I'm so excited! Me and Matty bought our first ever real christmas tree.

When we got home we grabbed some glue and searched through our drawers for fun things to make decorations with. It's way more fun to make your own decorations than to buy them!

Matty made this character named Brad Simpson. Apparently he rides a segway and owns a snake with glasses.

I found tons of buttons and glued them together to make cute little ornaments.

I loved it so much that I made some pins out of them =)
What does your christmas tree look like?
I love your Christmas Tree with all of its handmade ornaments!! My daughter will be going through that this year as they are just moving into their first house this weekend. It's so exciting!!! My favorite ornaments are the ones with memories attached! I still have some from when I was a little girl. Love your button pin too!! Great Job!
Your tree is so cute! We just got our last night as well and ours are a collection of ones we've made in the past and one's we've bought. I love christmas. By the way, you inspire me so much :)
I like your buttons pin. We haven't gotten out tree yet. It is a tradition in my house to not decoreate the tree until the winter solstace (the 21st this year). We put it up and wrap in in lights the week befor however. Our tree is a mix of collected wooden and straw ordaments and old glass bobbles that we inharited.
Hi Katie! I just wanted to let you know that I really really enjoy your blog, and that your updates make my day! Keep up the good work!!
Thanks so much!
hiya katie!
i came across your blog today and have been smiling eversince! such a happy happy blog... You won another follower :)
Hi Hi Hi!
I found your blog last night and oh my goose, you have become a true favourite! You are so magical, happy and wondrous!!! To quote Sina above, you have won yet another follower.
& Happy Holidays.
In faith,
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