for my third and fifth grade boys' classmates. The boys painted the rocks bright colors, added the little hearts and glitter, and wrote business-sized cards that say, "Valentine, you rock!" They loved making them and can't wait to give them out tomorrow.
I still love the idea of painting rocks for folks to find outside, so I'm going to encourage the boys to take the extras outside to hide once the threat of snow passes.
Another great option would be to deliver a basket of these to a nursing home. I think the residents would love the feel of the rocks and the bright colors. Even those who couldn't hold the rocks might find a reason to smile when they see them on their nightstand.
Thanks for the great idea!
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