Thursday, October 1, 2009

13 things I love about Moo

1. When I open our camera bag, I can never find the camera.
2. He makes a fancy belt.
3. His funny sense of entitlement.
4. The way he would fall asleep on the TV as a kitten....and then fall off.
5. His love of toilets.
6. The way he turned my closet into a giant cat lounge.
7. How impossible he makes it to do any work around the house.
8. He must be the longest cat in the universe!
9. When I open the closet, he's there...
10. and when I open the fridge, he's there.
11. How cute it is that he has no idea how funny he looks.
12. The way he manages to sneak his cat butt into almost every picture I take.
13. He's the tastiest cat burrito I've ever had!

Moo is officially 2 years old, happy birthday you silly little cow!


germs said...

MOO IS ADORABLE! happy birthday, moo!

Suzy Loves said...

tooo cute!! happy birthday moo!

Shokoofeh said...

Happy birthday Katie's Moo! :)

racingyogagirl said...

Happy birthday Moo! Hope you have a most relaxing restful day....isn't that all a cat really wants?

Anonymous said...

happy birthday moo!!!

so sweet xx

Anne said...

I love how he sneaks his way into your pictures too, that way we can all enjoy his furry presence. Happy birthday to Moo!

Shelley said...

So cute! I love every single one of those pictures! My cats like to sneak into my pictures too!

Anonymous said...

Tnaaaw! Happy Birtday bud! Hey, katie.. I just moved, and ofcourse I brought my darling cat. Any tops for adjusting? =)


Anonymous said...

tips* I meant

Dodo said...

He's so cute! And this was the best post about a cat EVER!

Anne. said...

Aww, happy birthday to Moo! The closet photo was a bit of a hide-and-seek, haha.

kate sweeten said...

Ha! My cat climbs into the fridge, too. I've never known another that did that. Weird animals :)

Jamie said...


Jennywenny said...

happy birthday moo! What a lovely cuddly cat! I love that he likes to go in the car, my tina would go beserk!

unja said...

Happy Birthday, Moo! What a lively, lovely character you are.

Emily said...

What a cool cat! Happy Birthday, Moo!

Heather said...

Hooray for cool cats and a very Happy Birthday to Moo!

Allie said...

He's so adorable!
He reminds me a lot of my kitty, Boots, who likes to lay on our projects, sit on random things, and lay all stretched out with his little tummy up!

Very cute. :)

Your escalator operator said...

Awesome! Happy birthday, Moo!

narumi said...

Happy birthday moo! I hope he knew everyone here loves him so much=)

kelly said...

Happy birthday, Moo!

(This post is adorable -- thanks so much for sharing.)

Katie Gonzalez said...

I love it - your cat is like my cat, Big Red. He's a large fluffy yellowish-red tabby, and he shows up in the most unusual places! Your pictures make me smile :)

Frida said...

lol my cat is worse than that... but I still love her the most!
Happy Birthday Moo!!!

Tricia Orchard said...

Awww. I love it! Your kitty sounds a lot like my kitties.

Thanks for sharing. Happy birthday!


Cara said...

omg, i love this :D That tv photo is the bestest!! And then the closet photo ... haha, i just love it all :D Happy bday, Moo!

Yahpee said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Today is my kitties birfday too!

jennifer lorton said...

Happy birthday to Moo, happy birthday to Moo, happy birthday dear Moo ooo...

Ama Livia said...

Happy 2nd Birthday Moo Moo!!

Sue said...

I love the 3rd one, so cute. I've never had a cat, but if number 10 is true...I know why I don't have one!


Brandi said...

This seriously made my day. I love kitty pictures -- I have three cats who keep stealing all the space on my camera.

I totally needed a good smile. Thank you.

And happy birthday to Moo!

Melissa~ said...

My cats are the same.
they bare in every place, sleeping, eating or playing.
Moo is so sweet, I love him.
Cat's are the best!


nora said...

Ahh happy b'day Moo!!!

Couldn't be cuter than that !


carly mary said...

i love love your little cat!
and your relationship is so adorable.
happy birthday little moo.
so adorable.

Jen said...

Hi! I love your blog!!

Your reasons for loving Moo are adorable! I was smiling and laughing out loud with every picture. :) Moo must be such a fantastic pet to live with!!

It is so easy to grow accustomed to having a pet but you find ways to remember how special he is every day.

The Hungry Latina said...

Awww! I love Moo too. Happy Birthday little cow!

Hope said...

Thanks for sharing - cats are the best.

mesocyclone said...

4, 9, and 10 are my favorites! I love seeing pictures of Moo, like when he stands on top of doors. :] My cat is very big & very lazy.
Happy birthday, Moo!
I look forward to seeing more pictures of him!

Boaz said...

Happy birthday Moo! Not just a cat but a living legend.

Zana Fauzi said...

Happy birthday Moo! He's so adorable. My cat Mike Mike says hi.

Lauren said...

Aww.. That picture of him asleep on the tv almost killed me with cuteness. Happy Birthday Moo!

Courtney said...

Such a cute post, and Moo really is adorable. I think my Newton could challenge the title for #8 though!

Anonymous said...

Awww!! Happy Birthday Moo!

[null] said...

I love your Moo-cat...hate to admit it, but he's the top reason I keep coming back here.

Moo, happy birthday!

jojigirl said...

Happy Birthday, adorable, cuddly, Moo! Love cats. And I would always look forward to reading here about Moo. :)

jojigirl said...

Happy Birthday, adorable, cuddly, Moo! Love cats. And I would always look forward to reading here about Moo. :)

April said...

