Scan your head...

or your cat instead of scanning paperwork,

Rock out with your broom instead of cleaning with it,

Do silly poses in the photo booth that you're supposed to be running,

Change all your desktop icons,

Join in a game of strip poker in an art gallery instead of just photographing it,
or your cat instead of scanning paperwork,
Rock out with your broom instead of cleaning with it,
Do silly poses in the photo booth that you're supposed to be running,
Change all your desktop icons,
Join in a game of strip poker in an art gallery instead of just photographing it,
we have the same desktop background! But my desktop icons aren't nearly as awesome...
I do love your photos, they make me smile every time! x
you're so nice! you made my day <3
ps. please check out my blog, its inspired by you!
hahaha love the icon change.
Was that a cat scan?
hehe, do you know this page? :)
you are geting a little bit crazier everyday!
You are too cute. I love your photography. <3
Mmmh, lovely with new ideas and excuses for not getting things done!
Katie, youre awesome.
xoxo Mathilde (denmark9
I Love everything you post!! <3
Procrastination as art : merveilleux !
Hei Katie! Allways when I see your posts you make me smile! Thanks! That's a very nice ability you have there! :) So a big "tusen takk" from Norway to you!
Every time I'm having a sad day and I see your blog it makes my day so much better :)
Just wanted to let you know that you're awesome!
Love your blog so much!
I bought a new camera and I cant wait to use it, and do some stuff like yours.
I have just one way to not keep studying for my tomorrows exam...check out Katie's Blog cause is too freaking awesome and she's almost naked.
haha...I love the 'cat scans.'
And the face scan was pretty cool. Thanks for providing me with a great distraction from work. :)
Those are such awesome desk icons! Wish I knew how to do that.
Great post, currently trying to get some work done myself.
Maybe I should try this instead of cleaning when I should be making my home work. This look much more fun!
These are brilliant! I'm very tempted to scan my head right now!
You're my hero.
i love your photos...they always bring a big smile to my face.
#7: Check our colormekatie when you should be finishing a research form tonight for tomorrow's test ;)
Somehow there are always more fun things to do when you need to get work done.. Like doodling on bananas or learning to play the ukulele..
LOL you're the best!!!
I have been saving colored paper from work that would normally get thrown away. You've rekindled my creativity through your blog. I move at the end of the month and am looking forward to decorating my new home a la Katie!
Hahawww Katie, you are so inspiring! I'm coming to New York in a week and I secretly hope that if I keep my eyes open, I'll spot some of your art on a street sign, on a lamp post, or on a dull gray wall somewhere in the city! :) FINGERS CROSSED!
What a wonderful freshness. I bet if I lQQked up 'cute, refreshing, sparkling and magical in some reference manual it would identify 'Katie'.
Thank you for a breath of fresh air in this atmospheric mix of world and political depressive goulash.
Oh Katie, you crazy chicken, you bring so much joy in our life! Thank you so much!
you're the coolest person on the planet!!!
This is so cool!
Your blog gets me in such a good mood. Thank you for sharing with us your wonderful way of seeing life...
(From Mexico)
scanned the face. ahahahaha.
Your fun blog posts ALWAYS make me :D !
Great :D I will do these things :D
BRAVO pour cette série de photos qui me met de bonne humeur...Bonne journée...
Cool ideas XD
Cutebun FB page
Cutebun Twitter
exploring the box!!!
I love your photos!
They are so full of love and life!!
xo Aurelia
FUN - LOVE the scanner art!
It's taking everything I've got to not stick my rabbit on my scanner. Thanks EVER so much!
tK :)
Such a great post! Love it.
Great ideas! I love the easy transition from strip poker (which you clearly lost!!.. or won?) to naked in a box. I have a busy day of artful procrastinating, so smooth transitions save me time! Thanks! :)
Seriously though, your desktop icons are perfection.
I've totally scanned my dog! I'm glad I'm not the only one
hahaha..Katie, you are as crazy as we are! You are a little monster!
totally LOVE it! it would be so cool to own life like yours... not that kind of grey and boooring life as mine :( i'm gonna do a change, TOTALLY! i move to NY and i will be the king of the candyland - thanks yours.
Just found your blog, made me smile. The colours! The fun! Can I be you for a day? LOL!
You are too cute, Katie. Your blog definitely brings some sunshine into my day. Bring some of your colorful wonders to Times Square! I'd love to see what you do there.
Olá amei seu blog.
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I love~ how the face scan looks like one of those fancy shampoo advertisements on magazine pages where the model hair is thrown in the air or spins her head so the hair fans out~ you know, without the whole cheek mushed/squished thing~ C:
Nice blog :)
Take a look at mine?
- Patrick Pankalla
Hahaah! I LOVE this post!
I'm going to scan my right now. :)
chloe **
now i'm thinking of scanning my dog! :)
Really love everything you do!!!!!
this is great. i may have to use some of these this afternoon!
l love your style and the joy you spread!!
Lisa in Sweden
that last one was so funny :D
All your crazy ideas are very inspiring. You bring joy and lovely colours into a reality:) That is great!
Come baaaaaaaack! We miss you :'(
I love it, this absolutely made me giggle! Thank you for lighting up my evening :) Hazel
anyways i just came across ur blog...n i think it looks fun n amazing!!love the diversity of ur post! i would love to see more of ur upcoming posts in the future...So how abt we follow each other?? XOXO
funny! love your photos & your style :-)
Ha! Super funny, hurray for strip poker lol:-)
Scan the can is perfect, in my case i will scan my dog :)
Big Kiss, Joana |
hahah, this is so funny!! :DD
I love your blog so much! You are so creative:)
omg, best blog ever!!
Your blog is just amazing! Im sitting here since an hour watching all your pictures! Can´t believe that one person has got so many ideas!
Love from Germany
you made my day better :)
Just found your blog through happy wandering. Your pictures are so lovely. Just beautiful and inspiring. I loved the sense of abandon in your work. Wow. Thank you for sharing this with the world. Had a look at some of the Improv Everywhere vids. Awesome!
really funny ! love those pics !
I love you so Colormekatie!
i can't believe you were in that strip poker gallery!! if i had recognized you it would have made my day! i work right at the corner.
you're truly amazing. :)
*giggles* I love your blog. Love the crayon stars. How did you go about melting them? Love little Charlie dog. I got a little PekePoo. Part Pekenese anad part Poodle. Luv that little guy!
Happy Blogging!
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