Me and Matty needed a day off from working so we decided to build a tent and camp out in the wild (a.k.a. our living room).

We drank hot chocolate, hiked around the apartment, watched movies, put out our fire, and fell asleep in our tent..
I hope we make it back alive.
You are too cute for words and lucky to have found someone as cute and who will play along with you. LOVE!
I never met a "Matty" I didn't like.
Of course I'm bias I married a Matty myself.
Mattys are awesome. I happen to be dating one right now, and i'm not even kidding.
You guys are adorable and look like you have so much fun together!
much love to you both :>
I agree with Anon - I have a Matty too and he is the best thing ever!
Your blog is just so...well, I guess I should say words don't do enough to describe how awesome I think it is (and how appropriate is that?!).
Thanks for sharing your world with the rest of us. Hope you don't mind if I link to you from my blog. :)
Yay MattyS! My Matty is my best friend. :)
I absolutely love your blog. I think it happens to be one of the best I've ever been on... it just makes me happy. Your photos are really great, and I just love everything about Color Me Katie!! Thank you for just being awesome.
That is FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT!!! Your blog is great!
This is the CUTEST THING EVER! I love that he plays along with you! It's amazing when you find someone SOOO great!
You two are adorable! :)
Hi Katie, I discovered your blog yesterday, and I just love it ! It's so full of joy, you seem to be such a happy girl. When I read you and see your wonderful videos/photos it makes me smile.Thanks for your blog and your happiness, I'll surely come back =))
I will drop by when I can...
for a bunch of smiles....
thanks alot...
oh my goodness, TOO CUTE!
Oh my, this is quite possibly the sweetest thing ever.
that is unbelievably cool. :) I used to camp in our garden, even at the balcony - but never in the livingroom. Definitely my next step. ;) thanks for the inspiration.
I want to do the same tonight, but my living room is not large enough...
You wall is awesome. :D
this is so adorable - it looks like you have so much fun together all the time : )
I just came across your blog, and this post makes my day. Rest assured, I'm making a tent this week.
this is the cutest thing ever.
I love this idea - It's absolutely fantastic!
this is so adorable. I used to do this with my boyfriend all the time.
xx fanny
this very very much made me smile, & feel like a kid inside. what a wonderful adventure. the last two pictures were especially sweet!
you are so inspiring.
you make me want to do big things when i get older.
this is the kind of life i want to lead when i grow up.
you seem like an amazing person!
I love how much fun you have with life :) You inspire me <3
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