I don't like cats but I wouldn't mind moo. He's like a human in a cat's body! Happy birthday moo!

Bakkanekko said...

Owwwwhh... he's soooo cute *A*
Happy birthday moo~

Geisslein said...

Happy Birthday Moo! I´m totally thrilled about this post! And - even though I feel very sad this time - I couldn´t resist to laugh out LOUD! Thank you so much that you´ve helped me feeling a little bit better for a moment. Thank you!

rojalka said...

MOO IS ADORABLE! happy birthday, moo!
Love cats. :)

Farmgirl Paints said...

Makes me want a kitty! Happy Birthday MOO:)

Paranka said...

Oh my god he is The funniest cat alive! Congratulations for him, and for you for having him:)

Carina said...

Such a cuteface! Happy birthday, Moo! <3

jdavissquared said...

Ha ha! aren't cats the best!?

Happy birthday, Moo!

alice said...

Happy Birthday Moo! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Moo! Happy birthday little buddy. If I was a cat, I'd want to have Moo's life. Such a cool cat with tons of personality, just like his owner!

Nicomi Nix Turner said...

Hahaha, great post!

Lemon said...

sleeping on the tv, then falling off captured my heart!

jessymessy said...

happy bday moo!


Bean said...

Moo Rocks...great pics!

Es said...

I loved this post! Moo is adorable :)

Valencia Lia said...

Awwwww,happy birthday Moo !! He's really so so adorable and I bet he makes you laugh everyday <3

Same New Story said...

aww Moo! Happy Birthday. Moo is my second favorite cat ever (only after my own).

Lancelink said...

woof woof

Lore said...

you have the cutest cat ever!

Anonymous said...

Funny cat, and funny photos!
Happy birthday Moo :)

Becky C. said...

What a sweetheart! I love the pictures where he's all stretched out, just like my bunny does when he thinks no-one's looking.

Kayla K said...

I love seeing cats all stretched out like that. It's the ultimate praise from a cat when they trust you enough to show their soft, furry belly. He must be a super happy, content kitty.

Happy Birthday Moo! Thanks for being so good to your people.

christy mcdonald said...

what a funny little kitty! :)

Stacey Renee said...

Katie, Moo and I have the same birthday!! hehe aw... I knew I liked this cat! :)Happy Birthday Moo.


Sylvia said...

This made me smile, as basically all your posts do! Thanks for sharing Moo :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!! He is irresistible :-) I luv him...


Rachel Elizabeth said...

What a cutie!

Mathilda-Anne said...

I closed my kitten in the fridge without knowing, a few times. She would sneak in at the last minute. She turned out fine thankfully!
Now question: Is Moo a true, male calico? He looks like his spots are tabby, as well. He looks like my old Lizzie, who used to climb in my backpack exactly one minute before I had to go to school.
Cheers and birthday wishes Moo.

Hayley said...

soooo cute!
happy birthday moo (:

stacy marie said...

so I just randomly came across your bloggy and being a kitty lover myself, I can't help but smile at moo. happy bday! kitties rock. no doubt about it :)

clemen-t-ine said...

sorry but i can't see your videos...why? buuuuuu
be happy moo!

Lynne said...

happy birthday moo! my kitty is 16 and still loves to hide in the closet, esp on the high shelves. she also has an obsession with my daughter's my little ponies. cats rule!
ps i love your wall decorations!

Joanna Goddard said...

SO CUTE!!! what an adorable little guy!

dieTauschlade said...

nobody deserves this award more than you!

S.E.Minegar said...

great blog! adorable cat!

rad6 said...

ok, I have been visiting for months and never left a comment. But I thought I would tell you that your colors and pictures and creativity seem almost surreal. You are so animated and talented. I love visiting, even though I only stop by once every couple of weeks! Truly a fan!

jackie said...

Happy Birthday, Moo!!! We love you!!!

clairette said...

cute! happy 2 Moo!

Feather Gold said...

those are 13 perfect reasons to love your moo. happy birthday to moo!

Carolyn said...

Yay yay yay happy belated Moo! :)

a little something... said...

This made me laugh so much because my cat is EXACTLY the same. heehee. :D

Mandy said...

happy bday that is so cute wish my cat would do that she just sleep all day. great blog

liz song mandell said...

what a delightful post! i just loved it. all those moments you captured are precious and full of character. :-)

poots said...

I love him sleeping on the tv and sideways in the closet

AmberVV said...

Thanks for posting this! I'm overseas and miss my kitty terribly! Everything you said about Moo rings in every cat lovers' heart, I think. Thank you for sharing your photography with us. :) <3

Unknown said...

Moo may be long, but Moo is not as long as long cat.

Anonymous said...

Aww so funny and cute! He should date my cat Poekie.

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

oh my god, this is hilarious and he's so cute! I love, love, love the photo of him as a surprise in your wardrobe, sideways, fits like a storage box.

kristine said...

omgoodness moo is the cutest. his name too! i just made him a rhyme! haha i want moo and i hate cats. he makes me want one.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I want a cat like Moo
I laughed a lot at the fifth photo

Hannah said...

He's in the fridge. LOL!

James praker said...

You have done a great job and this is great because you gave me a perfect idea of how i can make changes in the Web Designingprojects so thanx for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Yay Moo! happy birthday!!

gertru said...

super cute cat ;)

Unknown said...


Looking cute and happy birthday.

- J.
Web Solutions

Emma said...

Moo is adorable, and so fluffy :D
Happy birthday Moo!
Oh, and I mentioned you in this post, thought you'd like to know :)

Aurélie said...

wwww he's so cute <3
the text under photos is very funny^^