Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It totally makes my day when I see pictures from my readers that say they were inspired by my photos. They're all so wonderful so I thought I would share a few!
They all make me so happy. Thanks for sharing your versions of my pictures with me!


Dori the Giant said...

Very cool.
Colours are okay!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Love the 'blowing kisses' hearts!

Jet♥ said...

Really nice, I'm going to make it also!

Karen said...

Lovin' this! The rain & umbrella is too cute, and the blowing bubbles, and the footprints, and the paper balloons, and the hearts, and OH MY! You get the point....thanks for lighting a smile on my face this morning! :>

Jalene said...

one day when school isn't consuming my life (and wedding planning) i want to do one of your projects. you are an amazing inspiration. everything is happy and fun! one day... and i'll send you what i do. :)

adam.and.e said...

you have inspired so many {including me}.. seeing this post makes me want to give it a whirl.

..the shadow project cracks me up!

SammyPenning/Cate4444 said...


Michelle Leong said...

SO AMAZING!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Celine said...

Inspirado is our Tagalog (Philippines) term for "inspired". I painted my wall white Katie to start with some of your projects. Ikaw ang inspirasyon ko (You are my inspiration)

P. said...

Thanks for the mention Katie! I <3 your projects!

Stephine said...

These are so cool. I love them all, hope to see more!

Lubna said...

WoW. I am so glad you spread so much joy all around, by inspiring others to follow you. Hugs to Moo.

Courtney said...

I love all the colorful yet (mostly) simple ways you decorate/live. It's provided me with a ton of inspiration as I get ready to redecorate my daughters room so it can accommodate our next baby as well her. said...

love the hearts all around!!!

Rachael said...

Thank you for featuring my photo Katie. The hearts were a great idea and my friends and I had a lot of fun taking cute Valentine portraits.

I really love your work. It's very happy and inspiring.

Teany Tiny Star said...

I made the flip book for my boyfriend for Valentine's day :)

Megan said...

It's so cool that your projects have inspired so many people! I am excited to give a few a try myself.

Chess said...

The last picture melts my heart! I'm gonna try some of these out this summer, maybe! :-)

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

It is obvious that inspire cheer amongst us all. That must feel really good as an artist. One of my happiest recent moments was the basket at the park day. All you, how does it feel?

Unknown said...

Oh wow, they all did such a good job! You're so inspiring, it makes me so happy when I read your blog!

brlracincwgrl said...

I love the last picture! These are awesome!

Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

I'm so inspired by this!

Anonymous said...

hey I tried having ago at making the paper birds :)

Melinda said...

(That reminds me, I've been meaning to do a kiss flip book...)

Awesome, Katie! I'm so happy for you, that you get to do what you love and have fun and be flattered by the many people you've inspired :]

Lulu said...

aww this is so sweet! that last one is precious =]

Rachel M said...

I love all of those! :)

LovelyAnomaly said...

Squeee! I'm so happy that you posted my wall! Totally made my day. =D

Delia said...

You are creative brain child! I love this. I did something similar on my blog but it won't post until tomorrow. :) Thank you!

look a little closer said...

you are such a delight and inspiration! :)

A Closet Mess said...

Your work is inspiration to the world!

iamchasingthirty said...

Sawweet! I think my fave is the Rain with the two little tykes hidden beneath. Too cute.

Janina Modaal said...

All those wonderful projects!
Love it!

Anonymous said...

it's impossible not to feel inspired after looking at your blog Katie!

Unknown said...

I'm making a wind wall at the moment. It's looking so good! Thanks so much for the inspiration to brighten up my beige apartment here in Chile.

colormekatie said...

How fun! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

How cute!!!
I would have thought all of these were yours at the first glance... and then I would go, oh wait? Something is slightly off? :D

CountessLaurie said...

I clearly need more blank wall space... These are adorable!!

Liza said...

i'm going to do a feature on your wonderful blog on friday!


DeAnna said...

Your blog makes me so happy! Every time there is a new one it brightens my day! Thanks for the for adding sweet color and inspiration to my day!

colormekatie said...

Thanks L!

Kylie Rae said...

so inspirational! i think when this semester (of uni) is done, my wall will get a little lovin... your so creative! i love this photos! thanks for sharing them with us too :D

Katie said...

Wow! You're such an inspiration! So fun. ALSO, love the green rug!

C'est La Vie said...

that first umbrella one is my favorite :) so tender

Rhonda said...

