1. When I was little I was terribly shy and never spoke. My worried parents brought me to the doctor and were told that I would grow up a loner and probably end up working in the back of a post office.
2. I do not work in the back of a post office ;)
3. I absolutely love riding the subway and watching people. I sometimes don't get off at my stop just so I can stay on a bit longer.
4. I almost got arrested for what looked like public urination but I was really just squatting in a short dress, in a dark corner, late at night, petting a stray cat, he!
5. I crave food based on it's texture, not taste.
6. A genuine smile from someone makes me feel all tingly inside.
7. Many people in my family suffer from depression. It's one of the main reasons I decided to become a photographer. I wanted to create colorful, positive, feel good images.

9. I honestly cannot hurt a fly. I've been a vegetarian for ten years and spent many late nights as a kid freeing mice from the mouse traps around my house. (Shhh, my dad still doesn't know that!)
10. I often break out in giggle attacks while I'm alone on the train, which of course, makes me look insane.
11. My Grandma's name was Baby Katz. Is there anything cuter than that?
I did the same thing when we rescued our cat, sophie! I had never had a cat before in my life, and my whole family is allergic--lucky for me I am not!
My favorite part Katie is the part about riding the subway to see the people.
Whenever I was in Chicago the only time I have been to a big city, I wanted to just stand at the window whereever I was and see the people. When we go to New Orleans I sit Indian style right in the middle of Jackson Square and do just this. I believe I am closer to peace there than anywhere on earth. You and your photography are amazing, and I duplicated your baskets at my park last week.
#6 and #8 ~ you are absolutely wonderful!
Depression runs in my family too:). Luckily, we can all rise above it. Love life!
I crave food base on looks. I am weird about texture too-no soggy bread!
I seriously LOVE this post~
I love reading facts like these about people :) Thank you for letting us in. Yay, I'm a vegetarian too and have been my entire life. Don't think I could rub a cat on my face and still breathe though. Sadly.
This is so lovely.
I don't see how you could ever be shy or depressed, you always seem so happy and outgoing!
Katie, I love your blog! I just had to comment that my name became "Spanke" the day I got married. :-) (Pronounced like Spanky) So me and Moo have that in common. Maybe I should change my name to Kate Moo?
Thanks for adding smiles to my week!
You're awesome and your photos make me merry happy always :) xoxo
katie, i feel like i'm your long-lost twin (and my name is cathie tahaha)!
a lot of people in my family suffer from depression too. and i was terribly TERRIBLY shy when i was little! i still am kind of shy, as in, i have never raised my hand in class. ever.
and i too, love a genuine smile. a smile can make or break a day :]
Your blog always leaves me with the biggest smile on my face! I love reading it at work; helps me get through the day. :)
P.S. I LOVE that your cat's name is Moo. I wish I'd thought of it! My cat's just Kitty.
I love your grandma's name :)
I'm so glad you aren't allergic to kitties. I sure am, and it's a bummer. But what a cute person you are! You bring color into everyone's lives. :)
You are the sweetest ever! Your photos bring a genuine smile to my face everyday. And as someone who combats depression I am grateful for that.
Ps. My cat, Lucy has a HUGE crush on Moo.
You really spread joy to me, and many others I am sure, through your work and just being you. Thank goodness you are not in the back of a post office, although, I'm sure you would brighten it up!
I love this post and think I might have to do the same! What wonderful things about yourself...thanks for sharing, Katie!
Liesl :)
i wanna rub moo all over my face too!! :)
I totally understand what you mean with #7. I've dealt with depression all my life, so to combat it I seek out the brightest, most colorful images I can find. :)
katie, I love that picture of you! So beautiful.
Thank you for all the colourful images you share - they always brighten my day. i'm so glad that you do this instead of working in the back of a post office :o)
This post made me smile, you beautiful, beautiful person!
Katie - i had fun reading EACH and every single one of yours! They're so interesting and unique.
fun post! i lol'd at how you rubbed moo over your face :)
you really are a great person. Indeed!
you are the best katie ever!!
I don't have a subway in my town, but when I go to a city next to my town, wich has a subway I do the same thing that you do. Is one of that little cool things in life.
WHat can I say? I love know more about you, and now I love you more my friend, I know that I don't know you in person and all that, but I really feel you has a friend. A friend makes you smile and makes your live happier, you do that, so you're my friend.
Kisses Dear!
Awww you're so sweet Melissa! I see you as my friend as well although we've never met! =)
This post IS wonderful. I am so glad that I know you a little bit more! You are so beautiful!
OMG number 8 and number 4 made me crack up!
Love and Turtledoves,
thank goodness i am not the only one that breaks out into giggle fits! yay!
