Thursday, March 5, 2009

Paper dolls

Remember paper dolls when we were kids?
My friends and I came up with a fun idea to shoot our friend Polly as a paper doll!

I was thinking about making paper dolls of my family but then I realized I'd have to see them all in their underwear.



Emilia said...

Oh my gosh, I know her! that's so funny!

Anonymous said...

lol, right. but, kids love them.

DaniraVonK said...

Super adorable, and deff LOL! at the family in underwear situation haha!

CPL said...

DO IT ANYWAYYYY! Such a good idea!!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's funny, I worked with a photographed some weeks ago and we made a serie with it and it put it today on his blog!

I shot naked and drew clothes after, you can have a look if you want :

By the way, congratulations for your blog and your ideas, it's cute and makes me smile everytime I come here!

Melanie said...

i love paper dolls. what a great idea!

Dionne said...

This is so fun! Cute!

Anonymous said...

I love this! :)

Lauren said...

Ha! What a neat idea!

peewee said...

How about paper doll cats? I bet moo would be FINE with the underwear thing.

Shelley said...

You can still do it! make everyone wear a bathing suit! Its such a cute idea!

The Green Cat said...

You could shoot them in bathing suits instead. Essentially the same thing but it's a little easier to see your family in bathing suits than in underwear!

Libërty said...


Sarah said...

THANK YOU for bringing back some paper doll memories for me! OMG!! I used to LOVE LOVE LOVE paper dolls. I had so many different, I can't believe all the memories that are flooding in right at this very moment. Big smile on my face. I could play with those things forever. :D

drollgirl said...

such a rad idea! this is so fun. i wish i had talent to do this! hahahaha

What he ate, what I ate. said...

Ha! Love this idea. I was totaly obsessed with them as a child.

jessymessy said...

that's such a cute idea! maybe instead of underwear they can wear shorts and a tanktop? or a plain t-shirt?

Niña hechicera said...

Very good ideas always bring out very good results!!!

Valerie said...

your blog is adorable.
i love it because it always makes me feel creative.

Oli! said...

I remember those paper dolls!!
Nice blog...I wish i knew how to shoot cool pictures...

From Argentina...:D

Little Scarf Girl said...

Haha, that's a cute idea! :)

seesaw designs said...

that is an unfortunate realization :)

Darrah said...

Hahahaha! Omg. That would be kinda scary!

Cris Piera said...

hahaha that's cute!

taking pictures of people in their underwear could be really intreesting, don't you think? ;)

Susan said...

This is such a cute idea. You have such original, fun ideas.