Friday, January 8, 2010

The Peter Pan Syndrome

I admit...I have it.
and you can read all about it in American Airlines Magazine!
The Peter Pan Syndrome
If you happen to be on an American Airlines plane this week check it out. It's fun to think that my photos are flying all over the sky.

What? You're not flying anytime soon? Well then you can just read the story here!


Raptor Plateado said...

Congratulations, you're a celebrity! I am very happy to meet someone so talented

Raptor Plateado said...

I like the way pudes get the inner child by a stranger who steps on your shades of paper

colormekatie said...

Thanks Raptor Plateado!

Melissa Blake said...

Congrats!! So exciting!

Tarah at NetGalley said...

Fantastic! Keep it up Katie, you certainly bring a smile to my face everytime you do something new. I look forward to the book.

Charmalade said...

This is absolutely charming-- I can't help it, your whole blog and everything is charming! I couldn't help but be reminded of the spirit of Amelie while reading that article, always searching for a little adventure.

You're a hero to my friend and to me. :) Keep up the good work!

colormekatie said...

Aww that's so lovely Charmalade. Thank you!

and @ bookgirl - Yay! I'm currently writing a list of fun ideas for the book =)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! You are such an inspiration to those of us (me) who need to relax and find the happy around us. I love this!

Your escalator operator said...

Way to go, Katie! And I can say that I knew you(r blog) back before you were super famous.

Gina said...

That's awesome! Congrats!

Anne said...

How fun that your photos 'are flying all over the sky'! They (and you) deserve it! And yay for art on the floors! Go get 'em Katie! :)

Johanna said...

fantastic! ms. peter pan.

Ren said...

It's nice to meet someone else you thinks kids are growing up to fast!

Ren said...

(P.S. I hope you had a nice birthday!)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Katie! Nothing better than bringing joy to other's everyday lives!

Unknown said...

That is how you found out about your blog! Now I love checking out the pictures and am wondering about ways to make my home and neighborhood in LA more fun.

Jenni said...

This is a great write up. It made me all bubbly and happy. Favorite part of the whole thing was this statement you made:

“So many people grow up, and they’re always stressed and working, and everything is serious from then on, and I think that’s very sickening. You can still keep this fun side of you, the side of you that enjoys making cupcake sandwiches for breakfast. I think people forget how to have fun when they’re older.”

Rock it girl!

clairedulalune said...

How fantastic! Well done!

Julia said...

congratulations. that is just so nice to hear! i hope that people will recognize your artistic work!

Nancy said...

Bravo on the magazine article! It is always fun to check in on your blog to see what kind of whimiscal fun you have been having. Keep up the whimsy and the sharing of your adventures!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that's so great!! congrats on having your photos fly all over the world!!

meowsk said...

You are amazing and inspire me everyday. Keep your childlike attitude forever!

Your photos flying around the country? I sense a clever photoshoot coming on.

Post Grad Hair Cut said...

you're so lovely! Thank you for consistently brightening my days.

Diana said...

Congratulations! You deserve the attention. I can always count on your blog to make me smile.

Anonymous said...

i saw this when traveling over the holidays! i leaned toward my boyfriend & said "this is that blog i love!" can't wait for the book.

Tlazotoel said...

I am so proud of you....I look for you every day on your blog...I have always believed that you have to keep the kid alive inside you..

spatel said...

Actually i discovered your "you" or blog as i read this article in the American Airlines magazine. I absolutely love it!!! As far as your street art i became a fan and love the idea... :)

Stevi said...

That's so cool! Congrats!

jalea said...

so so proud of u. im a fan of street art, ur blog and yes, u. i look forward to ur blog entries! but sadly pasting things around the walls here can be considered as vandalism.
greetings from singapore. (:

Anonymous said...

I too found your blog through the AA article. I was dawn to it even though I tend to be a more serious person in general. Like Charmalade, I feel a familiar Amelie, whimsicalness in your work. I already sent your link to a good friend and mutual Amelie fan. Thanks for bringing out the lighter side in me. :)

Rosie @ MAD said...

Congrats Katester! This is so awesome. I'm sure this won't be the last article that is written about you. More great things will envitably come your way. Keep blogging!

Hope said...

The image of someone discovering your own special brand of whimsey next to the barf bag on an plane ride is especially ironic.

You go, girlfriend!

And I discovered about thirty years ago that it is NEVER to late to have a happy childhood - I'm on my fourth right now.

Nina said...

congrats. the more publicity your uplifting fun spirit and art has around the world, the better!

Diana said...

First time visitor here-- my AA flight landed an hour ago and I had to check out your blog. My 2 kiddos would love it if I got even one dot of inspiration from you :)

Aisha Mujib Khan said...