I loved this post! Thank you for sharing with us. You blog always makes me smile! Such beautiful pictures. :)
Well, you certainly help with any twinge of depression I might have:)
Cat towel! Hee hee.
it's really nice to hear people acknowledge depression as an illness, i've suffered a lot from it and it's people like you who cheer me up at times when not much can. your images definitely make a difference. they're so colorful and brilliant! and your blog makes me smile =]
Awww thank you so much Lulu. That's so nice to hear!
i actually am allergic to cats, but i've had them my whole life. i love the two i have now like you love moo! and i've just learned to deal with it no matter what it takes. some days are way worse than others, allergy-wise, but it's so worth it. i couldn't live without them.
i'm glad you're updating this more. i love your posts. and you got moo at the shelter? good for you!!! how could anyone give him up though? he's so darling.
You seem like such a sweet person.
All of these little tidbits of information are adorable, as are the pictures that go with them.
All of your posts make me smile.
Hello Katie, I just want to give a lots of thanks to you for this wonderful blog. I found it three days ago, now i have to take a look everyday, to see if theres an update. All the colors are wonderful, and all the creativity that you spread.
I gave you a link in my blog. Hope your fine with that.
Lots of hugs, from Johanna in Sweden!
I love following your blog it is great!
I think ur an absolutely wonderful person Katie :) ever since I bumped into ur blog, every post u made never failed to make me feel warm inside, especially seeing Moo doing silly things! lol reminds me of my cat which is not with me right now cause I can't keep him here :( thank u for spreading joy even though we're thousands miles away.. :) God Bless! - izeywoot
You are the cutest, only second to Moo.
Thanks for spreading the sunshine... I love your ability to bring out the child in people... and I like you:)
This is what I want to show people who argue that art has no real value. It does. It's vitally important, in fact. Anyone can see that from your blog alone. It truly makes a difference in this world. Thanks for the stories, and as always, your wonderful, positive images. :)
That's so sweet Sarah, thank you!!
Oh Katie, you are so cute.
I have depression and trust me, your blog always brightens my day :]
Thank you for being so wonderful!
I'm smiling now. Thank you for that! :)
What a lovely, happy post!
You make me smile. Not a "I'm smiling" smile....but one that creeps up on you until you don't realize you are smiling but then all of a sudden, you realize you're smiling. This was a great post. I won't go into details about how awful my day was (things you see on TV and change the channel) but I really needed this. Thanks. :)
You're a really interesting person who is very inspiring!
P.S. I think Moo is a more fitting name for Mr.Cat than Spanky. :)
I'm the same way as #5 about craving food based on texture!
i <3 you even more Katie! you're awesome!;)
:D I love your blog!
I have a random question though, where do you buy your clothes? They're always cute and colorful! :D
#4 is absolutely hilarious...
#7 is truly inspiring. Your work brings so much joy and happiness, so you most definitely succeed. Thank you.
xx Kit
Adorable <3
And I LOVE how open you are about the things that make you happy - and even more how it's not at all about some strongly individualistic attitudes, but your happiness really quite often comes from others (and what they do), and you are not afraid to admit it :) and I seriously think that is the most beautiful thing in the world...
I was actually the same way when I was little (selectively mute). No real reason for it. Maybe it's a creative person thing?
helloooooo Katie! i believe my sister has emailed you about our pets. (i didn't even know she was a reader of your blog!) thanks for replying to her. she loves your blog so much.
i want to thank you for being such an inspiration. ever since i started reading your blog, i've been a different person. i hope one day we will be able to run into each other on the subway and giggle together! i've been doing a lot of that lately & smiling at everyone! ;)
i also crave food by texture!!
love love love your blog. it make me happy ;)
You are such a sweet person, Katie! I really enjoyed this post and getting to learn more about you.
love this post! :) thanks for sharing and it's so great to have more creative, positive lights in the world!
i'm so glad you became a photographer because your photos are so inspiring for everyone!
much love. :)
This post made my morning!
My family suffers from depression too. It's funny because photography is on of the things that has saved me in times of dark depression, especially after having my babies. I can definitely relate.
This post put a genuine smile on my face this morning. Thanks Katie! =)
ahahahhaaaaaa that straw cat petting story totally made my day!
Pretty much all of the women in my family suffer from depression, including myself, however due to the same positive outlook and sunny disposition that you seem to have I generally don't say that I "suffer from depression", I like to say that I "live with depression"...it sounds more friendly that way!!
And like you my career choice(s) stem from my desire to make people smile and feel all warm and tingly!
It's refreshing to see others explore and display their sunny-ness...Keep it up!
You my dear as fascinating. I'm glad you didnt end up working in the back of a post office.
