Friday, August 27, 2010

A few things that make me smile

Bath Time
bubble beards,
kitchen objects shaped like animals,
changing Matty's wallpaper to ridiculous pictures,
Bruce, my new roommate for the week,
twinkly lights,
our new shelf
Moo's new shelf/throne,
Andy Milonakis
Andy Milonakis's "temporary" tattoo,
Film Crew
friends who voluntarily jump into garbage cans,
tough decisions,

Jimmy Fallon using my cat picture on his show,
cheesecake for breakfast.....and dinner,
city lights that match my toes,
Tree Swing
tree swings,
103rd Floor
and almost flying off the 103rd floor of the Empire State Building!


Laura Marie said...

You have no idea how happy your blog makes me.. I think you're a really amazing person, and I love your outlook on life..


yourstrulydear said...

i'm surprised they let you get that close to the edge, little lady! haha. these pics are awesome :]

Joke said...

Those toes are awesome!

emily said...

i love this. your blog makes me happy. and these photos makes me happy too.

a work in progress said...

Bruce looks a little shell-shocked lol! Has Moo been chasing him? :D

colormekatie said...

@ a work in progress- they didn't get along at first but they're starting to be friends!!

Chanel said...

The bokeh! Oh, the bokeh. Especially in those city lights photos - I could just eat it! Definitely makes me smile.

Also - Jimmy Fallon using your cat picture on his show is crazy! Your (cat picture) is famouuuus. :)

jacobian said...

really nice picture.I like seeing you on top of that building.

Laura Marie said...

Oh how wonderfully you know how to brighten a day! :)

A'n'G Johnson said...

YOU and your blog make me incredibly happy. I hope the knowledge that you spread joy to so many people you haven't even met yet also makes you incredibly happy!

Isabella Kiss said...

i love the picture of moo on the shelf. cats are so funny like that. and i love every picture you take of that critter. he is so photogenic! :)

Unknown said...

i love all your pictures! I seriously come to your blog just to smile :] keep it up!

saripondia said...


I have to confess that I come to see your blog to feel fresh and to connect with the joy of life... it always works!!!

Jet♥ said...

Wauw love the pictures! <3

Taylor K said...

Get down from there! You're making me nervous. I especially love the hollywood sign vs ponies photo. A tough choice indeed!

sperlygirl said...

your blog is pure joy. thanks for making me smile today! :)

Livi said...

Oh I love all your pictures! Great Blog:)

Anonymous said...

Really cool!

Lucy said...

Your blog posts never, ever fail to make me smile. Especially adore the empire state building picture.


Anonymous said...

You're so fun! i hope to meet you one day :D

Pieni Lintu said...

Last photo is very scary.. :D So low edges!!!??? :O

Your blog is so great!!!!

Raptor Plateado said...

i like the picture on city lights so amazing.. how you make this picture Katie???

Anonymous said...

Oh bubble beards how I miss them. They made up a huge part of my childhood.

Kari said...

If I lived in New York, I'd just want to follow you around. Not in a stalkerish way, but just because everything you do seems amazing! Magical, even. :)

Karen Wallace said...

You are so sweet!!! Love your posts. Karen

Anonymous said...

i love your bubble beard picture!

everything you do makes me smile. everything.

Heidi said...

If you could bottle and sell just a teeny bit of your enthusiasm for life, you would make a zillion bucks! I love stopping by here knowing I'll always leave with a smile on my face. Thanks so much for that~
Heidi - Heart and Home

The Gallery Gal said...

Your photography is amazing! All of your shots are so unique, I love all the color!

Michelle said...

WOAH how did your kitty get up there?

abataba said...

Beautiful post!!!!!! I love your blog. Did I tell you before?? ;)

Holly Knitlightly said...


Liesl said...

Fun, fun, fun and I love that last pic of cute!

Liesl :)

Anonymous said...

One thing that makes me smile:
Blog posts from you :)

RMb said...

this post made ME smile! thank you for sharing. :)
also, your roommate bruce looks like he'd get along with my cat steve. they both have that mischevious look in their eye...

Lulu said...

a) these pictures all made me smile, too =]

b) you're always so impeccable dressed! i love all of your dresses!

Dave White said...

Great Pictures Thanks for sharing them :)

Karen Travels said...

Hey Katie! Can I ask where I can find kitchen gadgets shaped like birds?! Soooo cool! Love your blog!

Karen D

Operation Smiley Face said...

yep, it worked. I needed a little plick up me and knew that visiting your blog would do the trick...
Thanks Katie. :)

XW said...

dang, katie, jimmy fallon? really? wow. that's incredible!

the things that make you smile often make me smile. (: keep writing these posts and taking these photos.

XW said...

btw, this made me think of you:

bichonpawz said...

Love Moo's new shelf! All these pics made me smile too! Thank you!!

Kaylia Payne said...

how colourful and pretty! I love how you see life!!

Euforilla said...

They made me smile too!!!
(Except the last one that scares me, but I'm afraid of heights :D)

Under Urooba's Umbrella! said...

Your blog is a button that once I 'press' (read) makes me smile!

Maria-Miruna Plesoianu said...

and you make me smile :)

Salome said...

OMG , im totally loving your pictures. And doing bubble beards are so funn rite :D :D
your blog definitly makes me and obviously alot of other people smile , thankyou :)

saoirse said...

How can you ride on a swing and snap a picture at the same time?Boy, your new roommate is handsome!

Anonymous said...

you will like this too


Tanya said...

Your photography makes me happy :)

Viiivi said...

love the pictures ! Where do you get all your inspiration ?

Priscilla Castro said...

I love your blog.
It make me smile...♥

Martijn Mendel said...

these photos make me so happy. That Andy boy looks so cute by the way. Now i'm going to eat cheesecake!

Amy said...

I'm a BIG fan of the corkscrew bird.

Vanessa said...

Your blog makes me smile every time! Congrats on getting on Jimmy Fallon!

indeazgirl said...

The city lights that match my toes part made my heart skip.

Cadence said...

That is one WICKED bubble beard!!!

Anonymous said...

Visiting your blog is helping me through my depression. Thank you. Sincerely. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Katie! I am an Art Teacher and the director of a non-profit.. Rewrite Beautiful.. we change how girls see beauty in themselves with Street Art... we just did a "Katie Sokoler Street Art lesson" with my kiddos... they loved it and YOU and YOUR art! Katie is BEAUTIFUL! I'll send pictures soon.

melifaif said...

You are so amazing. That's all.

Elisse said...

Awesome pictures, just like always :)

Cassidy Dawn said...

I just want to let you know you inspire me to do amazing things. I'm a photographer and a dreamer but I've lost my way recently. Hoping That I soon will be able to bring myself back to reality and bring my dreams into focus.

Juano Beni said...

nice work! :)

Samantha said...

so cool Jimmy used your photo :) I'd be soooo happy!

Laranj@ said...

As usual: great!
Take a look at my space, it is written in portuguese but everybody is very welcome ;).
See u soon

sandr-A-licious said...

Hey :) I was feeling very down today so I came to read your blog, cause I know it never fails to cheer me up :) Thank you and keep up the good work!

PS. where can i get my hands on animal shaped kitchen objects?
PPS. Moo <3