Your story is absolutely amazing as are your ideas. I love it! I know many people say they want to remain young at heart, but it seems as if too many decide to grow up because they need to be responsible adults. I think you can go through life with both aspects (although I hope the young, fun side wins a little more of the fight). Congratulations on successfully flying!

Laurie said...

You so inspire me, Katie. I love coming to your blog because it uplifts me and stirs up my own imagination. I think you're really talented and brilliant. Thank you!

Ashley said...

I read it! The funny thing is when I saw the title and that it was about a woman in New York, I knew it was about you without seeing your name or picture :). I squealed and showed it to my husband on our flight to Texas. It was a great article, although, I think they should have used the pics of the "little helpers" holding up sidewalk cracks and such. Those were some of my favorite :).

colormekatie said...

That is so cute Ashley!!!

alice said...

you should know katie that you have readers even further afield than that... i'm in new zealand!
and i love your blog too, it's so fun :)

minlinhe said...

That is so awesome! Congratulations!! You do such creative and fun stuff. Best of luck!!
Mindy :o)

Unknown said...

The AA article was how I found out about your blog! Great write-up they did on you :)

Ynaffit said...

What a delight to read! I think we really are kindred spirits..... When are you coming Upstate to help me impact my town?

apfel said...

So now you should do like a TOUR! Singapore?

sheepish kid said...

dear katie..I love peter pan too, but do you like alice in wonderland? I wonder if you could make something inspired by alice..I would totally appreciate that!;D

Unknown said...

Yay I'm five one too!

Sara said...

'Twas this very article that brought me to your blog! You brightened up my flight quite a bit.

Elizabeth said...

I read that article last week and I am so glad I did. Your work is so colorful and fun, its keeping me happy and warm on these very cold grey days in Chicago! So excited to add you to my blog reader! Congrats!

Sue said...

Famous at 23...look at you! I think it is going to be fun watching you over the next few years!


The Fashion Duo said...

Peterpan syndrome. That's cute :)
and i love the fact that you have a cause behind all this

Post bigger pics please?


senovia said...

That is so awesome! I love reading about you, and I love your happy, creative blog. I wish you were my BFF. Maybe you'd rub off on me. ;)

Valentia said...

I am so glad you got featured! You should! Your work is not only amazing it is so unique. Most importantly, They really make people smile. (: Please don't stop!

wodedrawling said...

Congrats! That book is sure to be a bestseller when it's published!

kage said...

It makes me happy to see your work being put out there in mags and such for non-blog reading folks to check out - spreading the love!

And they spelled your name right ;)

Unknown said...

I just got off an American Airlines plane last night. While perusing, I came upon the article 'The Peter Pan Syndrome'. I couldn't put it down! I liked it so much, I stuffed the magazine in my backpack and off I went!

Your work has a way of putting a smile on my face. I've been to NYC many many times and you're right, everyone looks at the ground as they mill about (get that artwork on the ground so they can see it!). Your work adds a ray of sunshine and a touch of glee amongst the gray "humdrum" of the concrete jungle that is New York City. PLEASE DON'T STOP what you do!

Look forward to seeing more of your work!


Ivan Chung said...

wish to have such heart inside myself... and does all the crazy stuff you done in your place... but my country had limited me to do so...

but it is nice to read your blog... even when i was moody that day, after seeing your blog (repeatedly for don't know how many times already) ..... it cheer me up..!!

keep it up... by the way, i'm also like to shoot photo.. ha!

Leanne said...

you're so inspiring. thanks for pulling me out of the duldrums so many times and reminding me that life should be less blah and more about that happy feeling that wells up inside you. my best friends and i call that "bursting" and it's wonderful.

MeghanWard said...

This is where I found your blog- such a fun find!

Kristina said...

Hey! I flew from Hawaii to L.A last week and that's how I found your amazing blog! Now I'm addicted. You are really talented! I live in sweden and the pictures you took of coloring the snow is what I'm planning to do to brighten things up over here!

Anonymous said...

I just read it on aa plane to chicago and followed the blog address here, love your idea and the funny ending of story!!!

Frannie said...

Dear Katie,

You're Incredible!


P.S. Please never change

Killara girl said...

interesting...will have to check it out...I only travel via the www nowdays!

Kim S said...

that's where i found out about you! a+, american airlines, a+.

Seraphina said...

:D This is amazing! :] I'm so happy for you, really!

Basia and Chiara said...

Congratulations! :D I would sure read any article that features you.

Dori Elliott said...

I read the article and looked up your blog today. I love it soooo much! I love how you bring magic to the world. It inspires me so much. I couldn't sleep tonight thinking of tons of ideas of things I want to do around my university to bring some of that whimsy and beauty. I'm super excited. Thank you!

e.wilson said...

dear katie,
i am so inspired by this blog. well, you.
you're fantastic!

linnykins said...

Great article, I thoroughly enjoyed reading that (as I do, with your blog). You're such a big inspiration, I really hope to visit New York sometime. New Zealand's so far away...

abb said...