Heeey Katie!
I really love your blog!
It's so colorfull and full of Moo!
I have a cow-cat too and he's very funny. He also sleeps in yoga posture, and he always shows his teeth.
I wish I could do things with paper the way you do!
Keep going!
Hug, Sarah
You are SO cute! #4 and #8 made me laugh. :):) I'm visiting NY for a couple days in May. Super excited to be checking out Brooklyn too!!
I sometimes stay on the subway an extra stop just because my book is that good. It's sad that right now, that book is part of the Twilight series.
Also: OMG, please tell me that is not your FACE on the FLOOR. Any part of me that's OCD is dying inside.
you and your grandmma are the cutest people ever!! :))
would you shoot a wedding in Brazil? haha. I would love to hire you, Katie :) (but i wont get married so soon, though.)
haha when i was little i was SOO shy!! my mom tried signing me up for EVERYthING and i wouldn't do a thing, just hide in the corners
OMG!! I love how honest you are about your life!
i have allergies and wish i could have a cat or dog. i might just need to take a trip to the shelter and try what you did :)so glad it worked and now you have Moo.
i love this! thank you for sharing. :)
you've totally inspired me to write my own "random things about me" post!
THAT was a great post. :)
wow. Absolutely L<3VE this post!!! So funny and unique, just like your blog :)
moo does really looks like a clean piece of white towel alright!
What a fun blog you have here.
I was the same way as a kid. I wouldn't even say "Here" during roll call in school. Haha!
And Moo is a MUCH better name than Spanky.
#4 Couldn't help but smile .... haha
Love these posts ; we should start tagging again ...
to answer #11...you. You are the only thing cuter. I love your blog, and you make me smile. Thank you!
i adore you so whole-heartedly.
love TIF
I really like number 5! Who would ever eat boring looking food...
Really feel extremely good by just looking at all these feel good photos. Thks.
You are absolutely wonderful. I wish you were my best friend.
Love these! We have a lot in common actually! #1, #2, #3, #6, #10. I am also a vegetarian, but I can easily and with no guilt whatsoever kill bugs, especially mosquitos, because if I don't they will soon bite me on the face. Love your photos. Hope to meet you on the subway! =)
I am the exact same way about food! I didn't know others were like this! Everyone thinks I'm crazy because I could eat those Balance bars for the rest of my life. They taste a little strange, but their texture is sooo good.
i loved katie!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! greetings!!!
I LOVE that photo of the alphabet mat. It is so colorful and fun :D
I stumbled upon your blog in one of my wanderings the other day and have fallen in LOVE with it! So bright and colorful! I've looked all the way back to the beginning and enjoyed the entire thing! I'm soo stinkin glad to see this gem out there in the blogosphere!
Southern Hugs!
When I was little, about 5 or 6, I hid all of the flyswatters in the house, and cried for two hours when my grandmother killed a fly. I told her that I was going to start a fly rescue and save all the flies in the world and keep them in my fly rescue and take care of them. And that instead of killing flies, people could put them in a jar and bring them to me, so I could save them in a happy environment. Now I'm 21, and I don't have a fly rescue. But I also don't own a fly swatter.
you are so amazingly honest and true to yourself. i wonder how someone can come to find their own identity and embrace it just like you have and are.
i feel like there is hope for me since all i ever hear is "that girl is so passive and quiet..etc"
Katie, there is a reason my feed reader has a category named "Happiness". And another very, very good one as to why yours is the only blog in that category. Your writing, pictures, energy and life bring me such joy. Thank you.
I like yout blog, this is nice article. I will add it to my RSS feed. Thanks.
So glad you don't work in the back of a post office. I was incredibly shy when I was younger too--so much so that I was forced to stay the whole day in kindergarten just to socialize more.
I'm curious about the story behind your grandma's name ;)
x Amy
I'm new to your blog. And Smitten.
It is both visually stunning & has heart like, everywhere. Swoon.
PS: Your photography & construction paper wall art is a perfect solution to the blah of my small suburban desert home. Thank you for your inspiration!
you're so ::cute::!!
i ran across your blog not long ago and it was so happy & inspiring that i caught myself getting teary eyed.
you're a delight, katie!
Your blog makes me sooooo Happy!! !! Thank you for spreading positive energy all 'round!!!
My biggest dream is, and have always been, to be an artist. To photograph, paint, laugh, color, dance, draw, sew, play, create and to fly. Sadly i've always been afraid of it, being shy, being sad, depressed and tired. I never believed. It touches me very much to read, that you used to be shy and that many people you know suffers from a depression. You make me believe that things a possible, and you are such a great inspiration to me. Tomorrow i will buy some coloured paper, and put up hearts and circles in my very depressing and grey neightbourhood. Thank you so much!
you're not the only crazy one. I'm always getting giggle fits in the elevator at my dorm :-P
I was down today and you made me better!
