Sunday, January 25, 2009


Even though I make lots of comfy beds for Moo, for some reason his favorite place to sit is on the shower knobs. He's like a little acrobat!
It's funny trying to take a shower when your cat is busy practicing his gymnastics routine.

( click the image to see it bigger! )


Anonymous said...

That's amazing! My cat used to like to floss with me using the dangling end of my floss, but Moo is much more inventive in his bathing rituals I guess! I's so glad you put these up...

brionyskerjance said...

haha that's awesome i think moo and my cat carl would be good friends. haha

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing I have potentially ever seen. :)

KATLIN said...

Omg this is so funny! It really looks like he's posing for some kind of weird advertisement for cat yoga!

Stacy said...

he's such a model, eh?
and so adorable too!

K said...

haha! that doesn't even look real. looks like he was hamming it up for the camera. very cute :)

Yahpee said...

Any post that Moo is in gets 5 stars in my book. ;)

Anonymous said...

If Liz Lemon were in love and had a blog, this would be it.

alice said...

Ha! That is crazy! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, that's totally adorable.

How far along are they with those cloning techniques? I want a Moo of my own!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

That is awesome!

Anonymous said...

hahah, that cat is a legend and very photogenic! Just wanted to say I love your pics. Your sense of humour really comes across in all of them and its always a good way to cheer me up.

Jessie said...

Ok, I am de-lurking to tell you how much I ADORE your blog. I have been a big fan for a while now, and this post of Moo The Wonder Kitty just put me over the edge!!!

I couldn't help but post it on my blog this morning... gotta spread the Monday Morning Moo to everyone!

Lila said...

he is adorable :)

Anonymous said...

your cat is so adorable! i love the little quirky things about pets...always entertaining!

Not Yet Broken said...

Moo! I have a hamster named Moo! It is also black and white. I'd suggest our pets meet, but yours would probably eat mine.

Emily said...

Gah! This is too adorable!

Djony said...

He he cute cat.

:::ZebraLilly::: said...

that is soo adorable, I wish I had a kitty, you're looks fun :)
My favorite picture is the first picture in the 2nd row!

molly said...

that's really awesome.
just a cat willing to get NEAR a bathroom is incredibly..and then to have them go and do this...wild!

nichole said...

My cats crawl into the craziest locations and positions. And I also spend an inordinate amount of time prepping comfy beds.


drollgirl said...

i just love this. great photos, and that is one unique cat!!! fab.

jess r. said...

how can i teach mine to do this!

Timmery said...

I love this post! Moo always looks like he's got such great character. I saw these pictures and laughed out loud-thanks for capturing all these great poses, it wouldn't have been the same just hearing about it!

Anonymous said...

Aww he looks like my cat Milo slightly :D
I love your blog- I found it using StumbleUpon and you've made me want to start decorating my walls with colourful paper :D And I am so trying the thought bubble idea in Cambridge- and for some reason I feel like giving out balloons there too :D
And everything is so colourful and happy on this blog. Yay.

Anonymous said...

Mine just stares at me...the perv!

Love your blog by the way...your joie de vivre is infectious and once again I'm reminded to incorporate a little more fun into our lives...thank you!


Anonymous said...

Hihi! I just found you!
Whatta gal!!


Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha made me laught a lot. What an adorable cat!!! Thanks for sharing :-)

famapa said...

man, I think I just died and went to blog-heaven!
I really love your blog, I had no idea life could be this much fun. I'll be coming back for more for sure.

moo is awesome, I've never seen a tap dancing cat before!

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! I just discovered your blog, and I can't stop myself from looking at EVERYTHING. Your pictures are so creative and funny. I can't help but smile at all of them :]
This is also very inspiring for me. I'm still in high school, and I love photography. I was unsure about taking the class next year, but now I'm convinced!

Anonymous said...

That is quite an acrobatic cat you have! And very agile too!

Anonymous said...

How funny! Cats have the partial to sleep in the weirdest places possible. Two of mine often fight for the same cubbyhole box. They both always end up sleeping in the same box and don't mind one bit having to sniff each other's butt and whatnot.

Ameesha Lee said...

Oh my gosh, this is super frickin' cute!! He would make a good friend to my kitty Dexter! :)

Ameesha Lee said...

Oh my gosh, this is super frickin' cute!! He would make a good friend to my kitty Dexter! :)

Ray said...

Today, I linked to you from my blog because you are the perfect remedy for winter blues. ; )

Anonymous said...

Your cat is like a clone of my cat... see

LOVE your blog!

Kristin - The Goat said...

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long long time.

I came here, via Black*Eiffle, which I can't remember how I found that one -- It's sort of a blog cruising day. I think I am in love with your place though.

Thanks for the laugh!

katieleigh said...

you honestly have one of the best cats haha

louise said...

that ADORABLE cat of yours has such a personality! i <3 moo!

Cassie said...

I found your blog today, and *gasp* read it from the end to the beginning. THANK YOU for being so freaking awesome and positive and... yeah.

Anyways, I hope you don't mind, but I had to make this into my background image on my desktop. It just makes me smile like a fool, and I figured you'd approve of such use of your adorable Moo.