Monday, December 21, 2009


I've been having such bad dreams lately!
I thought I'd try covering my bedroom walls with raindrops because rain always relaxes me.
I've had nothing but good dreams since but now I may have to start sleeping with an umbrella!


Becky said...

Okay, THIS is probably my favorite!

Raptor Plateado said...

I loved the clouds unacaricatura seems that we were in, here in my city was raining these days because it can not snow and the truth is much like seeing time in the photo where you are under the covers .. I like the rain outside colors ...
This beautiful your post ... greetings from Mexico, cuidate, and if I log on to this day, Merry Christmas anticipated ...

Raptor Plateado said...

Espero estes por ahi to start your morning with lots of love .. I hope soon Visitis my blog ... greetings ....

Anonymous said...

Aaah so lovely. <3
When I move out on my own I'll be sure to keep your little projects in mind. (:


Ashley said...

Okay i must say that I think that your ideas are so creative that I went out and bought a bunch of construction paper. I wish I thought like you did, all creatively and could turn anything into an art project. You are just the cutest.

colormekatie said...

That's awesome that you bought a bunch of construction paper Ashley! There's so much you can do with it =)

germaine said...

i love the colourful raindrops :)

Emily said...

So adorable! I've had bad dreams too! Maybe I will try doing the same!

AJ said...

Great idea!

Jenni said...

What an adorable set-up. I've also been having bad dreams - maybe I'll do this as well :)

Michelle Leong said...

your blog always cheers me up with creative and lovely posts! =)

peewee said...

ME TOO! What is up with that? I might just try this. with snow. Because I miss the snow from NY. Hope it works!!

Nate B. said...

You're photos always make me think of the movie Amelie. Love it.

Raptor Plateado said...


melissa said...

a perfect solution! hope the happier dreams are coming your way :)

Raptor Plateado said...

Thanks for your comment Katie, always add the same as writing in English so they can understand .. really means a lot to me to be able to read your comment

Anonymous said...

How cute is that :)

Julie said...

you ideas are so cute? what do you use to stick everything up?

Ashley Serena said...

Oh, wow! What did you use for the clouds and raindrops? Cute idea!

linnykins said...

I love the colourful raindrops!! I'm not the biggest fan of rain, but colourful raindrops make it better.

colormekatie said...

I made the clouds and raindrops out of poster board and stuck them on the wall using double sided tape =)

c-Mo Love! said...

I love this idea, and I love the fact that you are doing it in heels!

simone on the internet said...

I love all the stories you create. You are an inspiration!

Rambling Tart said...

Oh, you delightful soul! How you cheered my heart with this today :-)

{ CopyStrands } said...

What a brilliant idea. Now I need you to come decorate my bedroom walls to get this nasty cold out that I caught ;(

Juanita said...

When my dream catcher didn't work, I gave up decaf coffee after 16:00. That did the trick :-)

Maggie May said...

whimsical, fun!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Just that you are painting in those fabulous turquoise heels makes me giddy!

Kami said...

I love this, I want to decorate my daughters room, and this may help provide inspiration.

Amy P. said...

This is so cute and funny. I like your Christmas tree too by the way!

Sue said...

Too cute!

Chloë, Wardrobe Quarry said...

aww cute

Priscilla Tan said...

U are sooo cool!!!!

Manue said...

Wouah, this is wonderful!

Unknown said...

ur post always make me cheerful and color up my life!! U'r really a great color girl!! love u katie!!

Lizzie said...

(big smile) CUTE! I love it. :)

Hope said...

Er... sorry to be very matter-of-fact, but if you really ARE disturbed by bad dreams, try writing them down when you first wake up, and then trash the paper.

Love the clouds and rain concept much more than my home-style therapy, however!

muchlove said...

oooh, I love this so much! I'm now inspired to do it too!

Wendy said...

I went for a gorgeous, not too cold, winterwonderland walk last night down by the river ( we have feet of snow here in the mountains! ) and I was thinking about your creative artwork and how you would capture the snow in your adorable apartment! Then I wake up and find you did it with rain! You are so whimsical and charming! Thank you!

colormekatie said...

That's so funny Wendy!

Marina said...

As always, lovely idea!!! Merry Christmas Katie! Visit my blog sometime! Kisses.

Lancelink said...

Merry Christmas! Woof Woof Woof

the southern hostess said...

I want this above MY bed!

- said...

I love how you create everything into fun and creative works of art. I wish I could be as creative as you. I am absolutely in love with the raindrops. : )

Alya said...

ok so everytime, I think THIS is my favorite yet.. but you keep "one up"-ping yourself!

Valentia said...

YAY! :D Rain is indeed a great therapy. They make me happy too! How do you paint such perfect clouds and raindrops???

Do tell!

Rosa Marrero said...

qué bonito!

Anonymous said...

You just gave me an idea, maybe in future. Superb. :D

Anonymous said...

i love this.

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

you are so creative! i just love your blog!

posturepedic said...

I love this blog. Really great.

Penny said...

I love this!!!

Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog stumbling around the internet and then swiftly posted a link to it on my facebook page. I sometimes paint but was just so inspired what you create and for weeks ive been wanting to go buy construction paper and today i bought 3 packages and a whole one of red so i could cut out little and huge hearts, id love to send a photo, my wall is almost done and it was so much fun to make cant wait to create more. The only thing that made us sad was i bought some tape to stick it to one of our walls but all my circles fell off so i used glue stick and that helped majorly! Thank you for being yourself, colorful, inspiring and fun!!!!!
- Nena Patino

Anonymous said...

I left a comment earlier about how i was in the process of decorating a wall in my living room and this is it:

diyosa said...

We rent and this much fun with paint is not allowed. So for my daughters' room we've bought blue poster board and various colored poster paper to give this a go. My kids flipped when they shared your photos.

diyosa said...

our very own rainbow rain: thank you for the idea. I love your blog and the way you see the world.

Eswari said...

I love this one

Teala said...

I was inspired by your whole blog. I love your outlook on life and how you cut shapes out and make a new scene whenever you feel like it.
So as a surprise for my boyfriend I made it rain hearts over his bed with a little umbrella so he'd stay dry while he's sleeping. Cutting paper has never been so fun!

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet! I love it. It's so chariming..
Wihihi, maby i will take this idé from you and put it up on my wall at home..... Hm.. (: