Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My weekend

I pretty much worked non stop all weekend and although I'm a bit tired, hungry, and completely sunburned.... it was awesome!


Thanks for sharing over 500 things that make you guys smile. Whenever I had time I would check in and get a fun energy boost from all of your comments. I picked a few people at random to send a special gift to in the mail!

Dear sunburn... you were totally worth it.


Lily said...

oo wow, that is serious sun burn!!! I hope your arms are okay :)

but beautiful shots!!!

Jacqueline said...

What beautiful pictures! I love when you share these, they are simply breath taking! AS for your arm, get a bottle of aloe, STAT!

Love and Turtledoves,

Only A Girl said...

Wow gorgeous photos!

Karen Travels said...

OUCHERS! ALoe works wonders, I know!!

Taylor K said...

Yikes! No more sunburns! You'll get a melanoma. :(

Tricia Orchard said...

All of those photos are awesome but my favourite one is the one of the bride & groom in the forest with the sun in the background!


Brooke said...

Oh ow! Aloe vera is your best friend at the moment! *lol


Jenn said...

I see the sunburn and think "ooo, that will turn into a nice tan if she keeps it well moisturized". Believe me, I know sunburns:)
I adore the pic of the bride and groom in the trees... gorgeous!

Nina said...

oh ouch...I'm so sorry...beautiful pictures. I so wish I was closer to you cause I would have you take my pictures...

Harry High Panties said...

Gorgeous photos! I love your blog I take a look whenever I need to smile :)

Thank you!

Sara said...

I <3<3<3 your site. Your weekend was totally worth the sunburn. Beautiful images. x

Gracie said...

What beautiful shots! I would seriously get married in america just to have you as my wedding photographer!
You've definitely inspired me!

Kell said...


Those wedding shots are absolutely amazing.. wow.

Hope Chella said...

A sunburn that is worth it is a good day indeed :) xx

San Smith said...

What a beautiful weekend - I'm envious!! I hope your sunburn doesn't hurt too bad - ouch!

Kristy said...

I always love looking at your photos and your creative decorating ideas. I was looking around at some blogs today and came across this one which reminded me of you (like the things that you put on your wall).

Anonymous said...

Hahaha the last picture looks like you have a camera for a face. That thing is huge! (The camera not your face.)


colormekatie said...

haha yeah! It's definitely the size of my face!

Anonymous said...

coitadinha ficou com o braço vermelhinho. mas se valeu a pena é o que importa.


Awmber said...

Ah that looks so lovely! I'm glad the sunburn was worth it, because that looks pretty brutal!

Lee said...

That bubble bokeh is amazing! How did you get those rainbow colors?! And beautiful wedding photos. They will treasure them always.

Leti. said...

Hey, Katie! I´m from Brazil and I´m a big fan of yours! You take wonderful pictures and I love your 'sunny-mood', that always make me a little bit happier. I wish you all the best - specially for your burned arms.



Anonymous said...

the wedding (i think?) photos are beautiful!
And the carousel one is so cute:)
I love when I come to your blog and you have put up a new entry!
(But if not, I just go back to look at my old favorites) :D
Your art is inspiring! Thanks!:)

April said...

HOLY SUNBURN! hhahaha..reading your blog always gives me a fun energy boost

Delia said...

Those wedding pictures are...MAGICAL. I also love the spunky fun pictures of that couple in the park. Thanks for the eye candy.

maryse said...

holy crap!!! i feel the pain just looking at it! anyhow, i love love love the sixth photo! if i was the bride, i'd have that blown up and framed on a wall! so beautiful, the pose, lighting, just wonderful!

Heidi said...

Hi Katie,
I rarely leave a comment, there are always so many ahead of me that I doubt you would see it if I did. But tonight I'm here early!! Yay.
I want you to know how much I always enjoy seeing what you're up to, your photos are smile inducing! I love the bright colors and the energy you seem to exude, and the ability to capture happiness in a photograph.
Thanks for being a happy part of my day, I always leave here with a smile!!
Heidi - Heart and Home
PS I remember when your site only had 150 followers!!

Meg said...

just wanted to let you know that the wedding picture with the sunshine through the trees is my favorite wedding picture... ever. so unbelievably beautiful!

Filigrana said...

i absolutely LOVE♥ the wedding's shots! those are exactly the kind of pictures i would like to have if i were getting married! who knows, maybe by the time i do that, you will be living in argentina! :)

Teany Tiny Star said...

Those pictures are absolutely a-door-bell!I was wondering how much you charge to get pictures taken. I would love to have you take my wedding photo's some day :)

kelsie rae. said...

those are the most beautiful wedding shots i've laid my eyes on! you're amazing!

Heather Taylor said...

Ouch! Epic sunburn!

A N A G O N said...

i love your photos, especially the blowing of bubbles :) made me smile ;-) have a good week!

Anonymous said...

You should grow an Aloe :) They're so cute and when you get sunburns just cut a piece off and cut it open and wipe it on.

Operation Smiley Face said...

Wow the bride and groom in the woods is a STUNNER. I also like the shot with the bubbles and the Merry-Go-Round. Great colors in both of those. Sorry about the burn. Be sure to have that sunscreen handy next time. LOVE you work.

carly mary said...

what lense are you using in the last photo?

Chelsea T said...

Really love your photos and art work, all the way from London xx

Theresa said...

you are amazing! i love your work, your blog, and your sweet personality!

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...


Anaís said...

Thank you very much for your blog. It´s so beautiful.
I´m from Spain.

♥peachkins♥ said...


Laura said...

The top photo's so beautiful! I wish my photos came out as lovely :)

Do you ever give any tips to other photographers on how you became successful?

JenRem said...

That bubble photo is fantastic! So talented you are lady :)

JenRem said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Moan said...

Your work is just so very inspiring and optimistic, I swear it could brighten anyone's day!!!
youa re so very talented and creative!!!
I most especially like the last wedding photo within the trees/forest. You can even capture a colourful happiness in oyur pro wedding photos that you do in your standard ones that portray an everyday life bursting with energy and colour!!!


Anonymous said...

You're an inspiration! You really are. I hope your sunburn doesn't hurt too much!

linnykins said...

Wicked awesome post, as always!! Ouchy sunburn! Hope it's not too painful. And ah... the peeling should come along soon aye? :P

Valentina said...

OMG!Serious burn!Be careful!Lovely pictures by the way, full of joy!

Valentina from Fashion Trotter - 100% italian street style

Anneke said...

sunburns are only worth it when you got them on an awesome day. most of my upper body (arms, shoulders, chest and back except for the straps where my top was) are burnt but it was the best day in a while...

lukewarm, almost cold showers usually help me.

brlracincwgrl said...

Ouch! What a sunburn! Those are gorgeous photos! Thanks so much for sharing :).

Brightened my day, definitely!

Amber Kirkwood said...

Totally getting people at my job into your blog. They love it. Expect alot of new members :)

colormekatie said...

haha that's awesome!!

sophia tangerine said...

wow! such beautiful pictures! i loooove the second to last one of the couple (the forest looking one)...where is that?!

laynemarie said...

Just so you know, you're photographing my wedding. When/if I get married, ha! And can you be in charge of decorations too? Seriously. I'll be flying you down to Florida. Just a head's up. ;)

tRiSh said...

oooh, it must hurt... hope you've got a good cream to put on..

Really love the wedding/couple pictures, they're so lively and beautiful =)
thanks for sharing.

bec said...

i love your wedding pictures! too bad i don't live in new york and too bad i'm already married...

Zsófi said...

Dear Katie!

Thank you for making me smile when everything else fails. :) Your blog is awesome, and so you are!

Hugs, Zsófi

Creamy Coconut said...

Aw, apply fresh, slimy aloe to that. You'll be ok. Great photos!

Samantha said...

The picture of the bride and groom in the woods is so beautiful, I would love to frame it and hang it in my house--I don't care who the people are!

Creamy Coconut said...

Aw, apply fresh, slimy aloe to that burn, buy a plant or they go for $1.50 per large leaf in a grocery fruit store. It smells funny but it works. Wear something you don't mind staining, it tends to leave brownish red marks on fabric.

Great photos!

Abbi said...

Wow, the wedding pictures look like a fairy tale! :)

Anonymous said...

as a red head i know sunburns! aloe vera never did the trick for me- i use black tea (that's been cooled down) asap by just pouring it on then letting it dry in (never wipe it off). apple cider vinegar also works really well and if you keep in the refrigerator it's very cold which is nice as well :) hope you feel better soon :D

Sarah said...

Rock Faces!

Anonymous said...

Okay, first the important stuff: Take care of you! That sunburn looks wicked! (And not in a "hey, that's wicked" New England sort of way.)

And second, Yes! Yes to the beautiful bubbles! How did you get the Bubble Bokeh? It's a lovely photo.

Love Meow said...

Amazing photos. your weekend looks so much fun :).

Littlepeacetin¨Chiara Mancuso said...

Hi Katie! I also think Aloe is the best thing to do.
I have a small plant and use it whenever I burn myself while baking cookies ( :D ). You just have to slice a leaf and put the jelly thing inside on your skin,It feel soooo good to cure your skin with something natural! :)
P.S.: have you seen this artist from Paris? She's so funny :)

Should I call her ·street· artist? most of her pieces have been create on Post-production.

