Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Do you have a specific street or subway performer you see every day on your way to work or class? I know I do. He's the Beatles guy. ALWAYS in the 6th Ave tunnel. ALWAYS playing Beatles songs. I used to feel like I knew him so well since I saw him every day but at the same time I didn't know him at all. 

 That's why me and Matty decided to spend an entire summer getting to know these people! We went to their homes, met their families, watched them perform again and again and made some great new friends. I have so much love for all the people in this video!


Anonymous said...

What a great video!
I love street performers, and I have a good friend who does magic and has begun to go places with it, and it's amazing! What a community. :)

bichonpawz said...

TERRIFIC Video! I love it! It so reminds me of street festivals in Key West!!

alice said...

Oh I love that! I don't get to see any street performers as I am a cyclist but I saw loads of really good ones when I was in NYC.

Erin said...

Love the nearly naked spinning man.

April said...

i am so addicted to you!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic video! So happy. I have seen a few of the performers in the video in real life, but there is one that is missing - my favorite - the 'Saw Lady' (www.sawlady.com/blog ) who plays in the Union Square subway station. Maybe you will do a sequal?

colormekatie said...

We were actually gonna use the saw lady but we decided to use the saw man! His name is Moses, he's the sweetest person and plays in the times square station.

twoeightnine said...

I used to run into one of the best street "performers" everyday on my walk home from work in Old City, Philadelphia. This guy was an actor like no one I had ever met before. He had this fantastic story about how his girlfriend had left him in the city after a fight and he just needed money to take a bus back to State College that he used to guilt tourists into giving him large sums of money.

After a couple weeks of this I finally snapped when he was hitting up an elderly couple that was set to pay for his "$50 ticket." I walked right up to him and said "You know, you really should dump that bitch. This is the 4th day this week that she's left you here." I didn't see him the rest of the summer after that.

colormekatie said...

haha! That's such an awesome story!

K said...

you are too fun! your videos never disappoint!

Allison Johnson said...


housewo said...

I LOVE the Black Beatle!

Anonymous said...

Urban Prankster linked me to your blog, and I'm sooo glad it did. This has just made my day, and it's only 4:27 a.m., so it's bound to be a good day.

Anonymous said...

This is phenomenal. I too am addicted to you.

My town is so small, there's only ever one street performer. I call him the Fiddle Boy. I think he's performed twice.

But this summer, my BFF and I are going to Europe, and I am going to give the rad accordionists in Paris so many props they'll never feel insecure again.

chelswildflower said...

oooohh my god, i want your life. you are inspiring me to have the courage to do things like this

thank you!

Mat said...

any idea where i can get the song?

Anonymous said...

My gosh I love street performers! I wish I could go downtown Detroit more often, but my mother won't let me. I guess it's too dangerous. :( Even thought it's probably more dangerous where I live.
I love this video so much. :) The song is great.

drachen said...

I so love this video :D :) :), buskers are just great brave people, and I love escpecially how you and Matt catched all those special magical moments folks walking by on the street and all them Buskers had :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Another one of your vids I might just watch daily for the joy of it :D :D :D :D :D

Anonymous said...

This really put a smile to my face.

valerie said...

i know this is about a year old, but i really enjoy the song. reminds me of my friend's buddy, jaik willis. do you by chance know the name/artist?

Lindsay RC Wilson said...

OK, this is more than a year old, but I just found your blog today, and it is giving me smile after smile. Maybe I should be rationing, but I'll just reread when I need it. I love street performers. One of my all time favorites was a guy who looked like Stromboli (from Pinocchio) with a similar outfit, who played an accordion in Berlin at the U-Bahn station that by the hospital. My roommate went to the neurologist there, when she suddenly lost hearing in one ear and it was really nice to have the joyful accordion music on your way to and from an appointment.

Unknown said...

I know this is really old but where can I find this song? I can't get enough of it. :)

spongebobmuni22 said...

i love your blog and photos and videos and EVERYTHING!!!!!!! you are awesome!!!!! whats weird is that i live right around you but ive never seen any ofg your famous works likle thought bubbles or footprints or "frre gifts"> i hope i get to meet you someday! i want your autograph:)

Josefin said...

Lovley! I really love the song too!<3

Joyceee said...

LOL at the baby at 1:54 :)

what a whole bunch of special people you have here~