Read your article on the plane yesterday. Love what you do! Now I'll regularly be visiting here!

Steve in MN said...

Just returned from Bolivia... Enjoyed the AA article immensly; your work is very creative and uplifting. I hope I can catch a live glimpse of your work the next time I'm in NY.

Take care and keep enjoying!!


Ashley Lynn Fry said...

Yay Katie! Yay! Love it! :)

jojigirl said...

Congratulations from your fan in the Philippines. This is great news! You deserve it. Katie, you're phenomenal!

rubi said...

i watched mermaids the other night and the part when the girls and cher's boyfriend decorate a room to look like the bottom of the ocean reminded me of your work.

Katie said...

My aunt found this article and brought it to me, and now I am a fan of your blog. Thanks for the creativity!! Greetings from St. Louis, MO.

Sarah said...

Just stumbled upon your blog. I totally adore your work! Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I was on an AA flight from California back to my place on Meeker Ave, and I was happy to see a neighbor featured in the mag! Congrats, and I look forward to seeing your stuff around the neighborhood!

colormekatie said...

Wow! That's so fun that we live right next to each other. Hopefully I'll see you around Greenpoint!

Veronica said...

I read the article last night on an AA flight from L.A. back home to Hawaii! I love your work and blog! Congrats!

Hyla said...

What a wonderful article! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

That article is how I heard about you! I finally sat down and typed in the web adress, and I am absolutely in love with your work! Maybe one day I'll try to find the time to copy some of your projects for myself. They are beautiful because they seem so simple and fun. I guess in that way, your projects reflect your self: simply beautiful and beautifully fun!

colormekatie said...

aww that's so sweet Cheryl!

Anonymous said...

American Airlines is how I found out about your website when I was flying home on New Year's. (:

Jill Wignall said...

I really enjoyed reading the article and found your approach to life really inspiring. I was reading it whilst feeling grumpy on a grey sunday and it really cheered me! thanks! x

colormekatie said...

thanks Jill! Your postcards always cheer me up =)

Anonymous said...

I read it on the plane back home last night and that's why I'm reading your blog now. I really liked teh article and I'm getting ready to read your blog. Thanks for making the city more fun and interesting.

robiewankenobie said...

i'm thinking of ways to incorporate your spirit (without copying your concepts) over here in in good ole kentucky. we'll see...

Anonymous said...

Hey this article is where I found out about your blog. Your pictures were so cool I had to check out more of them!

Life Abroad said...

I was sitting on a plane in Santiago Chile two days ago when I read this story. Our plane was delayed, and so I picked up the magazine and was so happy to read this article. I made a mental note to visit your blog as soon as I got back to Canada. It was a beautifully written article, and really showcased your original ideas so well! Congratulations on being featured!

Unknown said...

i actually read the article in the airline magazine and that's how i got here! i love your stuff :)

Dani said...

i read it on new years day & that's how i found you! i showed my 12 year old sister too, she didn't understand the no pants stuff haha but she loved your apartment & your cat!

May said...

I saw this joke somewhere and thought of you. "Why don't planes ever land on Peter Pan's island? Because it has a big sign that says Never Never Land."

colormekatie said...


Aly said...

That's how I found your blog! Flying between Nashville & Dallas, on my way home to Australia. I was depressed because I'd just left my boyfriend, but your article helped cheer me up. Thanks!

So glad I found your blog!

mabsmith said...

Great article! Congrats!

Lillian said...

Congrats on the article! My only quibble with what was written is that your art is child-like, not childish.

I came across this photo in flickr and thought of you. I know you would appreciate this:

Unknown said...

I read your article in this mag while flying from Texas to London...had just left my family for a year...when I saw this article it just made my day brighter. It was the first thing I looked up when I got to England. Love it!

*imo* said...

Artists Unite! Thanks for paving the way for other perpetual daydreamers to design their lives to share with the world ;-)


*imo* said...

Thanks for paving the way for other perpetual daydreamers to design their lives and share them with the world ;-)

Artists Unite!


kelijeandesign said...

this is celebritiliciousness at it's best.... congrats... that is such a great tribute to your upbeat happy artistic relationship with the world!

Inesita said...

I read the article on an airplane and that is how I found out about your work.

Now I´ve become addicted to your blog!

Kisses from Argentina!

Sara Palacio Garces said...

I found out about you in this very magazine last month when I was coming home from NY. I just wanted to say you are an amazing person, making the world more colorful and fun. Congrats! for your ideas and for making them real.

Sara Palacio Garces said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, I send you a big hug from Colombia!

Laura said...

That's how I found your blog!

Orange.rin said...

i found u on AAMagazine, and i'm Glad to, u are really imaginative and u've inspired me :D ThANks Thenqeeu best wishes =*