You have inspired me too! I love all your cheerful pics. They always bring a smile to my face. Here are two links from me that was inspired by you!

Hope you get a chance to check them out! We had a blast!

amo (amanda) said...

YAY! thanks for including me in your post! I LOVE your creativity—you truly inspire me! Love you love you love you!! :D

Apple said...

love it! i'm so going to make my own version this summer break!!!!:)

charlingling said...

luv it.. reali lovely <3
i want to make my version on now...

Unknown said...

I recently made posters for my graduating flute recital inspired by you! If I figure out how to link it or send it to you, I will!

colormekatie said...

Oooo I'd love to see!!

Jessica said...

Thanks you for this. It certainly made me smile. :)

Trisha said...

Katie... the other day my sister was asked to a dance by this boy... and we answered him using your pacman idea! You are oh so clever!!!

you can check out our finished product at the link below! You are awesome!!! :)

serenayap said...

you inspired me to make this!

p S h A o R t A o said...

How fun to see how you've inspired others. You're such a positive influence. Because of you, I decided it was okay to have fun and make a colorful huge Christmas tree out of paper last December ( It was so worth it. And I also made pretty snowflakes and taped them to my windows ( They were a lot nicer than the cold wet ones outside. :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, its happy

Pom said...

What a tribute!

jessymessy said...

thanks katie for including my little project. i truly am inspired by you! you bring joy to my life =)

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I am a new follower of your lovely blog. Thanks for sharing your wonderful projects :)x

Juliette Crane said...

so beautiful! i just love how your ideas can spread and create happiness throughout the world :)

xoxo, juliette

Lauren Leggatt said...

Hi Katie,
I did an inspirational post on you on my blog a while back. wanted to let you know how much you inspired me, I also took pictures with hearts on my wall. So go check out my blog. Heres the link.

p.s. you kind of make my day! :)

lori* said...

People are the best, eh? <3

Raptor Plateado said...

'I can confess much of what I do is to follow your steps my dear Katie

A'n'G Johnson said...

what fabulousness. That must make you all warm and fuzzy inside!

Jami said...

These are so fun! You were featured at my site on a linky party where she share blogs that we love. I'd have to agree, there is a lot to love here. :)

Liesl said...

Happy Thursday, Katie!

Just wanted you to know that I blogged about your colorful little world today and have followed your "A few random things about me" blog post...hope that's OK!

Sending you smiles for a Fabulous Friday ahead!

Liesl :)

Anonymous said...

my name is isabela i absolutely LOVE this blog!
yesterday i was completely inspired after reading your blog and i decided to re-do my bland white bedroom wall!
it looks amazing now, i am so happy!

thank you so much :)

stephanie said...

What a sweet and unexpected surprise that you included my photo here. Thank you:)

Anonymous said...

already tried to post a comment once but it didnt work, i'll try again! thank you so much for including my blowing hearts picture!! i love this blog so much, i check it all the time and to see my picture on it reallyreallyreally made my day :) x

Emily said...

So fun!! They say copying is the sincerest form of flattery glad that you agree :)

Unknown said...

See what a great positive ripple effect you have. Keeeeep going!!:)

Carolina said...

Love the blowing bubbles one!

little miss michelle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
little miss michelle said...

AHH . Katie. You are sooo inspiring! My sister and I loved you idea of pacman so much, that we decided to use your lovely idea to answer this boy that asked me to a dance. .

Here is a link to my blog and you can see the pictures!

YOu're the best!!

Michelle Zemp

Karin said...

your blog is very colorful and inspiring!

Jet♥ said...

I've also tried,
but never so nice if yours are!!

Bangkok J said...

You inspired me, too! I recreated your birds the other day. They make me so happy every time I look at them. Check them out here:

Thanks for the creativity!

Anonymous said...

I heart the last picture! They are all amazing and your job is just what we need in this world :) Go on, because it's great!

Unknown said...

I saw this blog today that tried to do the snow coloring that you did earlier
I am really starting to love her stuff.

MyKidsMake said...

What fun! This inspired me to make butterflies, and have my kids try to catch them with our butterfly net. Also made a stop motion of the butterflies flying through the room. It was SO fun. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I just found your web site today and wow. I love all your ideas and uniqueness. We are getting ready to do a room for my granddaughter and I am going to use some of your ideas on her wall.

Eve said...

please look at my blog
I tried something that you inspired me to do :D