Sunday, August 2, 2009

Candy clouds

The sunsets have been torturing me by looking like candy all week.

If I could, I would climb a ladder to the clouds and eat them.
I'm 99% sure they're cotton candy.


fobulator said...

I would love some of those cotton candies. For sure. YUmmmmmmm

Maybe I'll just kind of reach up there and grab some :)

Sweets and Hearts said...

well, now i'm craving cotton candy. pretty! <3

Marissa said...

My goodness, those skies are unreal!

Hayley said...

these are goregous! so so yummy :D

janel. said...

gorgeous!! OMG!!

Johanna said...

Just beautiful!

katieleigh said...

these pictures are gorgeous!

Little Gray Pixel said...

So, so very pretty!

Elly said...

Wow, that's so crazy! The sky DOES look all candy coloured :) It's amazing that nature does this, so pretty!

hmmm said...

such a sucker for cotton candy. and these clouds are lookin pretty darn tasty! (love the first photo. a-maze-zing)

miss. chief said...


Farmgirl Paints said...

Wow! Absolutely amazing:)

Jayne said...

Wow, spectacular! Nature is amazing (but usually not as tasty as candy).

Unknown said...

Breathtaking photos!!!

:) T

Anonymous said...

They are cotton candy!
I, too, am convinced!

And, I heart cotton candy ~
So much, in fact, that when I take my niece and nephew to the zoo, we always have cotton candy before lunch. It's a tradition and it started about the time I took my niece to the zoo and fed it to her probably a bit before you should have cotton candy! But, she's not talkin'! And, those pics of her with the baldy head with blue everywhere and cotton candy in hand along with cheetos?!

Well, someone must have photoshopped those!!!

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

btw ~ Gorgeous, gorgeous photos!
I love clouds shots!


Daisy said...

I just discovered your blog and I love it !!!! YAY it makes me happy!

Same New Story said...

soo pretty! and so very yummy looking!

Fernando Martins said...

very nice post!

Auntie Em said...

those are some amazing photos! insanely delicious!

Liz said...

xD Im craving candy now!

emma said...


Miss Red said...

i love your blog!

Miss Red said...

p.s. my name's katie (except i spell it 'kaytee'..kind of odd i know), too!

Jackie Helena Gay said...

what sights to behold!!

Dee said...

Katie, I simply love clouds! Yeah... lets eat them! =P

Kelli said...

Skyscapes are my favorite thing to paint...these photos are amazing and inspiring!

Maura said...

Major yum! I always love looking at clouds when they're so boldly, yet delicately, colored like that and you want to eat them up. Beautiful pictures.

bichonpawz said...

Beautiful sky pics! And they really do look like cotton candy!!

Galou said...

the fourth one looks like underwater!

CarlaV said...

maybe is pollution~ but is lovely that we has such an adorable sky with it (:

some people are dreamers.. said...

i love it when the clouds at sunset makes a orangey pink , blue mix of colors.. great pictures. your blog makes me happy!

Rosalina said...


Nat said...

So beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

They look so delicious. O.O

m said...

Hi Katie!

Guess what I found?
I stumbled upon this while doing some random reading at scipop, and the first person who came to mind is you!

The bubbles reminded me of happiness and giggly giddiness, and you fit so well into the picture! <3

Colored bubbles!

michelle said...

when it is raining, its really god drooling and then the clouds disappear because he's eating them.

peachey said...

i can feel them dissolving on my tongue already. just lovely!

Melissa said...

Wow, they look yumable. :) The blues especially!

Boaz said...

Incredible photos. Thank you for making monday morning a little easier on my eyes.

Nicole Ioma said...

wow- those are gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

Wow the second one looks like it's on fire!!
great photos sweetie!!!

drachen said...

#2 and #4 look just mindblowingly amazing :) :D :D :D

i like to catch as much colourful candyly skies as i can as well, love it when nature just does this for free to cheer us all up :) :)

Anonymous said...

Thankyou so much for your amazing, inspirational blog sweetheart!
I hope you don't mind, but I mentioned you in one of my posts:
You never fail to put a smile on my face! xxx

Raj said...

Ohh myyy
These are absolutelyy adorable picturesss

I seriously love the sky soo much, could just lie back and stare at it endlesslyy

Beautiful post

Moxie said...

Yummy.I'd eat those clouds in a New York Minute. :)

Anonymous said...

Pollution makes the sky pretty colors...

Adriana said...

You need to rich up and taste the sweetness of that special cotton candy.d

Geisslein said...

love love LOVE this post!I am and always have been such a big fan from cloudy skies,especially when they are in such beautiful colors! Sunny-summer-greetings from germany, geisslein

Anonymous said...

Hehe no problem sweetie ;))
thankYOU for having such a fantastic blog!!

Amy said...

Love the photos. The colors are just gorgeous. They really do look like cotton candy.

Paul said...

I escaped to Hong Kong from China where I live for a few days and one of the first things I did was check the blog! It'd been so long (cannot access blogspot from China). It gave me a cheer-up injection that will last me weeks!

Katie, sincerely, thank you!

Melanie said...


Ms Unreliable said...

So gorgeous! After a short storm yesterday, the sky here in Sydney was literally bright orange, CSI-Miami style! Very surreal but so beautiful...wish I had my camera on me though!

Bethany said...

Wow, those skies are absolutely beautiful!! I've never seen anything like it!

Lancelink said...

woof woof

Anonymous said...

Hey Katie! You are such an ert! You have singlehandedly inspired me to do more fun stuff... thanks! What tricks do you do with your camera to capture all the sunset colors?

May said...

Your blog has sprouted many ideas in my head. Thank you so much!

I thought that you might enjoy this resource that I found recently:

She, too, is filled with fantastic ideas.

Unknown said...

Katie - Fantastic photos!

I would love to try the same here in Western Washington. Did you have your camera on "automatic", or did you adjust the settings? Could I be bold to ask what they were? Tripod or no tripod?

Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

this looks fantastic!!!