Thursday, March 12, 2009


I'm on my way to Kentucky!
Saturday is a big day. I'm going to photograph my cousin's wedding, it's the one year anniversary since we adopted Moo, it's Pi Day..

and it's my birthday!
I have very wrinkly eyes for a girl in her 20's. But that's alright,

they're smile wrinkles.


Anonymous said...

Katie, I have never been on a plane. But, I am really surprized at how plane goes even above the clouds!!

Happy Birthday Katie!

Carolina John said...

Happy Birthday Katie! have a safe and fun trip. congrats to your cousin!

barbi malibu said...

thanks for answering, i was wondering cause my mother used ( still does actually..sometimes) to call me "muu"..or "moo"...too! i hope her reasons where different from your moo! haha :D

when you go on trips does moo stay alone? :(
i feel a bond since we are both called the same :D

Kathy said...

You will be just across the border from me in TN! KY is a beautiful state!
Smile wrinkles are the best kind.

Coletta Phillips said...

Happy Birthday!

Michelle Glauser said...

Have a fabulous birthday. :D

Azy said...

Happy Birthday! I am a fellow march birthday girl. I follow your blog and i love it! You have a very unique outlook on life! All your fun ideas make me Happy!

Chantal said...

Happy birthday! now I have the "Going to Kentucky" song in my head. My son learned it at day care and loves it. "Were going to Kentucky, were going to the fair, to see a senorita with flowers in her hair. Ohhhhhh shake it baby shake it, shake it all you can, shake it like a milk shake, and do it over again".

giggleness said...

smile wrinkles are the best kind of wrinkles. :]

Anne said...

Happy birthday Katie! Have a wonderful time in Kentucky!

Diana said...

Happy Birthday! Have a blast in Kentucky!

Beautiful photos!

kevyn said...

happy birthday my fellow fish!

i lots of smile wrinkles too and am very proud of them.

Dionne said...

Happy Birthday!

I love those popcorn clouds!

Cris Piera said...

Happy happy happy happy happy birthday!

Yor smile wrinkles are perfect ;)

kisses!!! enjoy the wedding!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Katie!

I have loads of wrinkles around my eyes too and every time I find myself bothered by it I remind myself that they are laughter lines - a sign of the happy times in my life.

kate sweeten said...

It's good to know that I'm not the only person out there who takes pictures from airplane windows...I had a friend make so much fun of me once because I took pictures of the Rockies as we flew over them on the way to California :) I thought it looked awesome...

Happy Birthday, by the way!

drollgirl said...

oh, happy birthday! and i hope it is a blast!!!!

Meg said...

Birthdays are the best!

Hope your day is sprinkled with as much happiness as you can fit into every single second of Saturday's 1440 minutes.

thingsonmymindgrapes said...

Happy birthday, Katie! My cousin led me to your blog, and I can't thank her enough. Your photos, and your outlook on life, are fantastic! Hope your twenties, like mine, are great!

M. said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaay happy birthday!!

You're beautiful! :)

r maria said...

Happy, happy birthday Katie! Maria in Charleston, SC

made sweet said...

whoa. looks like you're going to space according to that second picture.

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope it is a fun weekend for you. I love Kentucky as I grew up right in Cincinnati, Ohio. The state gets such a bad rep but I love the rolling hillside and horses :) I heart your smile lines.

Unknown said...

happy birthday! smile lines are pretty:)

Pino said...


Anonymous said...

Good luck with the photomission and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Vagabond said...

Happy birthday! :D Hope you had a good one and enjoyed your trip!

Anonymous said...

Happy beautiful Birthday!

Mintylove said...

happy birthday! love your blog alot.
And my bday is this weekend too! i wondered if we were born on the same day! :)

Mónica said...

Happy Birthday Katie!
kisses and smile :)

Carolyn said...

Smile wrinkles are good. They're the best type of wrinkles to have :D

Have fun in Kentucky!

Mr Bragonti said...

Cool shots and Happy Birthday to you my friend.....

Annie said...

your blog is adorable!
i love love love your masthead.

jojigirl said...

I cannot pass this opp up without greeting you Happy Birthday as I got back here in time to know it. Been checking on your blog for a while now. Ever since I randomly found it, I got to love it just because you're just one happy soul to keep watch. I love your blog. Full of happiness, full of colors, full of creative ideas that's so uniquely you. May all your wishes come true. ",)

colormekatie said...

Thank you for all of your sweet birthday wishes!!


Grenlon said...

Happy Birthbay to you and Happy Anniversary to Moo

tifsong said...

happy belated birthday to you. you're quite the beautiful soul.

kate said...

As a Kentucky girl, named Kate, with also a March birthday I must say... hope your time was swell.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for the smiles.

marie said...

way to be born!

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best! :)
Happy happy happy happy happy happy birthday...
I am sorry, too late, but it is never toooo late to wish a nice person a happy birthday! :)

ryne and danielle cardon said...

hope you had a fabulous birthday! My b-day is on pi day also...such a wonderful holiday!!

Bonbon Oiseau said...

wow--you are amazing--just found your blog...happy belated was my mom's birthday too!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! (Even though it's late.) Mine is ten days after. :)

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog today. I love your photos and your attitude. I'll visit often. Thank you!

kage said...

I just found your blog today (Jul 17.09) and I've been reading through your old posts...and I just love you! You seem like the most heart-warming, wonderful person! And your photos are all so lovely...I printed the one of the pigeon to put up in my cubicle! It's guaranteed to make me smile every day.

Dee said...

Katie you are lovely! You made me so happy just reading the blog!

There should be more people like yoU!

Much love

Shruti said...

I have those too, and I'm just 13!
I hope they're also smile wrinkles!