Thank you for this! And all your happy pictures and thoughts!
Much love!
I crave food based on texture too!
Happy Weekend :)
The world needs more people like you! You always give me such a happy feeling in my heart. You have such a gift and lovely soul.
Your pictures are awesome.. They are a great antidepressant, for me (suffering from depression for years) it does wonders :)
All the best! xoxo
#10 i do that alot too whenever i'm driving in my car or stumbled upon something really nice while window shop or enjoying my indulgence of coffee or anything sweet by myself in a cafe...
Long time listener, first time caller. Just kidding.
Ahh, attack of the public giggles!!
I was a quiet, reserved kid too, so I read a lot and observed everything. I see those years as my cocoon years, where I was learning what I needed to know to emerge strong enough to navigate the winds and flowers in life.
Katie, I live in Cleveland, but I visited some friends in Brooklyn this weekend. I looked for you on the street or a sign of your art, but I'll have to come back again someday! Love the blog.
WOW your real life is interesting, everything I read makes me feel more identified with you and being your fan ... thanks katie're a fine person
thank you sooo much for sharing yourself with us!
i LOVE that your kittie is named MOO~ because my oldest daughter Serena & i have this thing where instead of "hi" or "bye" on the fone, we say, "moo" :)
i absolutely adore your gramma's name!!!
was that her REAL name? starting with BABY? sweetest everrr!
you are a truly lovely soul & i am sooo glad i found a link to your blog.
i hope you have a "follower" thingie, cuz i'm jumpin on board for your positive, beautiful, uplifting blog <3
i wonder if there would be a way to create a thing where folks could choose one of your pics & have it in their blogs & when you click on it, it brings you to YOUR blog :)
plz let me know if that ever happens!
have a glorious day!
<3 Jiinxsay
Inspiring! Thanks!
I just want to say your blog certainly put a smile to the start of a gloomy day. Cheers from Sydney!
I love pt 7 because your blog/pictures have truly brought some positive and good images into the lives of many, mostly just me:) This is one blog i visit everytime i feel sad, abt work, family or love.
Thank you for the wonderful work! :)
so great!I love how your post always have a feel good vibe about them.
Wow! I LOVE THIS POST! It's fun! I love what you share with the world! You remain sincerely an inspiration to me.
I suffer with depression too, as do most of my family members, and I have found that my photography is a major combatant for that. It is so wonderful to photograph joy... it's hard to feel sad when you get to spend time with people!
Thank you again! Love it!
I love this post, its so genuine and honest =)
I did some of your stuff too.
I used the people cut out on paper airplanes and boats for our summer theme at church. People loved it :)
I also did the heart kisses for my boyfriend. I did another version of it, raining hearts. I wore a red trench coat with red umbrella :P
love your grandmothers name! such a lovely name! Hope your day is a very lovely one today! sunny greetings from germany, geisslein
Thank you for sharing and opening up this side of you to your readers. It makes us feel trustworthy and special. :-)
When we adopted our cat Baxter, he was named Spanky too! He looks like an orange Moo. Who are these crazy people naming lovely fluffy cats something as ridiculous as Spanky?!
Love the name Baby Katz.. in German it would mean baby cat...so cute
Whenever i'm feeling depressed, i go on your blog and your photos and blog posts make me feel happier. Thank you so much and your photos inspire me so much.
I think you're absolutely brilliant!
I think you definetly achieved your objective!
Im not your relative (of course! I´m Argentinian) But I suffer from depression too, and watching your works makes my anguish fly away! and it´s really inspiring!
Thank you for drawing a smile on my face everyday!
You're pretty fricken cute, great photos!
Katie, your food texture craving has intrigued me. I have a 6 yr son who, I believe, likes food based on texture. I can't "figure" it out (like, if he likes crunchy over soft). When I ask how it tastes, it's "lumpy" or "hard," not sweet or sour. Of course, you are not exactly like my son, but could you shed some light for a confused mom?
so sweet Katie
i just want to say thank you ! :D
everything here just make me :D deep down up in out
Its so amazing what you do, I suffer from depression, and always struggle to rise above it, and to see how it runs in your family, and yet defy it by proving to be one of the happiest, creative, proactive people I have ever seen, is really inspirational to me, thank you : )
i don't think you will see this but...
i believe is worth saying anyway.
i have depression. and your pictures works for me way better than my medicine. you're one of the people in my 'people who inspire you' on facebook.
you inspire me and your pictures makes me feel good when i'm depressed. thank you. god bless you.
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