Anyway, have a great great weekend!
Be Happy! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm an aspiring photographer and I just have to say that your photographs are absolutely jaw-droopingly incredible and make me want to cry!!

Carolyn said...

Wow these are absolutely amazing!!! Is that bubble bokeh in the first photo?

And ouch, that sunburn looks ever so slightly painful...

Dennis Li said...

these are such lovely shots, katie! I love them all, as usual! you are still my number one inspiration! :) keep it up! and hope the sunburn heals fast! :) said...

these photos are rad

Anonymous said...

Katie, I love you! Your posts always make me smile an your photos are gorgeous. That wedding photo is the trees is stunning. I hope you sunburn turns into a lovely tan.
much love,

Elizabeth said...

The wedding photograph in the trees is quite possibly the most loveliest picture I've ever seen. Certainly the most lovely wedding photograph. I'd like to buy a copy; and I don't even know them!

Dee Abd said...

I Miss you Katie!

Love your pictures as always... and hope your sunburn will go away soon! =D


Vanessa said...

Ouch, that last pic made me cringe! Try to use more sunblock next time :-P The rest of the pics are awesome, though!

Sara B said...

Hi Katie,
I was reading gothamist and recognized your work in the PS1 story. :)
Reading your most recent blog made me think of the excess of potted aloe plants I have. I'd love to pass one on to you. I live in GP and could leave one on my stoop on McGuinness if you'd like. :)
I'm reachable at hotmail at consider_the_daf

Lívia said...

Hey Katie! I just discovered your blog and Im so in love with it! Im starting a blog of mine own, would you mind if a "stole" your banner idea of things in the air? Im not sure what Im gonna do, but i love your idea... All the credits will be given to you of course! Waiting on your response, and then maybe a visit to my blog? tks!

Manon said...

Gorgeous pics! I love them all.
Hope your arms are a bit better again!

Anonymous said...

Love the bubbles!


Anonymous said...

Oi Katie! my name is Juli.
I'm Brasilian. I find your blog walking around at internet. I loved it!
I would like show you my music, I think you'll like it, it's collorido...


camar said...

nice picture.........

Cordelia Flakk said...

I second anonymous--make a pot of tea with a ton of tea bags, run a cool bath, pour the tea in and soak for a while--you'll feel better in no time. And sunscreen girl! Put it on your favorites list. I bet you'd like the kids sunscreen that goes on a bright color then disappears and acts like regular sunscreen (Avon makes one, I think blue or purple). Your blog is always inspiring and fun to read, and brightens up my day.

LunaMoonbeam said...

That sixth picture, the kiss in the woods, Takes my Breath Away.

Seriously, gorgeous!

Ms. O said...

I love the sixth picture! It's just like a fairy tale, so beautiful!
Aww, the sunburn looks so painful!

m.fay said...

these pictures are perfectly sweet. love your blog. please stop by and say hi.


Walter Helena Photography said...

Aloe aloe aloe. And smiles.

Anonymous said...

wear sunscreen next time! spf 50 at least since you're so fair!

Melin Fork said...

dear katie!!!
been reviewing ur blog for years!
i love all your ideas on paper craft.
oh soo amazing! wish i manage to do it as beautiful as yours!!
keep up the good work darl!!

Judy said...

Adding color to the world is a great idea, but NOT on your skin! Next time, use sunscreen!!!!!
a mom

itsJennyDinh said...

These pictures are more than amazing, I love the married couples one in the forest, now that's fantasy.

Melissa Blake said...

Oh, that looks like the perfect summer weekend!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVE the bubble picture!!!

me melodia said...


Emma Driver said...

Oh, I love how joyful the girl in the red sweater looks, so very very happy. :D

Foodmotion said...

I love spending week end like this:

I adore your last picture

Anna said...

All of your photographs are amazing and beautiful. :)
I hope that sunburn gets better. Put some aloe vera on it!

Shukura Li said...

Did you take these pictures?
its not too clear they 're amazing if so


siniann said...

ouch that sun burn, looks really painful! I have had these too, even I use 30-50 cream, my northern skin isn't the best for the southern france ;)

Love the pics !


Kallie, Happy Honey and Lark said...

amazing photos! was that first one long beach li!?

Raj said...

Awww poor you, that sunburn looks painful! I hope you get better
These are beautiful beautiful shots

Kristine said...

You shoot amazing photos! I love love love love your blog!

Anonymous said...

The first picture looks brilliant! How did you take that kind of picture?

Slow-Eva said...

I love the picture in the forest! I would have loved having that as my wedding photo :)

A piacere said...

Fotos bonitas - fiquei apaixonada pelo seu trabalho.. Parabéns!!