Have you ever had a dream where you ate the most delicious food?

Well last night I ate the best cookies in the world only to wake up and realize they don't actually exist. So I immediately ran to the store and tried to make them!

They are so messy and colorful and delicious.

I think I finally found the perfect lipstick for me.
This is cute!
haha! I love your lipstick! So were the cookies as awesome as you dreamed they would be?
They totally were Shelley!
Can we get a recipe?
I love the colors. They look like something Alice would eat in Wonderland!
hehe, reminds me of that scene in hook where the lost boys are eating all of the imaginary foods! :) great color on you!
Your cookies look like the food fight scene in Hook!
the most delightful thing i've come across in days! so subtly inspiring... marvelous colors!
haha! it's beautiful! you should see if sephora is interested in buying the formula from you, and we could all wear multicolored lipstick!
Oh <3 - I love coloured cookies! Brilliant :)
@ Maddie: I was thinking the SAME EXACT thing!!! From Hook :D
beautiful lipstick!
I had the exact same thoughts of Maddie and Liza! Totally reminds me of the goop/imaginary food in Hook.
ha. in the last photo i looove the detail of the asymmetricalness of your nose!
I'm reading this with my friend John. He totally thought of Hook, too. And he may have thought of kissing your lips.
Wow, they are so SEXY!!
i came here and before i read any descriptions immediately thought of hook! ahha.
It's so colorful! I love this. :)
Awesome,your imagination has no end!!!
haha (: mmm. i <3 cookies. those remind me of alice in wonderland for some reason.
How yummy. Wow. i love the colour!!
Colorful and fun.
Thank goodness I read the comments..I was totally thinking those cookies remind me of something...a movie and it was going to drive me nuts trying to figure it out. But everyone already did. Yup, those definitely remind me of Hook.
So a last christmas I made Santa cupcakes with my little sister. We started out trying to make them realistic, but then we just gave up on that and she did her thing. I think hers are by far the best!
You can see them here, second photo down:
your cookies reminded me of those cupcakes (forgot to say that)!
this sooo reminds me of the movie Hook...love it!
Hi Katie! I'm new to your site, a friend directed me to it saying it was cute, fun, beautiful and exciting! It SO is!!!!! I loved the post about the things that make you happy. The old couple made me tear up, because that's just me: I tear up when I see old couples hand-in-hand.
thanks for sharing all this wonderful work :)
It's like the neverfeast from Peter Pan! :)
I mean, here's the link to the santa cupcakes.
They totally do look like the feast in Hook! I wish you guys could all try them...they're so amazing!
love the lipstick and your imagination!
MMMmmmmmm...they look yummy!!
This is wonderful Katie - have you seen rainbow cake before? You can find the link here: http://www.dinnercakes.com/2009/05/introducing-rainbow-week-how-to-make.html
I totally thought of you when I saw this.
Now I'm having a wicked craving for neon colors! Er, I mean, Cookies!
just stumbled on here via joanna goddard. your blog is so cute and hilariously addicting. love the upbeat-ness. :)
amazing! i want in on that dream.
awesome awesome awesome. i love the colors!!!
Very colorful girl.Love your art
you are so cute. i love reading your blog. so darling! i'm loving this colorful cookie times.
This makes me think of all the yummy macaroons that were featured in Marie Antoinette.
Love the color in these photos. They are great
Looks like the "food" in the film HOOK.
perfect lipstick = colorful + tasty :D xx
love the freckles.
Love 'em! They look like a Willy Wonka treat! :-) "oompa loompa" hehe!
So funny I once dreamed that I designed a line of cardigan sweaters and they were the best sweaters in the WORLD and they looked just like those cookies.
Cute and awesone!
Ah! You're so gorgeous! An amazing person and the looks. I think I love you. :)
The best cookies are the ones you can lick bits off your fingers and lips after their gone! I'm liking the lipstick!
You can't blog about cookies and not share them with your fellow bloggers...
Those look like the desserts from the movie Hook... I love your site!
Very smart and cute colorful cookies,
nice page.
awesome blog!!
the pictures are very interesting.
delish! recipe??
checked out the lated IE book today - so fantastic!
oh my god that looks so yummy!!!
You are right. The lipstick is perfect!
Love this post!!! Great great!!!
These cookies remind me of the food fight between the lost boys and peter pan in "Hook"... love them
Great! ^_^
Made these yesterday! <3 so delicious! *.*
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