Monday, March 5, 2012

Bits and pieces of my apartment

It's always changing ;)


Claire said...

Just looking at this has made me feel instantly chirpy!!! Thank you x

Kimberly said...

Totally in love with your space! The color against the white is stunning!

Leticia said...


Michelle said...

and once again my Monday has been made, thank you!

JessieC said...

Thanks for giving me a giggle on a gloomy day. Question for you Katie: What do you do when you are feeling down that always cheers you up? Thanks--your favorite 20-year-old reader.

Patricia said...

And I thought Brooklyn, was boring and ordinary! :-) LOVE IT!

tinajo said...

Love this and would feel so happy if I visited your home! :-)

Nadiye Meral said...

Oh katy! You always know how to make me smile! :)

Larissa S said...

I've got the same dress! :) I love it! The color, the design and how it falls aaand it looks good on you too!
- Larissa

F as in Frank said...

Totally jealous!

Kelly R said...

I'm totally stealing your front door peep hole guy idea! I love how putting googley eyes on inanimate objects gives them an instant personality!

Karen said...

Fun! :>

Luiza McAllister said...

your house must be magical!

wonderchris said...

FUN! Love the color...that place POPS! :D

Looking Glass Girl said...


Anonymous said...

So fun! your cat looks like it having a great time in the last photo. I love these pictures.

Stay in the Lines

Unknown said...

That monkey is the best part- so cute!! :D

Julia said...

that was my much needed color dose for a rainy monday! :)

Maria said...

This is just like color-heaven for my eyes! Thanks for posting from your home<3

Mariana said...

What a happy home!
Love it!!

Loes said...

Please, please, give my room a make-over! :D

kellichristinecase said...

oooh my gosh i am in love with this.

Sécia Mischke said...

That peep hole is awesome!

♥ sécia

mmelledge said...

This reminds me of that old show "Rainbow Bright"


Unknown said...

It's so colorful and fun, I love it!

Katia said...

love love love it! and i love that skirt ;)


Hazelnut said...

So many bursts of colors... LOVE IT!! :)

n.i.z.a.r said...

really love it so much. hope you visit back to my blog. :)

Mililicoo said...

"Bonjour". Really, excuse me for my english : an horror. I'm a french girl (ahaaaaaaaaaaaa, an other horror), I live in Var, in the south of France. And, above all, I ADORE your blog. Exactly, I'm jalous. Too fun. Too succeeded. C'est un plaisir de sourire devant vos photos. Bonne journée. Marina

Anonymous said...

What a fun it :)

Heather said...

I love the peephole!

Heather @ Find That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, this looks so beautiful and warm and happy and everything!
I'm repeating myself but everytime I look at your pictures I'm instantly in a good mood!

and your cat's cute :D

xoxo Jen

Amelia said...

your blog never fails to make my day colorful!! :)

Jidhu Jose said...

colourful life


Miki said...

What an amazing creative space! ;D

Hope you're having a colorful day!


Serene said...

What a happy place you've created. Love all the color and especially the googley-d eye peep hole.

Seila R said...

You and your blog are so unique. You do pretty much everything in the way that I couldn't have ever thought of! Please, never change. C---:

Inna said...

The peephole is hilarious!! :D

Beatriz Cunha said...

Awnnn so cute! And your hair looks awnsome!

Mari Flores said...

katie please watch this
please spread the word.

Kate said...

It would be impossible not to feel happy here.

Vanessa {} said...

What a fun space! I always love how colorful your photos/space are!

Sophia said...

I'm nuts about your doorbell, great idea!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! You live in a very colorful apartment, i love it!Moo is very cute.
I loooove your dollshouse, but i would put my vintage dolls in.

Unknown said...

Love the peephole! Give me an "Alice in Wonderland" vibe. Your apartment looks like the best place to live!

Anula [LP] said...

I have never seen such colorful apartment before :) I assume: there is summer all the year !

Selma Selimovic said...

I just found your blog, and it made my morning beautiful.
Colors, colors, colors <3

Unknown said...

lovely blog.

IONA said...

incredible colours! i love your posts! so day-brightening.

Anonymous said...

I want to live with you !!!

Nicole said...

You really are a source of colour, energy and positivity!

Lovely Idea

Unknown said...

Hi Katie!
Do you know Kony?
Please share this video:

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I <3 ur appartment!!! I get so happy...

Jillian In Italy said...

So many colours that must bring all who visit your apartment so much happiness. And Moo is one cool cat...

Lavenderlemon said...

This is so awesome . Your awesome . :)

Isa Gómez said...

la ultima fotografía de moon es muy linda. saludos desde México. :)

Sydney said...

big love!! xx

Estelle-Mademoiselle said...

Hello I am a French girl, sorry my English is not very good (great google translation) I love your work I find it magical each of your pictures makes me smile!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Tiffany said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!! You've inspired me so much with your work...keep it up!
~Tiffany :P

Style of Your Own said...

I have decided-your apartment looks like a Crayola Factory. It's wonderfully inspiring, Katie! It seems as though you couldn't have a gray day in there :)

PS I now want a dollhouse for storage when I have my own place someday.

Manon said...

Your posts always make me happy!

DreamsandDesires said...



Unknown said...

Seriously Happiest place ever. Way fun! I have not commented before but love your posts in google reader. I had to say, your colorful self makes me smile. Keep it up! You are awesome.

aventurasalemanas said...

I belive I have been before in this site, and in that oportunity I was looking the georgous and chick disposition and pics.


Charis said...

Oh my god it's so bright!

Cynthia Chan said...

are you searching for a roommate? your place looks absolutely adorable!

Caitlin said...

The googlie eyed peep hole? Amazing. You are a clever lady!

susana said...

So much color!!!
love it!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my god! you're amazing! i just love all of your art works and pictures and videos and.. everything! i'm from denmark and found your blog today... and i simply just love it!

Anonymous said...

Your apartment is friggin beautiful!!! What city are you in?

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

Wow I love it! It's so colourful and happy <3

Anonymous said...

You're gonna be an amazing mother!! :-)

Choconana said...

Hi Katie,

May i know what do you use to paste those decorations onto the walls? Thanks <3

filterair said...

Great, I love it...:)

Christian Hou said...

Wow, is that an apartment, or the coolest arts and crafts room ever? I love the crepe paper decoration. It feels like a party just happened in the room! I think those different colored frames on one wall is a fantastic idea. The fixed geometry of their rectangles is a great foil to the whimsical abstract created by all the crepe paper details.